Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

. - to comeT 'l'bla model of an am aatN 'where the 1tand1 waa one of the two winnln1 eatrta'la aQaeeu· archl&eoture ,o11tat. Ita crtator l1·Jlr. Peter O'Gorm&D, .-.(rt,Jat). With him II loba ~a. ·~ of Wlekham . '1'rrace, who tied for flrit prile. . ' Our Fr lh , O m,a betw • tree ,lle .r l'he ~ l 1'10'11 demo the • qua • civ · He afyin _.ite tile Cou ,.al ifwo othe T~ paak ~p lecti Que mak Iii, ~i Brfd way. Ip! ~pl ~le •Br