Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

problems on • • rise 1n Qld. THE S~ote F~r~stry De_portm~nt's entomology section, established 14 years ago, IS rece1v1ng an 1ncreos1ng number of inquiries about termites. GOVT OFFICES GO FLEXITIME By QUENTIN DEMPSTER Queensland's 17,000 public servants could soon be working on flexitime - a scheme to vary their daily start– ing and finishing times. The f11ll COU JH•ll or Iii(' Stntc $ en 1cc Unmn Ja:,t ll!l!llt rlt.tc: 1ci 0 d to .u·l·t•pl a Plll)IIC' St.•J'\ Jee B on rd of– lt•r 01 a :--1:,.. - 1110111 11 lrl:t l lk'r JotJ of l lt·'\: I\ JIIIC JI\ ,u:·1011-, J.!O\ t.l"ll llh. n l. clt-– p1Lrt mPnts. Un d c r t ilt' :--1'11emr. Jmbllc: ~1•n:1n 1 .... W!!I be .th!t• lo 111,1 n:n11t 1· I IW,1" \\ u r l. I IIIH·~ :-,111.),lel'l 10 •tJ>· pr, ,,. 111 I)~· cit•J1.1 1't llH.'nt --ll– llf'l", l,11?':-.. 1· ,110 11 :,,r,_ n•l.1r , . :\l r 'l'<J.11 11':tl i,1('(•, , .. .,, . ~-.• llal Cl ' l.1:I-.; " ill 11:1 \t' t,, b t• \\ tll 'ht.cl u It \\ 1· 11 I /le i,1,,1rd T ilt• b,.,:11d 111:,1 t.' 'llf• '11 1 1 ... ~t I' \\' .. .. ( (_• (,J ;+t' I,: ,1 ,1 ., ,, ., :,, , , 11,1 ' 1' ',11• ... ,11•:1 ,t•. It ,I, ... IJl' l' I , , '1 If '., : ,_ • I I I:, { ', 111.1,1, \\ t'• . ; I 11, ,l .- 1 \'f .i: l.:L .-.IJ II\• L' ,•, (.',, ,' t, . i, l' • 111,, .1 :,,· !11' ..,,. , , ·\ t ' 1•r 11:•• · r .1. tl! ,\ ,, 1•rj Ill ' • JI• t • 1 q IJ•• t•'\ t'I 111 ; I' .1:' !-C'ilt'me Ollllined by thr lm:trcl. Mr WallaL'<' ,i:nld 1hn1 .'-l'ill' lll('~ ~Jro)Jn, ,•d lJ~ I Ii,• hoard 1ndurlrcl :in C'Xlf'll– "-lllll o: l>II'- 111'.'-"' I Ill!'!- IP :' 1.:tJ\ t'rn111rr11 <h·pa rt11u•n1.-. Ill Ull l.l.111110 1 ,1 i (' lh 1 Xl· 11111(•. .. W hf'I I 11 1,.. 1111 l'(lfl\U','(t 1.:i•nf'l'ul\.v 1lu' public or - 1.t' i"": O! 1111· I\• llll l'lll!1' !l''– ',\ ill Opt>II :II 11 l.'i ll 111 :\/HI l t11...1• :1 .-. I' 111, IH' "ll,ci ·\t pn•... f•1\I lltl'Y wrn' ,,11e11 1r, 1n 1 ri .1 m . w r, p 111. IL would 1111p ro, ,• t:11\ t'l rl lllt'lit .-.1•n 14 ,,,.., t\l ' hi' p11l1 it•. wit hill a 8 a 11\. 14"1 ti J} 111. 11111c•~;u 1. T i1 , .., \\ , 1,ld ••1w1Jlf' 1Ju•111 tn ,,r:..·,,n ,.. t· Chi\:,. , ,f ! (•ll , .. flJllf' 1,1·,·11 - ..... !C;ll~ lor ... , ,u 1~· itlld l(,1~– ,11'1• !H,rp1 ,-., " T he 1111 ,o n 1, .. 1.1~· np- 1111 d It! 'i11• ~1 ,1' 1 1111 11, ... - 11· a ? Corlllll , .. ;,,n lr,r lu ll \\1 ,:·I: \,L '.• lt' t ,1:,.f" • l l •\ f' l'tllJ' ;i l)0',11 f1(HI '-1:tl ~• l,.'l t\ 1' 1'11• llll'Jll t' 11p !0\ 1•1•-.;, Tilt' u11 1,111 .., \'-ltl l."- n rr– ., ......... ,1111 111 t\ l ! 111 \\ Ldt L.! 1 11• 11! .. , :11 1' l't l' h '-1 h i•C\l ..d ,n r:,r ,,r.' .,, , 1111.,n1,, ' ,\ :!J:,11 (fl'I\ Ill~ l lCl •llf f' , •I r 1 1•r-. .1 1111 <\ r t n ,,11,•,y show at Coast , la:::e":-'er.~:;.•~~f/1!~;.J:'. l''raok de Silva - now one of Queen!ll11nd's fort-- ::J:"\af!l'1:~hlblt1u"J"~: the Gold Cout on Satur– day, Once a picture restortr ~ at ~oe,nslanO-Xrt \ O.lltory;-h11 1\·nn the ,:al- ' ler:r',,--tnp award, the Richard• Prl••• aialnsl !'tom~ of Australla'tt IK"st~ !mown artl•h. Since then. he has ll'on pos1dbJ~· mnrr- awart1~ th11n an:, nthcr painter In the State. COURIER-MAIL SAT. APRIL I0 1976 QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 5th Floor, MIM Building, 160 An" Street, lrisl,11"• FREE PUBLIC LECTURE TRANSITIONS IN CERAMICS BY JEFF SHAW Sr,,ln, A,t Lecturer entf '""'""rl1nt .. re,t P,4'ul1P.nt Creft A.1111tlnh&" TUESDAY, APRIL 13, AT 5.30 P.M. ALL W ELCOME ·r ••,-,1 l,J~i• ~ ... ,.,,:, , .., illf"I"'"'' /r,r,,I'. R'"'~"tlU•ll It u111bl• 1"'1 1 1 •,1 A.,.,,.,11., n 11~ '"• 1• ,;1u1• , chl'dul•(I tr-r 1~, .4t'el ,;,.,,,.1, t,. • ,,., !1••,.,•t! ff'lt 1.-ro,-,11, ,C:i,t,i,:,.,,.., hn, 1,-,oj .,, ...,,.,,