Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

. .....MA ' • ClTL!.~~·R CIT" stflJARE! Gallery plan ~!'!~w ~t!!!~l!~!:~1: . centre, facklr the enlarged King Georae Square, received growing support from the t'Ommunfty in Bris• bane yesterday. 1 I f , 1 The Lord Mayor (Al~ n avour - - erman Clem Jones) saJ yesterday he was verl of 11· brary keen to have a ne National Art Galler! facing the equare. 1 ,· nSquare • "I trould welcome dtaeu,alon on It wit \ tboee concerned," he aa1c frnni Pnre l "I am not certal "There nre certain whither It would be prac people who &rt' t.ryinir to Uoable btca11Jie of .the kln1get on tn the bandwaaon of site th11 1 would b:now they realise 1L hu available. tbecn accl)ptcd b~ the gen- U-="-sentlal'' e ral public." . • 5oa , Alderman 0 . L . Olsen .. ' ICM o .. Chnt.sworth l: It There are all kinda o\has 1int been accepttd. campllcatlpos In tbe de- Artist s and planner• slim of art gallerlea," h\ yes tcrd~y supported the said. , idea of a cultural centre [The land, on the Anr:as part or the enlar1ed Stllet - aquare corner Kini,: George Square. would be cbmparatlvet, They empha; [sed that qarrow. The other area ota nv nrw centre of art for !!d• on the Adelalch' Br\sbane should !Jc lc.-:aLl!d Street corner, wlll be buU jconvenlrnlly for the ~"' on by the Reserve BanJt.1 1 of people. ,J~e V~r~•na:~. ·""::-J Atmosphere Baddeley) yesterday wrot, The BrlsbanP. Develop• to The Courier-Mall aup- ment AuorlaUon prealdent porting the iraUery Idea. 1 Mr. T . H. A, Crou) llild He said : "A flrst-clas!Of the . square art ga!\erJ art gallery and a flrst-cla&li s~r~~~~sd not think of civic theatre are amon111 trn ythm~ more w itable. the _t..!16cnUal faclliUl's of aThr Courier-Mail's ~u,– •mimal city For aome tlme l ion Is Ju~t what WI ™'• rhf'n II&.\ been talk: of ge: t an •rt 11allery, and It Is w .. 'lt· Is more I han Just the hiah tlffle that someLblng nl!f'd for a n art gallery We de.~lntt.e_was for t.hcomlng . need something to gl\'c the I write to 1IYe parUcu- cit y 11 tmosphere . lar support to your suggea- tlon for a civic theatre "t can .,ee the square _u "An architect ahould. be a place with concerts, d11• employed who really 'knows I plays, a band pla_ylnll, an~ something of the require- Impo rtant i;athtr11111s-an mtnta or a theatre. lt he art .i:aller:; as IL~ back· ..The u ,eat11· ~hould be 1:1round . _ _ ~ well equipped with modern The Queen~ Ml Hal . accoutremtnt To ha \'e a lery Tr1L~tees• presktenl stage set In " mere hall Is (Sir Roel)·n Philp ) Aki : not enough, und A multi- "Wherel'rr t he sit e 1s, I - ·- - .:.i peoplr should be able to purpo&e hall WOU!~ b"' stroll Into t c nrt gllllery most unaatllfeict.ory. , ct11 ri11g their lun<'h-hour. It The Health Comml&&ee 11111, t where the\' cnn Chairman I Aldern.n re h It ea st I\· ·• · Greenfteldl, who Is Greater The su~i:e~ied l:lotnnlr. Brisbane Town Planning Garden~ area would nrrrr a dt puty chairman, Did ; " noble ,i Le·· for a n art gal- "The civic square would ler y, bu t would I>~ a ". :·rk'' be the beat place for an art for most p1•opk . llr , ,ud gallery because of the , N d h r1' squace's euy ecce.sslbiltty. ee 5 fjt_ _ I would like to ~ iL go j The Art. Council tltfJ"e." QuHnlland Jllftldent tDr. Earlier ,at the council Gertrude Lan1er1 ad- meeting, Aldtrman Green- ,·ocatect a King George field said that In August. Square art 1allrry tor two 1962 Alderman Jones had mal.n reasons. suggested that a new art " Bl!Cause it is th~ moet gallery be one of the ne ac<'e:1111ble place fnr the buildings to face the ordinary c1t1za11 - office square. ~rla can go in at lunr h time. A -k trustees " Aud becau.~e our city .-ut eed• ll heart-liOlllet.h1111 I . &bat cannot be ctomtnated Alderman ~eenfiel bv bank buildings and in- said the Lord Mayor h a d sum.nee offices.'' wr1 tten t.o the gallery trus ·. ters chairman 1Blr ·Rosl ~·rr Site worry I The Couri~•Mall Sllld: The <lueenaland Art ' 111 a n edltorlat ye&terda} Gallery Society president that ll larger Kmg Georgeq Mr. E. J. A. Welleri, Square frontin g the C1t}lwhn is a State Gm·ena– Hall wi th a.n art ga.llf'r'."~lmeut a rchitect. .said the and a rivlc thea t re woulo square's re&tnc ted land add LOmethlng wort hwhilE,woulct cal.J for "en art gal– to i!-11 ornamental oper. 1 tl' n ' ~tinped like a rtli111 spect roaring an under• cRblnct.· ground mot,or PRrk a nd s· " It could br done but 1#11,rrtc subwa y. I it would prnbabl.v be ~x- Alderman Oreenf it'ld sa1c riens1vc to build n11ct to thnt 1hr Citi1rn.~· Mun iri oa. operntc." Mr. Weller said. Org11n ls11tion had been try - T l1e Q11ee11sln r,ct Art, inll' tn ·'knock " t.1 ,r sq uarEGa ll!:1:v ,1·1 ll re nrn1 n ooen srllPme ror R Ion~ rl mr 011 r n ctuys 1111111 tO pm. , fn 1· ., LriH I 01'1 I0d f/Jllnwi11g "They did hnve a err- 11 ""I ~a ll.,.-,· c1 ; •, ,•1r,r, br- tntn amoun t ?,f RUppnr i 11 1 , 1 ,, 15 ai: .,.. rras, •d 111 - rrnm the press, hf' R:tld , LCJ'P.St Ill HI I "It is pkllslni,: to see New wnrs for 1.hr ~a llerv that It Is bl'ing recognised a re :-Sunct ny-2 p.111. 1/J ~ bv c .M .O.. press, and p m . Mnnctnv to T ll ursd1y public tha t it Is a worth- ~ 10 n.m tn. 5 p.111.. Fn<111y 111111,• .~rhemr. - 10 :u n . LO 10 p ,111. 811l - t1rdR1' to n.111 Ln ~ p.m.