Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

~ -#- ABOLD, NEW PLAN IHltlAII----- ~ ceMl8¥•&"" CfUNS:I" OIIM.( ,:owtg.• .......... A YOUNG Sydney advertising designer bold new plan for beautification The plan envlsaret a central multi - floor to•er-sbaped cultural centre fronted by a water fountain 1lvln1 a sun effect, and a con• temporary sculpture symbolic of BrlNbane In Iii role as capital c,lty oHhe SunulDe 8taw The plan haa been prepared by 20-year-old Mr. Peter Newman, of Bondi, who werlu In the art department of a nrm of Sydney adver– tW!!( &Len ls. l.lftAtilNATION He llas Jugt rt...._. the plan, ln11plred after a five-week holiday In Brisbane last July, He Uved In Brisbane nntll a year aio, and Intends return~ In three or four mo11th1f 1 He hold& a diploma or commercial art and baa studied architecture at Queensland Teehnleal Coll11,re. Mr. Nc111·man said In • letterto The Courter– Mall that he felt more lmadna&lon was needed for the planned re– development of the old markets area. "Present thlnldn1 sees this wonderful area as UUle more tban a P.ark and a bu1 terminal, ' he uld. "It 111 Just rlcbt for a scheme bold and full of zeatful lmaldna– tlon." Mr. Newman 1U,aested that the an,a should be bulcally parkland, well– landscai,ed and 1tadded with kee11 native &e Queenalan•. Poln11et&la, Brllba.ae's floral emblem. • boald be 11rofa • e. SUN SYNBOl,S A lar,re fo.ntaln. of abort,rlnal dest111, re– fleetlns the sun, could be placed In the centre et the .,.nland. A eontemperar:v sculp– turr.. symbolic uf the ,up -- ·- or of me In Brisbane, leav~i . lhe City Hall could -bf' placed al the free for nlvlc recepU..._ main entrance of the And on top of tile parkland. council orrtcea. &Ilse SLIM Bl'lLDING could he a rnolYlac roof-top restaurant. ' Mr. Newman su11ested Mr. Newman also hu that near the centre of answered the question ., the r.arkland, and over- ft I the d r nanr.e. app n1 e ges O ll He suuestrd that a 1 small lake surroundlni: lottery similar to the 1 the fountain, a tall. slim Sydney Opera Home lot- j circular bulldln11 about ter:v be lnvestlrated. , ZO 11toreys hlJh, should be built. GOVT. GRANT / This bulldlnit could And a special ;rant houae an aria and cul- pould come from the tural centre, lncorp0rat- State Go\"emrnent fo,: lnr such bodies u ( e Ui,. arlli centre. Queensland Symphony Orcbutra. a ne• Sat• Mr. Newman: ".& Queenalantl Art GaUrn I ~•Ject lltr tbJs woahl profes,ilonal an• M!laf#,,i, turth« ~ulllltant:ate the theatre • and m11111, \!It'll,, cLw.n, :h,11 Brlabaae Is Also there ••n.11: 11c 1 .t111tr:.lla's ctt:v of ee 11pace for pott«J '""' t•lure. ; sculpture pllenea au• • "Brisbane should now ' civic audltorlu111. think b , and deve...• · On the '- n-, ol m '• J, aa ,.... the bulldln,r oaut4 M ~ ' , old and ...... more offlc11 space for the hi :1//W thl11 111 what 1 Brl!lbane '4,jt OUD,oU...i-~~·~ aU!J!!' ~-'?-!'~~~~-..i---:..-11 -~--~«coURIER,MAIL" Brisban•,. Q. • ~ea . "para; ptuna, midi ~•• scheme. 1 ,1 , ,· Whynotortan~e•~ OUket to J'afM f~CI ,fat an tm.,.._ve IChem t.:.._,_1 am sureitbe ~ple , a!.'.f' bane wou1c1- ~ 8.,... neiltea ha\'t._ t9:~ 1111&1- "-lnilY aucceeerUl · BCIUII Lbtterlea. . . Gailery, theatres Your city needa • JllW an iratlery urgently, and Brll- 6ane's pre.aen• boom1nl population will need ~ new th._.,.. and~ other, new cultural amenl~ ve17 ICIOD, ' ' IJytlne, baa a mqn!flcenl conile],t In Its 01>.era · ffQIIII, Melbo\ll'Dl!I In Its ~– topped outturat centre, and now Brlabane'has the chalice to rival these cities and I>~ vlde Queenstancl, and A.Ill• tralla, with a scheme that they wlll be proud of. rt! Everybody has seen b • llaot ldeiUI 1quast1ed bJ fudd y-dud d:V Oovemment I red ia.pe and old•f&abloned, thinking. The DCOPJe of artabane muat NOT _1.llow this to ha01,en here.~s,aee ·'(lhaW1-JonN, 13 Orafton 8tl't!t!t, Roteville, 8:,:dne,. I'