Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

, 1 J. I Freeways f .,,,,--------··· CENTRAL FREEWAY: En• compasalng the central– city area Spring Hll1 the Valley kanaaroo rolnt, Woolloonaabba, and South Brisbane. lt wlll serve aa a key tuf– flc distributor Into the cen– tral buslnesa district from the Woolloonpbba, MIiton, Victoria. Park, New Farm, and East Brisbane areaa. It wlll be eight mlles lone. Cost : £27.309 mllllon~, NORTHERN FREEhAY: From Bowen Hllls through Windsor, wavell Heights, 11nd Zlllmere to the Pine River. Thla wlll be an 11.7-mlle "travel corri– dor·• to carry bulk tramc coming Into the city from northern suburbs. 'l'he northofM ,,.~~"'· V n I , n ;;~'a.1' 6 ~grt\;hof •~ir1:t:i'1~~~WW·.~ . Cost: £10.852 mllllons. NOltTII-\VES'f FRF.EWAY: ,; A D.8-mtle clear road to allow tra.fflc from nortlt– _. west of the city a non– atop run· Into the city. - Ultimately, It wlll connect with the northern freeway near Beams and Handford roads, Zlllmere. Cost: £7,037 millions. SOUTIJ-EAST FllEEWAY: The m11ln fast run to and from the Pacific Highway and the Gold Coast. It will be nine mlles long, and take trafflc on a nine– mile route south-west of Logan Road, It will Join with the relocated Pacific Highway, The South-east Freeway will combine with other freeways connected with the centre or the clty. Cost: £4.6:1 millions. WESTERN FREEWAY: ·Nearly 15 miles long, and planned to bring Into the city trnrric from the Cun– ningham Highway at Mo111rlll, It will serve Auchennower and Toowong, as well as the growing I<:enmore residen– tial area, Main access point~ on to the Western Freewny are · planned at Fig Tree Pocket Road, Mogglll Road, Dean Street, and Sylvan and Mil– ton rond~. Co.~t : £9,092 mllllons, NORTII-SOUTII FREE- WAY: A 15.0-mlle trunk road thnt will enable tratclc to go from north ·to •, ~outh of Brlsbnne, sklrUnr the city centre. Jt le · pln1ined to· cro~s frnrn flu, Mo1111t Grn,•:lff -re . and Seven HIiis 10 I' , tff! river.ion, a new,, Jjdgf •nd • then '.l10.i:t11 lhl'OIII'-, )'i'UdRee Rond , nenr Hrlsbane Air– port, to Norllign le and the Bruce Highway, Cost: £27,603 mllllona, CENTENARY FREEWAY1 A short (four-mile) con– nector to serve Centen– ary Estates and other 111·owln1 residential .land which Is expecte'd to generate heavv traffic. Cost: £1.988 mllllon1. EASTERN• FREEWAY: · To serve developing com– munities east of the city. It la planned to take traffic. from East Brisbane, either on to the north,aouth trunk freeway or further on, to Join the Manly and New Cleveland roads. Cost: £6.39:1 mllllons. Closer h, THE FOUR PLANNED EXPRESSWAYS, GEN– ERALLY ARE SHORTER THAN THE FREEWA YS. AND ARE AIMED MORE TO CARRY CLOSER-IN CITY TRAFFIC. They ll'e :- IUVERSIDE EXPRESS- WAY: .On the city-side river bank, from the Merlvale and WIiiiam Jolly bridges, passlnr near Wilham Street and the Domuln, acrosa Point Bridge, to connect with Central Freeway at Wool– loongabb~... Cost: £10.8'32 millions. l'li'l'lllE BIGIIT EXPltESS- \~ r; n¥UifffflPK N1ix D;O A WI &iiti - f ., city area, , , i , 'l'hls, loo,· I~ on the river bf.nk- from·downstream of the Story Brld1e along the wharves area, to Edward Street, It does not connect with - -·---- the Rlvel'llde Expreaaway, except •by means of the central Cfty traffic-routing system. Coat: H .083 mlllloni, STORY BRIDGE EX- PRESSWAY: Dealaned to 1lve traffic a clean run from East Brisbane (Lyt– ton: Road) acroea the brld1e to Kemp .Prw. C~: ·£1.1511' mllllona, SOUTH-WEST EXPRESS– WAiY: The longest (11.1 miles) expreaaway, and aimed at fast-handling of traffic between the city and southern suburbs ln– cludlnr Eltlbln, Moo– rooka, and Rocklea It also will take a good deal of Brlabane-Ipswlch traf.flc. Cost : £5.956· millions, The. plan also recom- . mends a system of ARTERIAL ROADS to .com– plement the freeway-ex– pressway . system. Important arteries In this system Include Lutwyche and Gymple Roads, which form a continuous route from tht_ Central Freeway to Bald Hilla. ' KelYln Orov1, Enoagera, and Samford Roads become arteries fo1• nol'th-western subm·bs, An arter·lal road la re– commended along Abbot8- ford, New Sandgate, and Snndgate Roads, between Clnyrleld anct Nundah, ..J.u_ll)J! "'"Jl,h-w,•• I th• tij56R-rec6Hihl@IJUI t.KhUJ11i-' tlon Drive nnd Mogglll Ron.da as 11rterles. It sl\ys Old Cleveland Road could be Improved, and recom– mends an lmp0rtant artery IJeLween Sherwood and I Upper Mount Gravatt. ' I