Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 6 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre 1963-1970

TMI (eUltll-"6A1'- TttuuaAY OCT 17 lffJ JJ __ "COUIIII--·~ Sntall art gallery ·1B O'J '96'5 need for Brisbane - A CENTRAL art scalhiry tor i,;pecial uhi~ition~ wa.~ needed in Brisbane, tht> t-:ducaliun Minister (Mr. Pli'.zey) ~id lul nitcht . A small aallery provldm11 \ dld not kn ow wh11t sp11,1•\i1shf'd o II sll,e wi th a 1ar- space for ttil• type or d1~.-. 1 wo11ld be 11vAll11bl e th err den t1µpruach . rlay could be an "RdJunct A th It j A Cour ltr-Mall edllorlal Lo a main gallery. he said. no er 5 e hRd Slll(llt!flted that If ~tw Mr. Plzzey u.ld It WU . ' land on the Alll l 8tr9t't not yet known whr re a He s,il ct I hr MR In Ruan a corne r of the new Square main art 1allen- would be Department !,()On would bt- Wt'rl' not ta1·ge enou1h to bullt vacat.lnll lt11 premises oppo- show or ~to~ thf' Start·• · •!~ the Roma Street entlre 1111L1onal art coils- He SAld a site at the Pollce Stal Ion. ThL~ arra tIon It cnuld be used u a Botanic oardens had tieen could be con1idered In the 11 allery for selttted worlra propo~ed. but 1ltern11the site !'election or II new art Th" Lord Mayor , Alder- sites could be coMldered. gallery . mM Clem Jones , ,iaid on Mr. Pl1.zey ~aid he v,u Mr. P1z1.ey said he ptr- Tul!lday he would auppon doubtful whet hf'r adequ&te sonRllY pretened the 11 "~how CUI" public art space for the permanent slngle-11t.orey tyDe or build- 11allerv In the new Kina 1art 1allery could be pro- lnir for an artY•allery. He Oeol"l(f' Square If t.he meN vlded In the 0rop01ed rtvir also wo111r1 ~llrt tn IN a w11~ 1111ltabl1 and ecnnoek'- M!Uare area. HCIW_!;!r . ennnnrn • uJlen• est11b- 111ly prartl~ablt. MGL' .. ,.\ r c.v . 1:;:. , \:' ? .,_...j I I 0 I -. "" nlf•fln tvf> flit ·,• you ao much mon,•v to /,rn· 1,i,·t11n·.• ~-,,,, 1111,·n,'t 1-:11t ,•110111:11 .• 1, 11 n , ro '°''°" ,,~,.,,,'! •' -N w· I buildini: cost or r o~\1 hlr anJ J ispl a~ se.:ri,111 " here , ew Ing .startinl! date. ;1s pl an, lo,,,' arr h noh. rcprnd u 11,rn , . . lfl he ,111'>m ,11cd Ill the llll' t1 ,,11,pare nc1.: aml phoi.• S ht crnrncnt. -grar, h, m ay be purclla"·d. ro, new C\ h1h11 1on IUllOJ, I 14 Exhibition!! Oug I · ·1 here " a rr<·~sin~ -11cC'd F A t ! ;11 thl· Ar_t C,nll,·r,." :-., ,:J\..,xt Year Or r l.angk~ r ~aid , 1 "There i, nt11 ,, 11 ,, 11 cl· i 1'1r_I :mf!kcr ,.11d th,11 on G ll l mo111 at p, c,cn1 ,,. ,I, pl., ,pl:,n11111i: tht' new w111~ . rlw a ery r,ic111rc, tu th,.. , h 1 1 '"1c_c, " " :1l,I h:o vc th,· , , a,hanl a,!!C.. hl' nd ll ,, f :he: knn,dcd~c an I 1 ,·,r"·• •<·n, <' r ained b; the i;at 1 The trustees of the f.overnnu•nl Graul le• :• d ,r,·.:tm. l\lr Hal Mi, Art Gallery of New I J , . , I , inch:,rn . "h,> made ., i South Wale,; will s1•l'k •1 111 f('R~• 1 , p..:, 1,d , " '' 111 llri1... , , State Governmrnt ap• I ~1, 1 anµ~c , ,:o id ,1·,,· :-1.,1 , I ,11 r,pl' . r ·11i1,·d S1 ,,1l'• proval for the huihllni: Cin,conmcnt hact ,e,·cn1h < .,11.,d .. and t:o r,, 11 111 1,11, 1 I f . d' I 1 ' ir,crc,isCu !111:~, £ 10.llllfl h• 1,, , ,,.,11 :or t ~allc1 y dc" cn 1' o a new :ur-con tt onr, fl~JOO ,,, , c;,,h all,,,·.11i,,n do ll ad111i ni,11~1,11n. · wlna al lhe gallery. '1 1<1 the .:,11,·,, f;,r th •· r ·•r• \I r l\fi,"n ~ham ,aid 1111· The preside nt of thl clrn:c of w,1r'b of aol " '.I (, .ollroy pf New s,,u 1h tru~t e.:~. Mr Erik L:rngk r r , 1 h,1 munc, ,·.,:dd ,,. " l•c \\ .d es " nu ld have 14 m,tJ" ' said the new win!! , ii u~cd r, 11 h11ilol rn ; n1,·n, ·,•·,, nh ,)-, 11 ,,, 11 , nc~ t yc:01. approved. w0trltl p rn b.,hh lh r•"P• "Cd nl'W " '"~ , He , :,,d :o pro~r ,m nf ex • have al lc:i<t th r,·C' t<1rL'\·' r arl ,,f :, ccnc o:ol pl an 1,, ~l •"t''.' n' ,·m·nurngcol 1hc and wou ld he hi!ilt at th,· mnucrn"c the µ. tll n1 ,,, 1,, t• · , rr urn to the ~:o l f h On , .,,-c ,11 t,c1 ~•1 . thr 111•\l lr • • ,· :«'·" t, to sec 1h,· re;, r ,., t ,. ,· .i , tc rn end ,,f 'ent1 ancc ,·111111 bc., nnol rh . l,i tc,, • ···r ',, , .,r r aintin !:, the g;il k r~. ,vc,tihulc wa, ,,pcn,•d 1-, ,: • .01 ~c •.!.ll'...'111-c, It wn11l d 1,,.', 1nl .1 1ri l' \ h ih 1 1 n i1C'(IOr-licncr:d 1\I 1 d 11L',I . I Ii i 1 -- 1 h1.. , ,q. \ ~ . 1 \k r\ 1io11 courr ·,. ;i ,l ni in., 10:111• c 11u11 . Dr II. S. \\ , ·, lha, n. ' " 1,. ol ,, '' •· · · ..,mcc. . a "-tHk,h •'P fi,1 . .. rc rnc~«:ntin"' 1hc ~1 1111 '\11,.' I (111 1,. l lfn p le: (' 1e, , ,,d , ,f l"'. l' ' storing and pll,Cf' ,n1•'Ed 11.:ati1rn . c• 1,,f.. :,. ,11 ''• · : \ 11 · pa inl ings, a print ll, 11,11 l he r,n,ran-.:1..· ... du 11 h,, ti~ · 1 •· librarv anu . it wa hn r cu. mmk rn lri;h 11ng anJ a nr. " ' ' ·• ' '"' •· oilr •" c., a cafc with a view uf 1hr 1c~i l1ni,: to ,~ pl:,cc the ,•Id "' '" " ' ,1,a 1 '1 1 •: I, · , Harbour. ""' 1,,0th rd r.:11,r. ·' " · ,h ,l· q i,,,, •, Ii ., ,.•. , ,., Mr Langker said llC' , ., 1 11,1 I lie wa ll~ are co>'creLl · "'' IIH: 1 c , •·1 11 •" -i•o. • 1 not ,:c ivc a ny C\t1mate ,,f 1h,. w11h , t1a1,c •te~turcd foh rit: ;, . c• :hr f' " ' '''"' and there i~ ,,n infuunal ion 1 "" •ri t h, ........,Q.