Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

~ .//,. Y/r,1/ 'lllf'l/; r/JII -/411/, r.J 1/ 1,/,, !z1r, _,;,J/r//7r/ .d-1 r¼~/'f rr; 1 ,I IA, JI, •""'' "/_'y1wr rrw;,1 1 ,~v _r;· .. 2'/..,,..P, .!/vd Looking at Japanese art BRISBANE gets to HI the a~azing Jopane,so art exhibition tomorrow, complete wolh domonstratoan too ceremonies and the exquisite practice of calligraphy. The assistant director al tho Quoensland Art Gallery, Mr Bob Cunningham, said ii will be ano of the most exciting exhibitions in Brisbane. It Includes hard edge abstracts and a selection of new forms of realism submitted by 800 Japanese artists. There are uamples of photo realism with pictures printed an plush •elvet, conv~s and Ii~••: A~other artist has mimicked photo roahsm by paontong on all the dots of a giant-sized blow-up, half-Iona photograph. Thtre ore 100 pieces in the exhibition, which was In Melbourn• over Christmas. The show is called Trends In Today's Japana.o Art, '7S and stems from a travelling exhibition which began 10 years ago. The tea ceremony is a "Usu Cha", the short tea ceremony, as opposed to tht longor green tea ceramony. ,.1 1/, (lt , .,·,/ f)f, 11), "/ de G -i,/r;,,./1 $?,,,,,,/.; i'/7 .?};,1,-,f .1/a/,a/lrJC ._%,/ /,5 /_., d, 1/",,,, "' I r.v; mm/ 1</:y, rM / //4. ,5li;•i' aamol'II u , ~'l-. cl . ..:/,-/,.,r: ,:t ;':;,--c ,,/ .J:J{" ,-4,m. 1.. /,.; tl -Zr .;/( _/~,. . .(/f . 7 .//., 1,1, ,9 :-;, ,r. J I, ~/ _,, , )/ ,., / · ;! / A~ ·' ·oc, ~,.( ~ . J l u. /cl A.,,/ ;r,,,,,/ ../t.11. ( !J:,ul'P.- SUNDAY MAIL, BRISBANE THE ARTS "f'h(' Q uf'1•11s!n nct na l !(', _\ ti111'lt'I \ I!'! IH'!lll I llllh ..'CrU' llf':O:l Thtll.-.fl:J\ \\ It it a ,l:tJM ll\''-f' Tc•:t Ct•r• f'll \1111\ tn <. nmplPn W t 1hr 1 ;;.F:';~J: 1 111 !;.~J~I~}:I Jl:J~:.i Bumper harveS • tll'.'-1' :\rl 7•~· ,11 11,. :,•m• po:·11n· ~:dir t")' 111 A111: l rt'{'f. Tilt· .-.0••14•1 \' hns onw 11 - b rd 1hr 1'Nr111onv 111 ec,:1- J\1/1( 11011 \\'llh t ht! :\ u.,trh• 11.1 .J,qmn ,'<K'l('tJ . In new season- .\Ii,, \'ou11:uh1 .1, ill bo r o11<ili'"LIIU! lh(• Cf'J"('Jll011y nml l'rotc-., m· .l<ar,• At·k· rnnl will rxp!:dn I he fi. 11'' 1' mcirnln~ bchmd the r11 1ml. __ THIS week has seen the rlrst stirrings of the burgeoning of the 1976 11rt season whlrh, from the variety and qu11llty of the blossoms that have already burst their buds, will produce a bumper harvest. ;\~r:,,. .Pat i\lclllck I~ 1hr. :-.or1c1 ~•s ucw prr ~1rtcni IUHI she will he rr,•cin11p C'IICMS Oil lh l' night. Tilt' r\'Pllfll~ Is npcn to nil. f he ,lnp:lll('S(' rxh1hlLl011 " 111 ruu from F'cl>r uary :1 to ~9. Offerings, already el– l.her expoaed to ,•lew or about to be, cover a ran g e from "Today's Jal)llne•e Art" 1Queen•– land AJ1. Gallery) to a gal.herlng or Ille paint– ings acquired from the Oald Const annual art show as a nucleu6 lor the prol)OSed Oold Coast City Art Oallery's collectlon < I n & t It u t e or Modern A•tl. Among the two-dimen– sional works are paint.· lngs. which Include hU(le 5 trlklng on•• In hyper- f~~.!1~~\t::~~;~f•~i':.~~: rial•. Rnd many use pho• tographs; ocreenprlnt,s turned Into tonta11tlng curtnin~ : thr mo~t. mov- l~iferc &ef~: 011 {1 1 ~~ Is "'b; MoriakR. 'l'hrre nre numc-rous photogrRphs. same or them bnsed on un_usual a 11 d lnterr~ttng ideas. such R.-; Sh1J1,i'~ who LOOk • photograph. then mnde 11 pllllll lnt,! from 11 trnd 1 hrn rxhlb1t-; t .h~ photo· ~r•ph or 111, r•ontlnR. to!i'~°Wrrs~;~ne:u~~l~,1~ < McInnes Oallerles> to Llanel and Norman Lindsay worka that have only now been made ~;:-~Ja ~:Jie~~~; dlsfr~J; I.he most basic <radltlon- :ib~W~~'1~8 ~ 1'!.1i':tet'i;'~ -~fJ~!tr~ctf~~~~.ed ~~1:t'~: Mace Fine Arts Oallery 1. The week hos nlso seen I.he opening or a new gal– lery of at least n.n exten– sion or an existing one to nccomrnodnte the works of artists wh prefer or enjoy "painting big". H Is patenUy Impos– sible Uial all thot Is ol- ~~!t~,y ~~~1i~1cre1 tn a:1~; short rc\'lcw - nil wilt be noticed ciuring t.hc lm– mcd!nte future - :,;o first let us look at on <xhlbl– t.lon that emJ>loys n "taste and try" technique lhnr could nch 1 an1.agcously be ad{.~~:r 1 i 1 ~orr11:•Jdt~tin·ey a,, In noon,· or ~he !tf'i11puirr~. 11 nd in 1~1any or t,he Iwo•d1mrn~1onRI wor~. there I~ f!1i ~ lt1• \'eStlKRt Ion ol reality and llhoslon. tn nddit ion. Artists fl1't conctrntd with problem~ n r pollul.lon. dest.rur– tlon or the en\'lrnnment. m•chRnlAAtl0n •nd the '76" showing at the Town Onllery <77 Queen Street, 2nd level> - wl1lch also ~ ~Jal~fu ~:t .. ~'f: pafntln1" annexe, a well– I I r h te d balcony room ave r Ia a k I n I Queen Street. Here la displayed an admirable cross-section or works by the artlst.s who will be exhibiting ln one-man shows during I-he year-Including Ann Oraham, whose contrlbu– Ubn wheta I.he appetite for her showing to come ~rat:.W 1 ~,:lch an!m 11 tJ~; CO m b In e d WI t h the– Jnunchlng or her book "Australian Outllnes." J o h n Coburn, John Dorrack and John Rigby 1wlth two strongly ron– trasted dellght.s I are also represented: Alan Bak– ers superb flower studies and there, son Gary's bald yet delicate land– scapeo Indicate growing senslllvltv and security. To m Oleghorn ex– pressing hlmscl In a somewhnt more eomplcx and nttracth·ety colourful style than before l.s a welcome visitor and Pe- ~~- BJ!~fJ' ~;nt,;"~,'~;i Pro HnrL tin excellent form ) hang •Ide by side. wilh Mnrgo Lewers n11d June Strphenson conlln• 11!11~ to de\'clop their nr– t.ist..c Ideas. This ls an nbsorblng showing - diverse an extremcl)' hllh quallt tbat, I suspect, must h =~f~~d ~1':c~for!'"~• sure the hannon han&lng or so many re rent &tyleaL aubJ and colour comulnatfi lntheZl :,eanal ~=.: =-=. 1nnm Ml lal'e Ila Uttle or hlslory la ..,.., aloae. ' He leaves no daub& his alflntty with bulldlnga ln his e lion or remainders al. "0Ur Vanlshln11 Herli' t41ge" now on dlsptay In the Mclnnea Oalterles \Rowe·• Arcade, Adelaide Street). Mr. Treblloo does not attempt to portray . his subject.. with an ·'every stone, e\'ery board" ap– proach; nor does he un– duly romanticise the11.1, Nor are they ni.– q u a s t-photagrnphlc ,.._ ~~d~i~~~~erl ~~:~h=– ~~,m~e:~: :\'::~;~~t~ :i ! m 5 o:;Jg~~/:,'~ly t';fft e: 1".J'ildt~~;s~~uc~~ng~:. ": wns n labor of love. Nat that there could hnvc been much Jo, 1 c in the lnbor al crontlng !Ji, Old Oovernment store, Wllllam Street, or even, p e r h n p • , Newstl!ad House.