Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

.JAPANESE artist Norlhlko Mlnodl\ with Queensland Art Gallery director (Mr. R. Mellish) looking at a three dimensional work In wood, part of the Japanese art show at the gallery. Pencil poised for Ayers Rock THE grandeur of Ayers Rock in Central Australia has impressed noted Japanese artist, Norihika Minoda, who is visiting Brisbane. Mr. Minocla, 11•ho mes mainly pencil for bis works, said he Intended Ml represent Ayers Bock In o~: ~ 1 \.f:~t';r1node.'• works, "Part No. 3-1," was presented by the Queensland Art Gallery Society to the gallery yesterday. The $405 painting Is on !~~ 1 .. Jorr~ b;1'~u~!V~~;· other Japanese artists. Mr. Mlnoda said the picture wa.s e. representa– Uon of e. Ma.ye.n pyramid he he.d seen while vis– iting Yucatan. He said he had been cutting cane In a field M Oklnowa when the in· splratlon or how to present the pyramid came to him, Th• largo abstra.ct TEA 1•.11 h nn . r, ('1110I tlm,,ur h, ,,,~ 1m1cd hy i\,\r H 1rnnii h r Ur h 1vnn-in n n rl hir.. v,if k.01nl•.r ,r, tr1<ln 1· Tl wv " rrc qur, rs of Mr ss /I • , k n Yomnr1n wl,r r rr,e,· rrcl a de,n c11, 1rn 11nn r f ,1,,.. J n nnnc ,r ,,,, o f rea mok111::i al lhc M I M br, rldrng. work ha.• Impressed Queell61a.nd Aft Ga.Bery director (Mr. Me!Ush) . " It is a very unusual and very elegant work with minimum drawing," Mr. Me111sh said. fu'Jjit ;a.sa ~ufett. P:,r;, Minoda. ha.s a strong feeling for simple masses. cl;~~ ~~• tl~t~ittPfr~'it; the society." Mr. Mellish •aid Mr. Mlnoda was the only Japanese !lrtist featured In the exhibition to visit Brisbane. He said the •hewing had been the most suc• ~r~~~ult ~~ve~h~ i~ 1 ~ti premises In the M.I.M. Building. A calligraphic work, "Spring", by Sh!ryu Mo• r I ta. • al.so ha.s been presented to the Oe.llery by the society.