Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

THI COUl11l-M41L WIDMHDAY' AUGUST t 1912 Gallery designs closed .......... ,, . .. •rcl11tHfW ,..1.,-.,1"4 , 11 111~1ftl•t tl • 1it11, for 0........... 11-. ...w An Geller, h... cloN4. Th• W11r11S and Hou~ – ln11 M1nt~~r tM r Hod · I "" r .. 11d th1~ yu~roa r ~·rot.n lh•e re11lslra • lions, 10 Jlrm• would be a,krd I() lldwaiL lletch plan, for lhe tallta. A ~t.lf 'oll• pane( 'then ~·ould chome ttuw to ~ u b m l.t ~1.rldl.W de· .a,..... . A paul al •ould aei.ri he I di· llllr\l~~--U\nl. lllr. l .fald fur - ' h t r . l"llmllJl!IOIII allll 111111 en be 111ad1 for the .;11.e on the south lld•. n c • r Vtr.&ona !lr1dp Bulldln, would be,tn In lboU& two ••rL I 8ubJtct to fl.-aee, the Arl ,.11,r, would bi c.m..... bJablNt HTI. .... A BRISBANE areldtfft who hu w aeveral architectural awards la •~ ✓ to be named the winner of the dllllD competition for the new '7 mllllaa an gallery. · •