Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

TELEGRAPH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 , 1976 WO.odwork )lrti'St['Y ~., QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY Ith Floor MIM lulldlnt, 1,0 Ann Street, lrllhnt, FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Tuesday 10 August 5.30 p.m. THE INVISIBLE LANDSCAPE 1AM SIMI THI COURIH-MAIL WID, HI, U Ina ................... .. ·- QUEENSLAND ART -~~~~i~~ '''II·~ 5th Floor, MIM Building, l 60 Ann Street, Bri1bon• JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY TWO DEMONSTRATIONS (BY PUBLIC DEMAND1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, AT 12.JO anti 2.00 p.ffl. i~'fugh_ the fco 0 urtosy of the Deportment of Japanese n vers,ty a uoenslcndl and the Urasenke Schoel of the Tea Ceremony_ Kyoto. : The Trustees regret that fire safet re I . r1 restrict Galler-; vis,tors to 300 ot o~ gu ot,ons e,11111111111 11111 11 11 11 I I 1 ,1 1111 Il l I 1111 11 l •l 'I 1~1 1':17:i1f~~I. IJ I • THE COURIIR-MAIL SAT. Fll. 21 1976 :·.,,.····auiE.Nsu·No"'"1Wr· GALLERY .. Sth '1eor, MIM lull""' 160 Au Str1ot, 1,1,1,e~ JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY TWO DEMONSTRATIONS (BY PUBLIC DEMAND) TODAY, flBIIUARY 21, et 12,JO ontl Z.OO P '" Throu~h the courtesy of the De • • (Un1vers1ty of Queensland) ond~h'mJnt of ~aponese of the Tea Ceremonv.•K~~~~n I School T~ Trustees r~grrt that fire sof~t rest11ct Gallery vmrors to JOO Y r~ulotlons :: ot any OM t,me • 9Jll11llll !il tt 1I t I i.I 11111 I It II il 1itu ill 111111 111111111 Il l I 'I IUl l'IILl ll..,111 ••' Gallery's image far from dull THERE was onre II popular ronception of s ta te ,\rt r.allerlH a,; pla,·es dull hcyond brlicf; ,..ht<re l11fre11ucnt ,·isi tors parked their umhrellRs at the reception deu (by order) and, adopting suitably sombrl! mien, 1·onversed, if Rt 11II, in muted whispen1. 11l\l nnd h •~hly mter 4 c., 1 lfll-! u·dullQHf>!I,. WhPre morf' or less \' I\ I 11 . h I e ,~rnlll~ by lon~rleKtt art I:-ts were :-.t.n,·krd 1n must y ~\.,ire rooms, <.kCMlonully µl·t- ~~!~ns ~!~ht-~ras~ drn~:~~ Tht t)fllV word to dt•– ~c r1l1l' I\..!) 11ll\lUC1 on t"\'r?l the shortr:;t. ac<111ainl– a11t1 ,._ '·!)u1nntng". u ls nnt a11 ~xhih,unn to be WlllkC'd t hrou~h and ad- 11urrrt ll must lie ,·le<A·rd t \ltlf! lUld f\81lln und 11,!l IJl"A' IWf.!16. It.~ st111n lint,1u11. 11., l!IHt.f,n!lH.I hln, \,hor- or tl ,r Hltrndnnts felt ur • ~rr1l n•·t'd or I\ changf' of :--1·t:1wry. Jn i,.htH"L, \llRer!– tn he nv• ildrd by n I but t tie arcknt culture cru11k. lf a11~· 1,11c h tdcu f;tJII pre\ :-1Us 111 1'l\lr commII• 11\ly, thr prf)i;l'T'F..'>l\'e \'1111)1 • It' \' o f t.ht ! Q Ut't'l\.~la1u!- 1\ rt Ciallrry IMlM fh1!ltl- 1n'l, A11 11 S ,1 <1ur111.: t ht• tl\., t )rn1 or t.w(1 •,llf"l11ld tuwc d<mr nrnr h \il re· n111Vr \l Re r 11r r e nt \: .!ti n~ s lHlWS n f fU of :~ Kfl'J\l r ,,n,zr nf , q ·lc•s 11ntl p<•1 1- 1111,. n.•gul1Lr :-.1111!1l111~ ,1! l h c eitrcme ly d1n•ro,,t u111J vttl\lRblr c ,,11rr1 ton nnd a ~f"ncral 11111\ ,. tn– , ,mrt.ls 1n\oh·m 1oC •he ('nrn– muntty a.a a. ••holr m t lH' l)(?a11tics and. 1ndrrd , 1h r sp,ntunl nerrMllY f thC' urt., have nrnrtr thP Q .~<i ~~a!~~du~r:c~n,;~;y '\?~; rrnlrt!'. 'Mlf" currN1l shov.·ln Jt of Trrnc1.-. in T odoy·s JllJ\1\– nr ~,. A rt ,!l \!; a sup(,rb ('"(UltlPI<' uf 1.hr f,1rv.·arct– \ook111g pol1<'Y. a mA£l' · nlfi<"f'nt col1erl.ln11 of thr • •ork of 57 Rrtlc.L~ ol ,,,_ (ltlV thfll h R.S rrAt \J,•,1 nr,,_hnnr nn 11.s WI\.Y r1111nct the world i)\~n~'t l~~~;~1::';j· M'htt-,·('- mfflt . I he bnlh1'11ce nf lho\l~ht tha.t haa been ~;i';!d11,~n.~11W~E Q.l~l't 1 11 r a• m u c1 c r n rorms. !rave l\w ,·1,wcr ,and LIH• re,·1rwf"r 1 noun<lcrmp: fur word~ tn r:<vre:c-. hL.-. rt•· u('l lclll• .., Th<' rP u r,· :--o•nslttve hn – P"t'~'ilOn.b t IC' p 1N'P5 511Ch -~ ~ Or\O Ima.I's ('nl\R~•~ on ;J n n c , "lt<'r17J.>I\ ·, '\ 11\.'-, pop 1\.rl J.ke 1l1• 11'"tll --.: w :1nkn's " PMl - 1' r r , ,. 11 t · J-'Hturt"" u.,,ntt nn un o . t •,r . minute m (' rt I u 111 • L .lo su.10·,; h ighlV orli~ttlfil nu t\l\d '"°rylic •·$tr"<'t 8Cerw ·· Thor• ..,... 11hOlOJnlPM of • ~aut J and u-U.dry ,-c-ldon1 JriN"n : thttt t11 (io Shl1l's ..,,·hoto from Pie · \Uri' No. 2" wblah es• ptoUs th,. a.rlbt's hlr• of ~~t 11~: ••PJ~ti~f~~~ \~;7~, 1~:::,lr::.to1·r,1ph• "!-~~ )!'1;r ~~~~~Y: ~ rve.n R " 1.t.n1(')l11r•,!" In ~\~~1~'p/:l:-~i.-;~ •r~rW~ A rt.1~u, arc coneorned wit h \.he 111at' n-:-; o r to· daii.y·:- 9o'orh1 1>0llut1nn. If'"::~:I~~'. I ~i.~~ • ~:~1~1\; ~funumti ni,t ··;uNUHt••· mrnt,s " :-.uch e.., K1kuma Moch1111k.1'.s ' S11hsl.... '1J1l l:J and 11\.~UbSW-flLH\J 1111• u <_;i•,"' To n~Lc;t the v1e~·er in under .... t..1 nc1 11tl-C lUld up 4 pn•cin.llOII of hoth the v.ork f\r • 1 t.h,.,, a1 t \!'I, r arh a ,•,n IS f\, romplUHed b y a ~hort !'it 1\ 'ement by the fl r t 1 ~ t r ul\:'~•rnLn't h1a 1clf'f\.', nnd r\ m."--. w;:,;\''bl t.s~r~•~1.~.. ;xt; 1 t~;.~\~~, anrl :-.j ,irltHlll t. r et..c;, 1-1111• I\' 11lll5 t not be 1·Hascd hY nnv art- \ovrr . Nor shnulct thf" ~n!i1 4 th•e. ~Mplcaclou.. a~ ..,.urlul dnlWlnir., ol Ml– c-haf'I \Vlnte~ "' &be \ 'k: .. tA.,r M""r f'h,r Art Gal .. tery I 10 ('lnln R,(\Ad, 1\0'4'4!0 lllll'4 I bt O\'U– lookrd. Nol only it=; Mr. Wlll· l"r"', 33 a mR~' f' r of the P•'ll nnrl [\ dt'dlCl\ted ~\~~t_~c11ifn~~lu!l.n ~n~ ol ~~ ~-\~~:~~l~ ~1\'1'1 1 ~~~r on S()("IBl f'\"I IR or rC'll\l..lon .. .11l11 fl5 rl1mt'fi d lrNi. from 111(' h NU"\. Ln p 1t-res 11kt \!le ··F.\'1dence of th<' Ill rnan ·· srrir:- R.nd lh~ ,:,, f ~\,'i1 .f,hr-~;/•!,;·fl 1f !"~" Ph\\ ll~ Friend '',