Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

''TELEGIAPH'' Brhlwne, Q. ,- Call for "something 'decent'' at thesquare The City Council should buy more lend ond make the Civic Square "10111ething decent' Mr. T. H. Cross soid today. Mr. Cros., •·ho 1s prt', I· drill ol lhe Brlhbenl~ l.)e . UlnplOCIII A'\IIOCllll Ion. aald he would prtfr r a cullu1 ul centre· on the !Ott rAther tha n an l\fl 1olltrY which • ·ould lnter – ••t only " llt'CliOII of l h P com111un1t,· 1 "Lr t', not hn1·e a trn f – bllkrd ,chtme: · ht :,aid. " Ltt \ gel more land If ll\ert b ·not rnough t\'Pn for an art 11111,ry. Ill hat t>Hn 1u111csted. and 11el 10methln1t dectnt." Mr. CrOAS said tht Brt • bane 0e,•e)OJ)D\tllt A~ln• tlon would mttt , arly neat 'll'et!k 10 dl!ICUISII lalt5l de– \'flo11ment:i ln tilt Civic 8(JUIHI' IIChtfflf. He ,,ould J)l'Ol)()Sf al thlll meeting . • Thr ~ettlng up of a S tate 0t,·clop111t nt Com– ml,-slon. similar to that fc,rmtd to de,·elop Cnn– btrra. • T he remool of Clly Council oUICfl from the CIIV Hall 10 another bulld– ln1. and the w,e of th City Hall for civic func– lloM. • Conslderat1u11 of thr mner city area ·ror planu.-d drvclopmen t - c I Y I c \ ren trth. 11dmlnlstratlon . civic square. 11nd parb - ' rftllr er tt1a n an ll<olated de - • velopment project. Mr. Crou said ht did not ' orpclle the e&tab lt )llllffll o an art galltry , but he ft'lt the ~quare should have wider appea I. A ·ulturnl cr11t rt could 111 ludt , m all amnteur and ballet ltu-atre . and the art 1al 1er:v. - Mr f ' rv~,- ,Rid ht• nic reed 11 ll h tht runnrr mn 11 111 r of the Brl•b&III' lty Co11ntl l' park.~ tlco11 rt – rnerH . Mr. Oakman. 1hn t more t rr._., v,rrr 11eeded to ~ nutl l\ 8n, b1111f' roa d~