Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

"COURIER MAIL" Bri1b1ne, Qld. 4 JAN 1966 ' • I crtY''~~;~~Ultu~al centre in Wickham Terrace area? T"E que1tion u( 1lte1 for a new !!rl 1al!!!y, theatrr8, and general cultural centre ha, emerged BI the moat pre11ing i11ue In the di1cu11• • ion on city rc- dev~lopment, for without a known 1ite there can he only theoretical plan,. Executive Committee 1 memba-s of the Queens- land Foundation for · Cultural Relations have noted with considerable In– terest the re-publication CC.-M., 29/12/65> of the scheme suggested by archi– tects, Bligh, Jessup, Bret– nail &nd Partners !or the Roma Street area. Roma Street • • . The""'Educatlon Minister ·(Mr. ru:zey, was quoted as havln1 declared the State OoverM1e11t generally In favour of the plan, and as having said there was strong feelln!{ that the cultural centre • development should be bound up with the future of the Roma Street area . Ho•,ever, a report Jn The Courier-Mall on January 1, 1966, postuJates other poten– tla I altes. The Queensland Art Gallery Director tMr. N. L. B. Thomas, ls re– tl)orted to have suggested that the people of thl~ State should be told what are the alternatives to the now abandoned Botanic Gardens site of the Centenary Year < 1959) cultural centre pro– ject. It ma1 well be that an examination of other cen– tral areas subject to future re-development may disclose a site superior to the Roma Street one. . • . or the Terrace? fore5eeable future ·· by Rn electrified railway system. The ar~a referred I o above already Is R ce1,t1e of little 'theatre. an, "•l1 .. Jng, ballet, and art of Sl>f't ·r.li activity, so formtnit tile nucleu~ of the r: 11 Mzl. turul heart - suW.ably •" . mote from the bu vin:n .:, ,r trade and commei'ce. , , In April, 1 9 85, 'I submitted within easy reach of ~- • •· • for display at the Queens- ers In shoos and o!flc~~ land Industrias Fair a con- The area Is tree-studded, trlbutlon to the forum con- and Dart of It could bP ducted by the Queensland Chamber of Manufactures. landscaped lawns and itar- dens. This entry suggested that A pilot scheme for the the future cultural ceULre Iona-awaited cultural cen- should be sited not In the " Roma street area, but In t.he tre could operate In exist- d lnit bulldlnits pendlnl'.: Im- more elevate part of the nlementat.lon. pro11ressh·l'l.\', city bounded by Wickham f Terrace, Wharf Street, and O the ma.for pro.lect. Astor Terrace. This foundation . which An aerial photpgraph and represents the Interests of rouah ground plan Jllustrat- all !'\lltural bodies. with– Jn1 the suggestion showed out lufrmitlnll' their lnde– the proximity to central oendence or autonomy, Is St•tlon, and a large area of R demonstration of thr abtl- ., ltv of many bodies to co- . vacant land now used 18 a oo!'rate In matters of com- car park. mon concern . . . It also sufggestedFtthatBthle ... Leaders In the cul- extensive ormer re r • tural flelrl must be fnunc! gade Headquarters If 1'lr -=' l · .. . quired, could be utilised In m the forefront of c_o• their present state for cer- ordlnated efforts to d1s– taln cultural purposes. and cover the most desirable later converted Into a major nlim /for a cultural cen– theatre with adequate park- Lrf' 1 Rud to make it actual, · 1ng. st alle bv slaite. A smaller theatre could The Premier (Mr. Nick- • first be established In the Jin,, the Education Minis– vacant church bulldln1 ter (Mr. Plzzeyi, and the owned by the Ratlw11ya De- Lord Mayor <Ald. Ckm partment at Creek Street Jone,1 have been kept In– and Wickham Terrace. formed ·on the developments The extension of Turbot leadlnll' to the fact of the Street proposed in thC' \Vil- Foundation. 11nd on lt.s acll– bur Smith report will '"" •~- vltie5 and alms. - S. B. sitate I edev!'lopment , 1: I. :~ Hume Chairman In office part of the city which, no oueensland Foundatlon_.!01 rtn11ht. will be served In the Cultural Relatlom,. / 11