Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

f Ttq COUIIH-MAIL PIIDAT APIIL 10 IHS 3 " COURIER M A IL" 11 " 195 ~ris b Jn c , Qld . JO m. ~Plans or Brisbane centre ' . [ The Courier-Hail} P LANS have been ptepared for a £30 million prolect. in the heart of Brisbane. An architect has m11cle tests and ialcen levels in King George Square and detailed plans have _been prepared. Society, and a past presl• It," be said. Tld,s was revealed dent. Sir Leon sa:d that the t>ur /.ib,,,,., ,J,.,w,,,I. ,,,, ,1,,. ,.,,,·dona o/ th• Pr,••• •"" 11, 11 1 ,·n11 11 ,.1 l>r /111111 ~,I wi1l111ul lwin1 /.,,,_J,,//e,11.,1 -.a- b s · Leo He said yesterday that whole of the land between !YN~~): Y •r n It was hoped tha~ Brill• Albert Street and the Brls– Trout, wbo hu replaced bane In the n~at future bane JliYer and fr~m Ann How to be way, te Sir Roslyn would have a new art gal• Streef Jo Rerachel Slreet Iery, a f\lW theatre, and a sl1ould be immediately In· National Ar.t cultural centre tn the vestlgatect and If necessary ,vay ·•out'' ..• ~ chainnan. eentre of the cltf which resumed for a planned. ·11r.teon baa been senior would be worthy o a 1reat m~ern de~elopment. dent for several State. 'There a1e so many sub- h standard buildings and so and a., acted as Co-operation /JlUCb vacant land here F KOM tho weJ Hrlsh11ne ha111 bf.,.n fuDlblla,t "ilh its theatre situation, In a di,.11lay of f11utf-rl)' inadi\'it~·. it'11 not iolng i., be long t. Be Is one of , · that It is an Ideal ar~ ror founders or the This can • ., _only ..t>e development" Sir Leon .ncs Gallery achieved M> a 1 -c'Qncif.ted said ' «:!fort bv','the State , Oov- · A h~fore not e,·en the st,·011d-ratPn will b~ perform• in,,; hl're. ernment, .the Brisbane City uthorlty Council, ca,nmerce .-nd 111- If necessary a 1eparate dulltry, and the cortl~I" authortt.r l!hou\d be estab comblrilnfr and usln,!!C" fii llshed bY the oovernmen utmost effort.a to acn II the a~lflc purpo11e of This ~ta te· s cap ital, th e third cit y of Au1tr11lia, ha!! no thelltre a\'a ila ble in 1966 for an opern se&11on. And what faciliLiee we have ere criticised. Implementing the plan. Slr Leon said there should be a schemtt fol· I ....,.U•tll-MAIL WIDNUDAY DIC 1 1HS •lowing the' pattern already '°" "'I set up by the' Victorian Brisba ne is bftcoming II nati o1111 l laughing-stock over thi11 . ll's said that .Rri111Jane has reached ··the ' end of the line .'' Government for Its Mel• bourne city Improvement. He said he was unable at present to releaN full detal.ls ol the detajlecl pro. Ject for 1 Brisbane's Inner city, I Sir Lion; aald that If the project waa not dealt with quickly the oppo1·tunlty for a modern city would be loat tor all time. and King George Square would be !filed • •Ith "piecemeal de•. velopment.'':_ _ S11rrl ), the i;tart on a major thf'atri cal centre In thl:! hl'art of Brisbane muet become one of the majo r projects for 196fi. Ever since "Centenary Ye11r," 1959. it has been no more than v11gue talk . Now, Jet'" ha\'e some decd11. The Civic Square plannt>re atill have time t o provide a alt e for a State theatre centre, p('rhap11 on the Roma Street mar– ket.A 11lte before iui u&e as a •· temporary" car park become& permanent. Curren t experi ence Nuggeels that two auditoriums will be needed - one capable o( Accommod ati ng the largeat orche11tra11 nnd full-11ize opera set11; the other, with 1unaller lll'aling capacity, for more ver– salilt> use. And o~,r Art Galipry1'tili 11eeda a proper home. lt 'i all very well for tbe Go\'ernmeut to ple11d that it hu co1~m 1tt('d ell it.II fund11 for 1choo l11. col– J,-ges, court.a. 1& 11d public eHvice dt-part.mentJI, necea– ~ary though t~('y may be. But. it i11 ju11t a11 nereaaary to provjde the farilities t u expo110 people '111 mioda to the great cultural mflueoce11 in life if they an, not to become ae emotionlea11 and unthinking aa the ~ tape in the fineat collftCtion of pigeon-holr11 mone~· can huy./ wo other exhibitions. •~ -- caterlnr tor widely dlf- wou... lltlmuhlfe lnterellt l ferlnr taate. In the world :~,: ltfoJect 1111ch as of art, also open at the The Mcond ibo-ln• I• Gallery today, t llln " " " Thi' project featured a ra•e I e 1 ~~~1t:on of In the exhibition of ri1:ea~d~.l~n~r~A~u~a'-r~a~an~a!:trl!ll,.I!;~ model11 ha11 been a Leonard French. , 1Therl11hed dl"eam of l\fr. Therp are 30 mlnlatu..u homas (or many yean Jn t-he dlRplay and ea'~ ,-a communlt}· art 1 1 centre for Brisbane. one .11 nsured ror 500 I JHr Th r-ulnc1u. . omu submitted They were pain.led In r. eclflcatlons for the l9GJ entre to f •.e lltud.ent 11 at on the Island of he berlnnlnr of the amos In the Aerean eademlc vear, Se~r. Thoma1 111tld this The Pro,tect had to "R'BI the rtrst time any / ake Provisions tor six or French'11 works h. ail / ,{' rallerles, con11erva- bren shown In QueeM- on workshop, art land In quantity, I library, art school, lee- The third exhibition Is lure hall. theatre. com- the work nf Jhe plle!:Jc.'..L mlttee room11, re11taur- lilaturday morntri« r.hll- ant, and car park. dren s creative art cla!lll, l\fr. Thoma,. Hid Ye11- The clu11, conalstlnr of een II d,•flnltr mo"" ~ f'alnttn,r r th rnt throu,rhout AuNtra - n~. H or e •ho"•· • to lmprovr art ,ral- The hlld • ART GALLERY director Mr Laurie Th . modele of comm.unity art c~ntre f ;~abs inspects one of th e eight and Queensland University Ar h\ 0 ; r II ane by T chnical Coll ge on displ ay in t h Q c t ~c ttre Facult.v stude nts which go ! trrda.v: "Our 11re~l'~t about. 26 hand-picked allrry 1 11 com11lf'trh· In- child artl11t, from elrht l~~Qllate for our nec11!!. lo la Yl!ftl'II, ha11 pro– Rercnll,y there h:i111 ducrd more than 60 rles, hut thrre 1• noth - tl · c ren s exhlbl- 1 b " on "'Ill be oftlclally nr eln,r done In opened at 4 o'elock this ueen11land." afternoon h,v the Plrec- .,1'0 · 1N'rERES'I ' for or Primary Educa- JH Th Uon (Mr. A. E. G11ymer1. . e tt cns t.nd Art Ga ll ry todn.y. r. . oniu ;,,aid he rEach exf\lbftl11n. will run honed thl 11 rxhlbltlon or one n,onth. I