Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

ITHE ARTS' I A bargain for Qld. WITH ils scarcely munifi.,ent mainlt'nanct' and pun·h1111e gr11nl of $150,000 annually, lhe flut'cnsland Art c;anery •nu1-t ~rforee Mpend it11 monc)' with lht' gn•alest dis.·rt'liun - ncn, m11yhe, with parsimony. 8 eve n•figur"! " nl11e Poles·• and its ilk &1 L' luxuries beyond l ht! wild• e s L d re a m . or th~ 'l'ru s l ees a nd d tr~cLot Raoul Mellish, huL Iha t has not 1>ce\·eu t..• t h ,•111 - nnd lhelr tJl'~dt:CCS,"tl ll S Ule rri~~r~~~llll~~:rec~1~:~ U111t In ~ome d!.!(Jurl– menl~ ls the e n vy or lh t~A 1 ~rr~~,s Jn ~t,\: ~ si.at ~~ Tho.L rrlendly en vy is likely LO be lnten,'lfr.d hy news or U1e hlt~st 1,ur– c11a:1e Co n11lle P1 - anrro·s "La Les.'4tve l:l Eragny" ("Washing Day ~~ro~~~ 11 lf.~ 1 c~rLc~~lc!r· Mr. Mellish, it was my f{,~'~:eek. Lo see durin~ As rar "" ls known. :er6:.~1 11 ~nl~ 1~~~~~. 5 ot111 1; Auatralla; two c1re 111 Victoria's Gallery, LIie other In Sydney••. 1nc:'dt1}~Lr~,! li~~t sn~} en v 1 , while B)'dney's N•lntin~ - a canvas 0111,\' r.~t~'!'( :r.,gr.. t~r ~!~:=,~ haa nothing to dn with quality &nd does not 11eu - 1110arUy have much IC ally, Influence on it& val– ue>- hM &n estimated value ol ,200.000 "La Les• • lve • Eraany" waa se– cur-od ror a real bargain r.:;1oe or £15,300 sterllnf :J>:~n~~~•Y ,2•. 00( • .::~r.~tl~~ 10 :.1t u:~· UL~~~ i::ne 1~ 11 t,~ 1 ~"r~n~~•~~~~~ tryalde, with IUI domi– nant greens and It.• In– dication or the lnLere•t or ~l: 1 :, 1t~~ll p1'i~'ll~J~11 1 \1:u:~~1-, Wt!r cr,rrh!d o,n b \• t lie– c h 1111·1111c1 u o r ll"USlt.'tM,, Sir r.,•(111 Tro 1Jl, durtnJ a ft."Ot.'ltl O\'~r,"'>dd..'-i VI. tl. Tll1/'\ 1 .... ·, m 11 or .wqul– s 1t,011 tor ~ 11..:h lll'~ lu \ I'/'\ {ll ld t h e COll\11111- ll lty 01, t! a dehl o l " rat• ilt1d•• to t h • Qu~c11,•du.,11d G<.1ll1.-•n iHJ' hon llc• .., I n1 .1 t: I n e whal Uu•~· mii; ht lw :.t ht!I lo do • •llh :1 mur-, rt•illi..,llt• Go,·rrn– flh'nl a;raut '. 'La Lr:i. ...n e ,L Er~,LC11y·• IS 1101 • .'h'L 0 11 puhllc rtt.:,• !t!~J,! 1 ,·s~ l:.."'~.~Y1~-~/(.>(~ 1 ~~:. d ~t)',i . h i, a ha1,11y cohwl– d enct ltu,l u,,. C.alh•ry ha, conc.-urre,ul~· ber.n ahle lo anm,unce lhe r1! 1· ~lpt ot l"'' o notr"11rlhy ,eitl.!'i; one In ldnd, lhe other ra!>h for thr e1'tilblt~hnwnt or an annual art prize. 'I' h t . gl'ncrous 11c– k11owled,it:ll1l.'nl ti of the f;~ ':f~e ~fret 1 ~1 Lt~t c~~,~~~~~ ni ty dn11.,· attention to t.he fact Llrn t a con~ld– erable ,,,u ·t of th e Stute·s collect1011 h a.-, bt?en ac– quired t-hrough Rlfti; and b,y:;t..\ 1111l nnl all Ute Oallery·s t.retlSUl'CS art" Ill t.he form o( putntlng.'!, dnudngs o.nd scult>tures: ~tu,l;~;'i.'i:!~:1~1pl~a,';;, rT~; art.-; 111 nther forrtt,i, e\'en rur111ture. When It some.Ii on dis– J)ltt}'. a.-. it undoubtedly eventually will. Dr. Er· nest Singer's bequest will surely be round to he " r:::•! ~t~~. l~orLh~e 0 :t au Rrdt ..llL Olld k11owl– Cllijdi.1.hll0 cullc.-ctor. Mrs. LIIIH111 P!:!dCr~ n•a xtr,uucly ~eucrous i;irt. cannot he e:.llma ted m 111urc ten 11.s or dollrtra and cents: 1t. Is inq,0&– s1ble to culoulHte Lhc 1,0- tcntml or lls impact on Lh~ ruture or urt 111 th1H cou,Hry smce I undl!r• slrmd t ll(' 1>roposed IJl'l/.clll will ue anuln hie to ~, t- 1~ts tluoughotll Ausl1a– im. The fun11 or 1he ~,et. 1s chu1·actcnst1c or Mrs. Pe– tlr rsl'n, c\'tff sl11c-:.: I h !.t ve known her -and for long hdorc tluH - s he llit.'i 11ot only been a d-:d1c:1t<!d IU'll!H In [l \ 0 ,t rlcty o( medilt. but hH8 been an c~:, 1 !ti~ir ~:~orukr~~ t1~~ !!~ counu;ement or il.s young practit 1011~rs. Tho Hall Dozen Group or arU • ls ~he wati ln- 1trun1ent.al In roundlnc throe and a halt dee.... •i• ,1111 llourlshe• - 1111 pe""onnel chan1ed, tta numbt!n- lnarf"ased bul. sllll Imbued with &he •plrlt In which II c•– lnlo beln,r, Arthu1. or some st.and-– ln1 have ern~rged from Its r1mk" bul. whether that were so or not, the ent hu~tasm or Mrs. Pe– dersen·s miMionary aeal wo•Jld not h11\"e been ml&• 11laced. May •he be with us t.o pre.i;ent many of the tut• ~:~~.!.'~"'u}!'t'u,~ 11 ~1~ ners will remember not only th~ name enshrlrwd l\\e t~~l~it~~\:d,:u:,t~ Its donor - for ll Js ~ r• l • I n Lhat wlll n,,ver 'Labor ·impetus to arts' - ·Dean THI WHITLAM ...,.,0111eM he4 9IH0 ttHI im,et• lo the •ttt lo A1t11,ello, the Ao1lice11 DHo of l•itNoe (Dooo Gee,11) .. ~ 1011 oi1h1. ' 1-'f!~=~~! 1 c;.1~~F1~n,\A~~~n~ 1i1ho\\ 1 ed how fey,• artist.A t.hrre wPrf' In ., u.urallft. But, ho 5ald lhf M>P• port. gi\•en th• art.• - 1nd in p11rt1rul11r. cnm- ~"ri~lJ ~t:!:t:' c~ne;;; In Altitudr.,;, T h" ,:,tMbli htd llll.W·m of nrt., 111 A11s1r11 ila t\'Q'i ~1~11~~t ;~g!~~~d :~~n::1•;:~~ thRt. crRfl a nci rh, H1- c• ll•d tine aru ~·•r• no1 lePAU t~. Preview D , " n n t o r a ., ~·u opcnm i;i: ft pl'P\'iP.w C'I~ ll .~u~tr11 llan Rroadrl\..Sttn.ll Comm ie. 1nn !1lm on Thf! .~tl'lrallRll Fl)'ing M t ~C"llOOI. fi nd llti flXlilbll lon of P• lnlh1~• , nd p<>llery br thf' .,rhno 1 ·, tut.or ,. Hf'I , alr1 th,. ,r hc)f'II 1 .u . 1 01\f' Of Iht 1110 .. ful ,,w omr.• nf Pllf l\\ll'ftJil:fl'lllf'\0 1 1 Art.II: Tit• -~.a.r . folm t, 11, th, ,;;:ton• or at·t l.t:I M,1·• , ,. n '.\o1 o r 1 11 r t r i ·ho l1111rnf-rl to ri~· tm 111rrraft .. th•n roo'it If ro th• Queenslond O11to• ek ro t!o ch P<!OPle ort. Th@ -'"t'hOOl'-!l LUtOr.!t \'1~· It 24 rPntrH • nd tt&ch n•lnt lnlt. •culptUJ'f , .,Ilk ,rrM,n prlnt1n1 ,nd J)Ol· r, n ·. :--:•x t , ., r lh e ~1'11001 • 'ill OJM!n c@ntrt~ Ill N~i,- South IV•I•• and rh• :-lor hnn Torrtlor;·. (OU~ll:R. MA,._ British artists ·excellent THE Brlttsh Coun– .l · ell travelling ex– hibition, British Art– ists Prints now on view at Queensland Art OA.llery, evide nces ~hat ,he democratic ~ t form h11~ n ttrnc t– ed most or the major pa.Inters, as well as sculptors Henry Moore and Pio :.:zl. Abou print& re:ch• U.ui :s, °"rR phs, screen ~~~t;~t.h~~~~~~c~r~~au~ 8.lld corer Wt :he m1un :cuncerns m ror:·~rucil•Jn, a b:-LJ'ncuon. or a.r .. !"'OP art. •&nd new flguro.w.on. .-.. !\·fort relevant, howc,·l'r, th&n ptgeon• holin, st-r.es ~ J.,, t..ht excell~nc, of :n• 'tllvldual Ar'.lst., und t hetr WC'rl<. hcrr. Nea r'.y 30 of lhrm 11.re ·reprt sentrJ. l here l\.TC some .,,11-,~tr• . pl.CC ('S herr tn thr ln\f'l'' .\ t' use a1 trrJum 1L.! r'r·, :cc" ,JU1d me,t.n. \\ ! r '1 ru1:> , clCed w:'.h or .. 'tuln ·,,re!, oa.r:lcu".Ar modr5 or l' \ - .,•.D,{~~•o~Xhiblt.lon deser\'eS clc,...r ~, td\' and a.ill c·o • .. tr,t>ute .:.:eh :.o the B. ;>N' · •chn.. on .. ,v <'nlY ('\f modrrn ' j.): ,nt.inak , , b':lt Qf ~~ ?:-/~~ e~.., fo/' 0 ~[~~\'J e:-.· • ~-rrsslon. por~raynl of human situ· ation.s and also t hrough In· trii,;u:ng complexlucs or spO~~g Weight re,·eals h ,,:– den ueautics l\nd nry~t.ttn e., In things, w&110r &nd rain, '"WL~g i~~[rs·1s de\'elo~d s'owl\' and he uses photo• ~rap~.lc t<,clllllQUCS very crr.\~l\e:~• n.,;, a mcnn."'. to express h i'- lyr ic.al s 1 ,iraL~ons ru1d cons1c!r ac.st. . CllC scnslb:l\t1C~. Hr often e\'nk"~ o. sense or ~tt ·~~,;~~~l~~-r in t.he nund.