Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

PLANS FOR PREMIERS' MEETING '"Joh"''Will ask for aid to create iobs By Pol,t1col Reporter PETER T , HE Premier ( Mr. Bjelke-Petersen ) will seek unemployment re lief funds for pro cfuctive" road and water conservation projects at the first Prem ie rs' conference 0 · the new Federal Government. He said yeste rda y he welcomed t he p ropos al of the Prime M ini ster \ erence earl y in Februa ry Dam work fmph•111r11 1t 1,,n nl tJu· R ll 11 f1 A I) t r ~ II t • .:11 IIll! p rn1<'1 I \\0•1lt1 •,1.,hlr l h1 ·' HUlf JOd .,, r lO rxp111 IUH.1 l'\J)Ol"l lm·o·ne io ln – l'ft'a ,I' Con... rr 11 • 1l11 of 1 h r l'lkP·~ C:1,•rk dn 111 nr nr O11011tll\\'lt1d1 \\0IIIC1 RIIOI\ t > l1•1-i:-. 011 r1f ~~rw11 lt1irr 111 th" nrf'a l"hr Pr"m,,·r , 111(1 ,, Irle SC'Hlr r mp!O \ mrn t nr>· J)Oflll ll\lH' , ,, ouln OJ)f'll u p 1! 1H1rk 1·ou!<1 tu•i:111 nn l ht• (i lad~l<lllt' 11h1111t1u1 srn<'l'rr And Ihr Wr1p11 s h 1111111a l'l'l il}l' r\ T hr se trnct hf'f'll rlr– ln ~rd h.,· thr 1x 1l11"1rs n! 1he Jormer L1bor Cilll"– ernment. · A ~melter a1 G l.1d..,10ne "fH1ld lead to , lw ,·on– M1·uct1011 of ftllOI IH•r CI– Rlll l'lcctrlcity pm, r r ,"l!li- 111111 In the Star. f'hl" Prf'mirr .,11!0 I,, 1\0ll lcl Rilll 11 lsn RI rl!: r11:,.,111il. func1, rnr 1111• -g·, 1\ lJ a n e 1111! ,,1,,,_ l.1'1111 dll011 ~C'hCIIII'. ,Ill ~'/~\~!~1:t 1 e C!a\' 10 :.\~1 li~',i /unrts after thl5 ~·cur. C:onstruc·u on of thr · At. W1c a pprnpn:11c J ul1w, Dnm Al .\II, 1:-il I!me a.t lhf' COlllCl'CIIC • ~':. 0 .punl, 0 1 _}?1Ht 1 ,b 1 .1 0 e,t 11 hrr, 10 n 0 11n~~rt? ,· 1"11 he tulk 111i:,: nh!Hll ,,. u 11 v Juncbi Ull ll11t1:,.111i;. ~~: 1 !\'itr Rn h$..,;;un•rt Wiltr r " \\lr rr rrr., l·oncernrd hUP ,' 1 In lt,,t t' :-. ,, '1'111111'1.t I H Jo of f •n \~nd rrn,cb rum ., rr .sithrc; lor tnlu11d lllf ~" 1 1 · , h't":.. many of ,, h lL , h.:, r l·:osed clown. , "M~nv counu·\' 11u1.. ~rrnrP'\ hoa bcr n rh1111 - 1111 1f',I. • r ile Prr1111r r ,,1111 no ~·a ir income tn:-. \\1;11!c1 lw 111trnducect. The A.L.P. h:111 t rl<'d to lrRd elector!I ,1-.1 1,1:, un th ,, \\'ll,d \\ Oll:ll h11p1~ 11 \U •u.cl h1• 111,11 thr S1:1 t<: fnr \Jir !:r,1 tllllt ·,rn1hi Ct'l ,I IIXt'CI pl'f4't'III lt.:l' nf ti11~ lll('0lllC 1H \: J'f\ 1'1111(' nh:,uned b\' IIH' FNlrtul tim crnmcnt. Tllrre woulc1 hf' an cq11ull~ation cJ:1 u,,· 11111 · the 5malh'r ..:1111r.• wo1:d not suff,·r i·11lll– l' ,i ••d Wll.h lhP 1,11 " S l,, te, 1h,• r :·em1er !<.,,in tu~ \\ 011111 rat~ ttt Lh, t·nr fC't'cn1·1· · he mat rrr of t·o– ,,,,nrnt 1,111 hC'I\\ CCll l h l' Ci1111 mo11 \\"r1tlth IHh thr F, : r\ I r i"Olll'l'I lllll~ 11 1r f i •1•.1t Bnrrirr n rrf and 1-,r :1 k 11wn1 ,11 the Papua ~ t' ., c; ,1111•11- Au~tnthR bo: nrr 1.-nu.~.