Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

r By Alderman CLEM JONES '111111 ts thr fourth nrliC'IP that Utt• I ,.,rll Mla)'Or Ila,. • ·rite••• ,•s1u"<•i11II;.· f or Ille 1'•1Pllr•pll un mntlrr.. of 11 ••..,. 11 a1 .... • N"r • ,.int-r ht• r«-tarn1"CI fr•• ellrnad rN'eatlY •• . • A c1v1c administration block would free much of the City Hall for cultural purposes. T H£ three-unit c:om• pie• of the Los Angele, Mu,ic. Ccntr~– a living memorial to peace. From left a rc the Centre Theatre, the Mark Taper Forum, and th e Mall Pla1a and Pavil;on. ' • One difficulty is to get smaller bodies together to obtain a headquarters. hat can we HREE years a go the en president of e Queenslqpd t Ga I I e ·r "y iety said that e cultural I ife Brisbane nod awr- '- rem~ ,k– !:1' _N1i,, and interest in ···;:.CJ.:il arts ricularly do abe~~t j OUR ~ULTURAL LAG~ ,-t or our living, for. u In everyt h in R, f1 n unce la Lhe key. It hllS been said th a t In Brisbane we have an Inadequate Art Gll.llery. no proper theatre. a nd no medium - slaect con • Ct'rL hall lntunate enough and acousUc– all.v suitable t ll handl~ chamber lilU.SIC an<S oth~ lllll"'ller perform – llDCl!I. I believe It la time th11L we got down In a pradlcal manner to tackllDji t h e pro blem s :' deficiencies pre- to s1ieed I\ .. crtlll!> pcr – Cl.!11 ta.Rc or tlu• ro.,' !'I 111 arLL, tlc works. l•ll her d irecl.lv assucl111rr1 with h iJI •meratlo11s. " r uther– TJt"' l h lhe Unll.f'd Sta tt-, , abou~ £50milllon a y,·a r ill s~ .1t bv lirl\'a!R cill– ""'"' sup()Ort ng na tional arr colle<:tlons. All efforts frustrated mo, c 1·c11tr a l city site. H n 1·111~ this in mind. t sm.:1-tP.!:.lecl !-,0111e Llrne :11~'l I.he si ll' on the curni:r r•I Ann SI reel 111d the Civic Square . Unfor tunately, It a p – pears tha t l1 11• sfmc,• av11llnble on each luur ll'Ollld be inadl'QU<IIC,, althou1<h t nm st.111 ho11eru1 t hat someth ing may be do ne In th Ls re– gard because, to me, It la an Ideal location. .,!I n•,ti \'t•l11p 111," Q{ t li,· ..1111t h 8iLlt• u l lti,111a S Lrc,•t could Wt'll UJl'•lr· pnrat.t• tl,o• !\rl O all.. r y 111 a lot:atl, ,11 sut h as this Lu acl\'lllll.'11-:e. Quite 1111.. rt rrom the rnnui Gallery, huwt1ver, U1r r,• l.s surely a vr1 y ~rekl dema nd for more t h~ud ng t!Xhlbl11ons nf pulnlln,:s th1111 wr 1111,•e In llrishane. OUr flra II.ck ls, un– doub&edb', •.n adequate AnQIIIJa7. Bow far behind we are can be appnetaLed when inan1 ooatrtee today. &he__ peraa ensaaect tn IIU.lldla, ...-atlona ID a citJ II ~. by law, The Queenslanr1 Art Oallel"J' Act of 1959 laid the foundation for a new Art Gallery, but constant ar~ument.11 over dealgn and location ao far have fruauated all efforL, to IJl!t the pro– Jed "off the 11rouac1. ~ 11 I.be ort,ilnal locaUoa Ill lhe BcMnlc Oardffla II_.... U UO&Ult– ...... _.. .... It hu been s uggested. too. that the Art GRl– lery should be placed be– twl'l'n the Square a nd the Roma Street sta– tion, eP 'ter 011 the old m1uketb or U-.c trnlflc rii'/!~1~:~-1! ~~~~t :,i::_r lnate the open vlata u– Pl!Ct whlcb la an lnteiiral ~oC--0-,BqUare ICheme. ......, thls Is Telegropl,, WerlllftlltJI ~~( i\ ~, --,E, h ' .- .fh. < er ' Er; ' . . .... . • _.. ~~ . .. . ..,. •4 - · · - oolJ a oenonaJ ""'· and Ii -, be 111M 11111 Oftr- \ Cf b S' '\