Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 5 : Presscuttings, June 1972 - November 1976

THF OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF ~h~p .. " . . llr.i l qu1prnent ---JIIIII ,i (l,. ,,.,,,,.. ,, fl,,,,,,t.,P~ ''·"·"'"1' , r,, Issue N o 7 March 1977 In the materlala handling buel– neu, "know how" la • vlt • I element .. . Chep, wHh know– ledge acrou-the-forkllft-r • nge, have machine• to cope wtth moat requlrernenta. Addttlon– ally, •• an Independent com– pany, Chep la • aervlce organleetlon wHh acrou-the– range Hrvlce know how for anyone who calla on It• expertlH, Issue No 7 contammg A feature on mdependent service to mixed fleet owners. a forklift helps an art exhibition. the big ones 111 A steel situation and a Float glass plant