Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

THf COUltlH-MAIL THURSDAY OCT I 1983 3 Give land to · 9.allery -Crawfor,d THE lrl1bane City·Council ~Id donate ,,. land frontin1 Kln1 Gtor1• $ciuore for • National Art Gallery 1fte, If the site were acceptable to the 1ollery tru1tH1 and the ~ State Government. · ;J The .Citizens' Mun C. eriougri'iarea, wli'elher· rn; · pal Organisation Leade,r / tl;pe 1 of bUlldlng to go ori · (Alderman Crawford), to ~h:ng~1fe~~~~:3 :i 1 !f~J~·1 ~aid thi • last night /It would be an economio He said that the ~uncil [proposition. It is a matter could contribute the land for the art experts," I s ita share of the de The Lord Mayor said he velo~ment of & civic centr; ~irirec~!~ril~1 .B:!tu?cr:; ~a~ e vlclnity. o! the City tor a gallery il\ the square. Aid C , Aldennan Jones aald In h erm&n raw.ord Aid a fKQ broadcut last ruirht t e Lord Mayor <Aid~- that ,.. people had become ~ft cr~~!l/~:s> i:lght ~s very appreciative of the 1 was determined fo pr:eJ fact that the cost of the with tlt'e aquare •extension square would be very small project becau11e of th and that the main cost of , Id t e the project would be thd" ~ s ream of ' finance. of• the inner city car park, c · r into the council's which was needed badly coffers. . r · "Roads first" ' T 1·k / The C.M.O. still believed a s Lhat the Labor admlnlstra- ion should have done voru like roads, water, b and sewerage before rt pending thousands of ' a oounds on acquiring tbe buildings ·in the taquare "We deny the aBSertlon by the health committee g ro• . ' ~hairman (Aldtirntan Up · reenfleld >. ,in the council n Tuesday, that 'we · : . 1 I favour the aquare-ear' MR ... ,.14 de V~hl· 1 arli: ache,me," Alderman , • . " Crawford said. Ru• 111 Jnt• rd •r c• 11 • 1 "We have very arave , v• 11 eil • -eth 1 1 • t hi• doubt.a of the efficiency of P • tldl111N11 ·•- • to ,,... • car park there, as traffic The ~urlar-Mell 1u11n• ~narla coUld be creat.ed . In tl4111~ of •• • rt 1ellerr I • !lny cue, we have been the • ew Kl111 · G"'I• . told very little about ·the S.uero. • · pl&n.1." • The Vlce-Mavor (Alder-· He aaid the e&r oark inan Buchan) chaired the ould have been built drawuut-room . ptherlng, above l(l"OUnd on the 11lhicb~decided to seek con– Roma street muruclpai verll~ of the Supreme 1arketa site at ,leas CO&t. l't;i lnto an · art gallery, Extension of tne aquare aa ,. temporary measure ould have been left until until a nlle-ry was bulll Lile ma.Jor "bread and u, Kinll' George aciuare. . utter" W<>fk• had been ":,;'he r.Rubin committee" one." .,.. alli>~wanta a the,atre • a.a 19&2 Letter ~~; e~f the - square art The Lord ~ayor (Alder- Mr. Rubin told the man Olem Jones), asked meetin.: 'The Courier– last night It the councll Mail's la a splendid sug– would consider 111v1n1, the gestton and somethinr Ann Street corner stt.e for must . be done about it. 1 a gallery If It were ,fOQ.dd "The suprem~ court sultabl~. said: B should be leased ·through "I would not know. ut trustees and uie legal the council would be moat world should acliteve It.a anxious to co-operate 1n ambitloij of gettilnc a new the establlshmen. of the supreme Court down to– l{allery .~f the alte were ward the Botanic Gar– :;ultable. d na " ' The .Lord Mafior sald,.__e_=·-----......- ;;:: ~t ~da~n1~:1~ry t~~ lnv,stlsate •the square, by writing to M'r. Rtlbln · said the the ga1le1·y trustees chair QueenaJand Art OallerJ' man <Sir Roslyn Philp) In had been Invited to th~ \ ugust. 1962. meeting, The trustees "I want to make It qul President (Sir Fl.osl!·n . tear that , m.,y suggestion Phllr) had replLd tliat was based on a desire untl there was a meeting ,ee an art gallery there of ~he trustees, h0 could 1 nd because we wlll nee take no action, ; prestige building In th The meeting elected a t · on e comer o sub-committee to invest!• ure street and the gate the Rubin proposal. nn ,. h Id The sut,-commlttee will · ~are, e 11 • • 'con- comprise: Mr. Rubin as This Wt!1 ~fi!e ~erve 'chairman, the University 3 rmk tuildin"' and th• vicP-chance11or (Sir Fred ~n • Schonell), the Dean · of Cl~ll~er I have ve . ,Brisbane <Very Rev, w. 0 . 1• d f art and P. Baddeley), the Arts little know e ge ,o , a1' •council Queepsland p·resl- he' requirements 0 • • dent (Dr. Gertrude Lan- 1:allerles. idea vihether ger), Mr. V. .Ozell <Twelfth "I have no ult ble r1Ntght Theatre) and Mr-. he site would be s 1/ betjRussell Jarrett <B1·lsbane vhether there wou · /Art~ Theatre). · ,t~fffl;¥All" Brisbane, Q . Mayor backs Square gallery Thi' l,ord MR~'<Jr , ,..,or , . mRn Clrm ,JOnl'SI ,\Rid \'P.~• tl'rd~ ,. II~ irou lr1 ,1qJpoi 1 11. "show c1,.se publ1r an ~R l– lery In Lhe new K ing Gror1tl' SQuR re If the mm·~ \\'11,.,.. s11 1l,R.b lr and P,·11 w,111 ,1 all~· µructit-a ble. Thr ' lltigestion ,, a, mart~ In a Courier -Mall N1 tLOrtal lhut If thP. land 011 Ilie Ann Street. rornrr or : lte new Square wr r,• 1111t large <'llo11gh to ,;how or :-lorn the StntP 's entire nn– t101rnl "rl ,·o! lcrl.1011 1L ,' Oll ld be 11se,1 fL' a l(II IIPI'\ tor s,,lecled work.< · "COURIER MAil" lltsbane, Q. £350 Raffle for gallery A PAINTING bJ Mar– garet Oliff bu ralllll £350 !or the proDOSed Dl9 Art Gallery bulfding, ~ The painting Wle nr.f,_ by the Queenaland An Gallery Society Women's Auxlllary. Winner of tbe 86 ~ painting was M'r'o.'.' yeet.erday as lllrL Of T<>vwoomb&. The money railed wW be doubled by the S.. 0..· ernment on a £1 for · t1 buls the aux111ary's prtllli• dent Miss Oallna Naro– chin said yesterday, '"This was our first l'llffte rai a palntlna for tM~: . Next year WI ,..,... ""· I fie two ~~ ... ?>!,· ~ell-known ~ - . otarochin said. . _. . ,,. ' ..COURIER MAIL" · ~ 7 OCT1!63, Negotiations soon for Alben .House THE City Council will begl_n negotlatiou, soon for the acquisition of Al'-rl' House, the last of five big buildlnp · re– I qulred, for the King Geol'ge Squarer ex.ten. · \_slqn scheme. Sank, for £2'18,000, tlie land Cost of Albert House. Jn the Adelaide Street car~ expected to. be at least ner of the ·new square, £200,000, j will bring the The councll would :yll total out ay contracted so the land on the Ann rar to about £1 million. Street comer ~ It 1 • .1Demolltlon •of the Albert were given as an ~ :PJ- notel, pought for J117,000, lery site. , ·,· Is expected to'l>e n~room-, ~ pletlon by the end of next week. Next to 10 wlll be the Centennial Buildlnr <Ade• lalde Street), which coat £70,000.· . Gal.lery plan I The c1ti Council· la ex– pected to call tenders for its demolitlob early next year. , 'T~e ,councU - has con– tracted to buy the Tlvoll Theatre for , £276,000 ana the Hibernian Bulldln1 tor £330,000. It · will not 1et vacant ~Ion of the theatre ~tll December. 31, 19". j 'Ilhe• council hu agreed sell to the BeleM ·- h . - . •y 7 · - " t!!mJiorary" · galJery , at' !II t Bowen Bridge which has ;b~en y'6 !..ty· so long used for this purpose. CI ·•·. There is also to 'be kept -in I mind the 'land that .. will be D EMOLIT~ON of prop· vacated from King Georse ertj · for enlar,tngl Square right up to the Roma Brisb1,ne's.Klng Geor1e Street railway station when Square• has ata~ It is the .municipal m41rkets are the beginning , ot i project moved and th~ present police that will trauform -the afflc building is demoliahed. centre of ,the city.,,. Here la It cannot be doubte,d ,that where Queensland'• capital Brisbane l)e()Ple and yisitp'ts should have a National Art to the city woul~ e.pp ~pla~ Gallerx, If an early decision a new and ~ore acee¥\b~ Is not 'made to ~eserve aome National Art Gallery. t'llhe of the re • um~ land for cul-' Lord Mayor (Afdeirn&JJ' Clem tural purposes there will Jones) is eager to have! one never be another opportunit)I facing ,th- . enlargecl; . King r to b!'lng art and culture George .Square, •iv1d. hu r1 ht into the heart of Brl•· 1stated that he w?uld-welc!ome b r · 1 a discussion •, on . tlie, ma ane , ·• ,. The City . Council, the with other peeple or abthort-. Stat G vernment and the ties concA'rned: ,The State tk'us:ees ~of the art gallery; ~inister for Education (Mr. h Id t together to con• P1zzey) and the art galle~ sldou h ge uch' land would trustee • should be really,· ·_to s er ow m t th t I 'tat! ' ·· . d Id b avai'I accep a nv1 on. be require or wou e • • · th able for an art gallery and/ A Lew years ago e Sw, e for possibly 11 civic theatre ~vemment Interested i~lf II If th would not 1n an ambitious project for a as we • ere I big art and cultural centre be sufficient la nd for a bufl d .1U1at was to lie fot,Uld a site Ing la,:,ge e»,ough.. t~ ,al\ow or_aome\Jlhere In the vicinity .of store the State 8 entire, t'he Botanic Gardens. 'Fhe national art collection, ~here project lapsed for Jack of should at leaBt be room for •public support. There Is a gallery that could be used convincing evidence of much as a , show case . for more popular support for , a presenting to the pubhc 88 new National Art Gallery many pictures and 0th er t hat would have a site in the works of arts as _are regu, centre of the city. · larlv put on exhlblt1on in the •