Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

r • .(t".',, ~ i • ..:,,),•A '.I- > ·:a· 'f A IOLITIOM of oll Bri1bane'1 tram, and trolley bu111 11 recommended by the Wllbu,·Smith 1ur• vey. - which 1oy1 they 1hould i;, replaced with dle11l bu1e1. ~ Traina, however, hilvc t1ow11 wlll represent ratenal I • . B , I. . 1 :•11u,,,...,...: IUt 11_rr'..l.!,1_1111rr1u11111111111111111111111111111•11111111111111>1r111111111111•11111111111111,111tJ ur present traffic. 11 il "'~" · Ill 119 -i•ne 9 • 4 ~ B • ; There wlll he no tralllc traneport Of the future. :· ad 1nlersectlons . lhrourh Klnr G1or1e the repprt says - ~ !lquare. .II ataLea Brlabane ha, had t A CCIIJENT record• haza~d ralln11" lhtH i There would be- a 15 J)f!r cent decline In pub- ~ • • how lhal .Drl•• •• 1011 • • • Two-way traffic In llc t•nnapo•t pata·onage In z bane• fatallly · rate II • Main and Vultura ! Queen Adelaldt Mary and the taat rou•· yeara. ; hisher than thal of an)' Streeta. South Drllbane. i Albe•t'atreeta, i.nd In o'eorge , Thla, It clalma. "necea• ~ other Au•trallan eapltal • IY0r7 Street and • Street from Queen Street ••ta.tea the development or • city ncept Ptrlh, lhe . g,mp Place, Valler. . . = lo the 01rden1. ' an ntenaln 1 yatem of i , WIibur Hmllb report · •• : Ann Strw& and ~ •· ·r~· new and Improved rnad •" ! 1tate1. Bt.rr1,_t,nwse, •,. . ): e .~orlhbounElld-onbl7 1 h .. ad I ·Fre I h • ! • ' ~,,.,e '"Old and ' . . no In ·Turl>o~. II e ' ID th e~al,a wou d en auce = It dtea a1 "some tnter• "Cl!unt• ' lllrNt, 'Nor- ~&ret· • ~r;ie!A. ·. ; lv:n ert c ency an_d alt•act• i aecllona with blah DIHbJ, .. . . •. ·-~ ! • sdUthliolind!·only movt• ess ot bua let vices. ., 11, 1,. 1111111,,111,111,,1111111 11111,,111t111n11,1u1111111111111u1111111u1111111111u1u1111111111?1111u11111 ment ,&n AM Oharlott1 1 and ,Jt~ 1 s ~~at t~'\ncV::..trafr one whe•e a commuter park • 1rt11 1houtd ~ ··-11u11t· .' al ~lice atr~ta.' public t•nnsportatlon In hla car outside the mnln point., deal1nated for load• • Wharf lll•eet tralllc B•labane was to compete city and completes his Jou,·· 1111 pusen1era In the cen- would move downhill only. with otiicr methoda. ney by public trnnsport.l lrnl-clty area. • Oeorte Strtet t•&fflc It recommends orderln& The report snys there 11 Prele•ence lhould 1110 be !between Queen Street and enouJh buaea .t.o enable a pince In Brisbone. too. ~,•en to bus movements In Roma Sl•eell would be the p'1aalnc out of tram • tor the P•lvulely-owncd sub• · ueen and Adelaide sl1·eet1. westbound only. ~nd trolley buac1 11·llhln · u1·ban bus. It cou,ld be en- I crb pnrklnr should be In the Valley, •l•alllc on a maximum period of coura1ed to expnnd Into ellmlnnted. Wickham Street would three yean.", new suburban resldenUal Radical chan11es would be flow one way-towarda . ,The tiurvey I condemna• areu where populnllon la made In Brisbane·, Inner• Brealda • t Creek. And btlon of ttama and buaea la not enough to carry bigger city traffic flow. under re- the Ann Sired traffic ued on theae main argu- bua 1ervlcea. commendnllona In the re• would mo•e one way only ':e 1 ':i1r~xlblllty of tram and It recommend • a mo•e port. -tow~rda the main city. trolley bus : operation pre• almpllfled fa•e structure tor In many important city The tratllo plan • how • vent,· efllclent· scheduling ~~~ c:~~~/~ 1!,'~~!s\'::r~.~f5~'!1: slmts. the recommended , Anzao !lauare extended and use Of vehlclca and aenger fnres to mnke tricm ------ lbrourb lo Queen Sir~ •eplRCX!d by a fou••lane ~-:~:r Of complete blll "more compnLible wllh C,Olll• -~; ~~d~~~~~~nd en• park structure. !'elllacerr.ent la substunllully pctlng se,·vh,r.s." la shown beneath both the ono!~firr!frr~a~~•d be don • leas thnn expendltui·es 011 flus shelters Rnd wn 1 th1R park and the extension. STAGE I: Between 1070 tram replacement anrl track A plan to establish a and 10 75 Drlabane ahould reconstruction. "trnnspo•tatlon cent•e" b lld f c • If all-bus ope•atlorl had above B•labane•• Central u our lanes of the en- exlated In. Brisbane In 1963• Railway Station Is a featu•e tral F•eeway, between the 84 · 11 · South•Ellt Frteway and the 'would "te::, "'fieen ex~~~: ~o~t3 ' 1 ':i' 01 ~;-: ~:.~~o~~~ story Bridge Expressway. &010,000 cheaper-enoulth to bue and airport bua facU• The Outral Freeway ottnt the £420.000 additional !Ilea . ahould be de,eloped be- Interest and depreciation on The •epo•t aaya 1 £!.Olm tween ftlelbourne Streel Safety lhe new buMts. extension of Turbot Sl•eet and the Northern Free- would enable thla. • :;,:~idTt: ~:.1:al~n Br~tfi: ..................... • With busea. maJor road lmp•ovements are Po88lble with minimum expenRe. · • Bua routes can be ex• tended promptly as new lfsldentlal arena need trans• 1>0rt. Additional safetv can be Utorded to pam.en~ ers and lierbalde loading by buses tllmlnttea the traffic hold· uo caused by trnms. ·. On traln1, th• report ,•&late • : "A rapid lran11t \'Yan •Mnlce ahould he II•• litlned on th, 11-mlle •111111-tra•ke,t line from Darra Slallon on the •IOUth ,to Vlrclnla Station '•n the north. 115."The. exl•ttn11 Brun,wlck •et. Central and Romn llreet .t•rmlnnl• •hould be 'llhed 'by thl• line. and the em ahould trav,r,e the , In II nn•l.h•ROlllh dlrec• loii thrOURh denselY•POPII· ~d •••••·" . The report oolnt, out thRt !&he 10uthern •nd north– . lennlnm,u Porllona of . Jlrol)Offd freeway svstem , lnt•r..ect the rallwa:v. ti ' Clln•lderatlon ilhoulll he · te the dn1lnpm•nt •parti-rlde" ~, stem. · e park-ride system II One propaaal wu that ad- period. dltlonal car park• for short• Four lanes on the Centen- term patrona could be . pro• a.r:v l"reeway would be 11•0• vlded In ••eaa 1dJolnln1t vlded_and two more lane • A~zac Park. · 11 1 · r.i added to the preaent Cen- •1~,;,= :i~lf "l'i:~eme 1J tenary Brldae. b., paid for? How lonit No•thvm Freeway·a Inner would It take to complete? halt w1111ld be developed to The 1 uney . proposes four l1ue1, llld p&l't of the lhal Brisbane should do Bouth•West Exp•esaway built lhe Job In tour starea, between She•wOOd Road and each &aldni lln yeara. the South•Eaat F•eeway. It outllnes,theae sta1e • for In thla stage also, many n 1e lmplem~tatlon : , • •rterlnl ronda and atreeta ~ STAGE 1. (1995• 1ul t WOUid be Improved. ,Ulld four l•nea of the STAGE 3: Between 1975 c,entral Freeway from the and 1080 the Cent•al Free• .;outh-eaat Freeway to • way would be constructed aa temporary connection wli h II four-lo.ne aectlon between Annerley and Stephens Annerlcy Road and Mel• ro1d1. · bourne Street and between Build part of the Rlwr- Petrie Bl&ht . Exp•essway side Elcpre11way betwHn tha and the Northern Freeway Central Freeway and Mak• Petrie Bight Expresaway triton Street. Build th e ahould be built In this atare, Point Bridge, from the central Freeway to Kemp Place. 4 Lanes Other tar1et1 would In• elude the No,lh•we • I Free• .............~.._.,........ ;~l,;w':;~ea~~ 1 ~:n~t~~•~tf~~ In· this atast, '•the Story ' of the Gateway Brldre B•ltlfe J'reew~y w6uld be de• near the river mouth veloped · with· part of the An addltlonal two-lane l'etrle Bight Expressway. • bl'ldgc would,be built In thla Fout lanea •Of the South• stage parallel with the In• 1Ht P'recWIY' would be built dooro'oplllv Brld)I'! 1nd•."four lane, .of . the STAGE. C: In "'the final 3outh•Weal Expruswa:v. 1980-CS period the city w~,,~tt: ::~eo~'r:e t~:~ WOUid finish .thi Central . manhy .function and WII• 11am Jolly Brldre ap- proacheL The Woolloon~Abbn Flve- ~;}k1n:ou~~.~~ctmpJ~:~ee~ b: rx~~:"w.:~· m~ry i::~i,: Bl&ht Expresaway. and I.he New Farm Brld1e. Additional lanea would bi built on the North-south Fl'eeway to complete 1h11 eutem route. The Norlhem and cen. !!'!.'i,7e1!.r.'"ATI would be Arterial Final lmprovementa to arterl•I roada would be car• rled out on Tele1r1ph. Bald Hilu, Rode. and Web1ter roads. A route from Waco! throush' Jnala to Acacia Rldp would be developed. and Improvement. mad • to Blunder and Oxley roads. The four • tare • would '"pectlvely account ror !:C,:~•o, 9 lh':evlit!re~:.r~ . plan. . m~~~ £~1a\w~nrd~":~si,~: · eludes about £50.8 mlll10111 for additional land. and !lit . million tor actual conatruc• • tlorill work. . one-wny street. Work would be cRrrled out In the Story Bridge area. Including underp•s•e• al Sh•fston AW!nue •nd Ivory 4 Street. and extension of Duncan Street to Waler Street. In this stage. Ann Street , ' .·- /