Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

"COURIER MAIL" Brlsb.ne, Q. - 1 OCT '9'4' Gallery closes to change its show JHE Que;nsl!Jld Art · Gallery has been closed or the last three days. and is likely to shut its doors aguin n ext week. Tbll la beln11 done public It was "cl111ed for lleaau11e &here Is not reltanr lnr." - .011rb .. aee &o allow , 1 tile llllbllc Inside while "In New South \\a es _._...,,._ the rallery has enouih --..ons are belnr space to let the public • ....._., Into other 11arts while . The rallery will re- rellanglng goe 8 on elae– -..a this mornlnir and where. ~ stay open for th &be ,.. 1 of tbb week. "Here we only ha••e e 4 irallery spokesman onr. ha nging area." .... lut nl.,bt : "WIien- It was expected the .._ we ban to cbanre ,:-u.llery would h:n-e to a . ._ emlbltlon we haTe close for part of ncn lle cilote beeauae we are ,nek to allow hanrlnr • •rt at 111aee." uf •nules In the H . C. •&1 • a ,.,G...,G IUc:hards Memorial Prize ~ i.,.. ai-. competiUon. • · .... an exhibition The , spokesman added 9' . .. nUer, closed on that while the rallery lllllday. was closed efforts were Oii Monda_y, Tuesday, made t-o admit country ... Wednelday tbe ral- or lntustate visitors who ler.J blld been cl-«t, wanted to see 1peclflc ~ -~ _lln_ !!_Dlnr~ e palnt.lnr~. _. / "COURIER MAIL'' Brisbane, 0. TO THE EDITOR ~ stings, 1 d These h Rd been sa vage . 1 f•om the rubbish tip, naika 1;,gethl'r Into a hotch-potch{ labelled with the n~me " lht' "GrrR t Aviator , a nd then awa rctrd a £1300 pnll' as a palntlnfl In the Helen" Rubinstein competll!on. 'Why build. a new art gallery?' on the wa y home I pa.s~Pd I hrough Toowoomba and Yislted I he Lionel . Llnds~ v Art, Gallery. T hi~ l , a e<: • t a gp Lhat was gl\'cn h) 11 To0woomba dtizen as R gal( lrn• 1,, hou~e pa intings 0 mc"r,t by !\ .t~t rali a n pa1111r,·• O N brow11lng It Is un i11 ue. The _pkl.r'i.',"~ th rough your a re all very much a1 I. a ' . wo11ld say 11, Is t h e m,.. paper ( C-M 2-10-64) bMu t lful In Austrnlla . th ..... three ltem11 at- In your editorial. you 1r "'~"' plCll'P the fp,c-f. Lha t e tracted my attention- QuePnsland Gallery h_?' '; M P li.zey sa ying the d ose ii.. ~ dOClrs lo rl'a t· ~ .• • r . 't ive fund~ :i new exh lbitwn. Government can _11. should tl'I The re are n•· , . !or the Art Galle1y. tl morr than fou r people In 1•. • A picture showing 1, k~e pip, • ~ •t t-he one tune. 1 t y for the B a e ' ~ wlnn n g rcon ~petition, and - I ," rellglAoris rdltorial suggesl lu g ''The on y one • Id ow bu tld a 1hat ,,,,, shou n "' ""' gallery. usuall v when I visit the~! • , , 115 rr.i;a rd 11 ~ l I am the only one app, · Now f l; ~is ~ultural b llhlll · from s0mc fnrlorn a ttenaa1;t !Poets y° h'ave just returned wondering just whyl peofi: ess. a trip ·to Sydnrv. . won'i. come to adm 1e 1 from h I visited the · rubh i~h nn t.he wa lls. 1 WhllP t. ere n impn,- l 1 , 1''"- ,.f th e forego ng, , Natlo~I I Gnl~e;~• o"ne I often wh ~ should the GovernmPnt ' l~[i 1 ~d ~/ 1 ~y youth to ~n: b11il d. a b lgger 1 ~alln~~i M r v · 1 immense num ,,r.. I olso no .e /\ . ' mire t 1 ~ from ~JI over ttlt Laur!P. Thomas. the ' ; or plct u,es Gallery Director, ha~ pu wor ld. , , himself on record, u n•:i "F arful daubs ' CBJ"l;1 g two hoots for publ C e opinion . T h is time I was thunct, r - 11 is Alw 1t 11ml' sanity red ' t t-h c Immense nur,. ·nr.rl Rlld we conslgne • ~~~~~ 1earf~\ 1~ au~~ebe:~;.. [~~ idi~~iic ~~~!eid 0 1° 11~~= 1 · Ing th e w co.nglomera llnn usef~~er_n to continue toax- . lt{mpP.tr:rn~makers' woodhn, l~f the publlc.-S. V. Parker, \ n wh eels , mrlde fo r 1 ' 1 46 Glaeh Street, Enorrera. cog f mouldmg m~ t• purpose o ucOUIIEI MAIL" '-'• BrlllNne, Q. e OTHER PROJECTS COMI F_lllff 'G:an't give fun.ds -for. . Gallery' · T HE Queensland Art Gallery's "".. had had not be•n "loit •ht of," but ~a fu'nd1 would be available thf1 financial year to extend the 1alleiy,- the ~ducatlan Min- ister (Mr. Pissey) • aid ay. ,.~r.=-......"" - T~ere was an urgen ch:c.: of wor~ tg; Atta need tor ,loan ·funds for Council, the Blliabethan developmental projects i~~atre 'fy:;h~:/~uee~: considered more neces- chestra, and the conserv,a– sary in the State•~dover- to~ P~1:~:S It WoUld all welfare, he sai • 1>e very dJfftcult to ret "ail (The Queensland . Art accurate estimate of the Gallery closed its doors final oost of a "oliltural for • tnree days this week centre" In Brisbane because there ls not This was shown 'lit the enough space to allow the "!°nom1ca1 rise'' over public Inside ·while exhlbi- o lna1 estimates for the tlons are being changed. It Sy ev Opera Hquse and likely to close again next the MelbOurne elultutal week.] Centre. 'Pile Sydney pro- Mr. Plzzey said there Ject.i was being flnancl ~tw were pressing de- bv state , Lott.erles ~ ~ds on loan fµnds for Queensland Golden Oaa– :ectucatlon - particularly kets were mainly f01' mat– !ln the tertiary and tech• ernaJ and child weuare ,nioal fields. and other hospital aotl~ 'Have to wait' Vl~e Queensland Oov- ·11 am afraid the &11 emment annouced Gallery proJect will !}ave November, 1980, P.,ro,;i...i=, to wait until the everyd&J. to establlsh a ,000 needs of education have QuHl)S]and CUiturai Oen· been met,r he said. tre. 4Dolu~g ~ art 'Bal vast sums of loan ~one)l lery, 9t tbe · 1ower end had to be spent on maJor 0.-<ne Stieet. . st.te development: P~ rt: was ,Uld then tha Jeo!s which would .ensure tbe :- Odviniinent intend security ot empll!YIJlent 1n to inak, the old Govern– the future, iedt 'House. no~ifcr: of He said culture 1µ Untveridty _b 1r, in Queensland had not beeir orao Street, Part of the ! neglected by the State tutal centre. Government. In th• last foratton or the' b~Ud- ..,ar, extra aaallta\nce had ita or11tna1 state - been given to a number of e and out-was con- cultural <>dies Jnclu~ tempJated, . . . ~ f cnA ---~ Plea to ~ ''lift ·status'' ./4~ 18 DEC 196f BRISBANE LITTER i ... RECORD ROAD CRUSH , ~· , 111•1 O l11 Own Corr,... tl1111 11" 11' Thrrr ha• ror • lo nr lltnr """t b,rn I• lk nl a 11ubllr a11~•I lft ,.,., 1,sr. ;, n•• art cat~,·" ,,., llrl!!lhanr, hul Hn '• ' nn r.nnrrew aeUnn hall ltr•n &.tkrn. 11 wtil he lnter,stin ~ In 1101 e the , rHDOI\~ "h~n t hr. """tWl llnallv 1, ln•md1• I ;., there are • lot or o~nu ll 1,t,re wlm w ill lhmk 111011• 1h an twh'e before s11 l>– scrl bln ~ lo • co~tt•• hulld – ln~ to hnusr. 1hr. tVDI' of "·ark now belll~ ~h urne.. 0111 h v on r <·onl-emorira rv ,11-iL,ts The ~•• •t m• ior ltv or oeoolc frnn klv nm t•.s I 1 t,n rln noi 1111derst1m l "1,.,1 11 I.< ;i ll nbnul. w hAI_ i1 uurnor:., to rcort-Mtnt nr , I w hv t h-.v • houlr1 l:Jr ·"" r d I rn mHk~ th,. rt'fm•f. tn com • ; 11· t•hend it~, mPn nln ~ H , 1 :on· i T '·• , ,.,,r11n11 It \ , ,, ina11 ,, ' ') ,1 '-tret-1 1, , .,.,.. .. rlr1,·r tr1t• lliOllr.V lO h11lld a 2n · I tr-n 10 1,ousc such worl· I "r" l "'hl)I " ·Ill bt lhft l lhoiJe w \1n llkf" II .~tlntl ld oav tnr 11:,1 " " ~ , ,r.rl t here are 111 :,i,, wlln \\'ntt lrl q l,.rl Jv at• •, .• ,, • 1,.-, l"\ 1111 nh,;,i(n1 1r c. 7