Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

BRAIN RACKING FOR::, ·s1-MP·LICITY A BR,ISBAME architect wha wu last night awarded the new $7.5 milllan Queens– land Art Gallery design controct, claimed it wa1 the moat "brain racking" lob he had done. Yet State Govern– ment appoin~d asses– sors gave bl~-~he con– tract laraely w,;auae of the dealgn'a simplicity. The architect, Mr. air showings and sculp– tures. A landing jetty Is in- cluded. · Acquire Robin Gibson, of Robin • Land acquisition ii Gibson and · Partner_~ likely to coat the Gov– won the Job after 1'111 emment about '2 mll• arcliltects 'in Queens- lion. land· ,had been ap- Th lie Is ex proached ,~ submit de- pecte~ ~ ~st about si~ey .were reduced to ,u mllllon. a abort list of 10, Prom Mr. Gibson has won · the 8 e·, thtee "esigns s e·v er a.I architectural_ _ " awards. w e re considered se- . These Include the rlously ' Residence of the Year The· other two de- award (1963 and 1966), signs were from ,BUJhii the Building .of the Year Jessup, Bretnall !'n (1961, 1964 ~d 1968> 1 P a r t n e r s and Lun~, tbe Archl~ure ana Hutton, Ne~ell, Paulaen Art.a award '(1968) and• f._t , L~!:l· • : :· ' J tbe Dlwnlnatl'!!( En~ •• -~ I · ~l'I Awarq . (~ . J 1t1 ve ~ ·" ).. . ,-s 1•, ;) "¥' 1 • 'I',~ " ' • •• · . firm 11· de&linlnl Worlu M.lnlster <Mr. the Griffith University. Hodges) announced the Other buildings It has name, of ,the w!Mlnl designed include IAO architect at a special House, Mathel'!I (Queen function last night. Street>, Pioneer !louse The ,gallery site over- (Toowong>, Mayne Hall looks the Brisbane Rl.v- at the Queensland Uni– er in South Brisbane verslty), the 0.I.O. Ad• and . ls · bounded by ministration Building at .Guy,. St,anley, Peel and Rocklea, and the pen– Metboume Streets. tagon-shaped building ;. The -dealgn has a known as 40 Queen i,quareline look floor Street. space of 150,00b sq.ft. Mr. Gibson said the and 50,000 'sq.ft ., of car art gallery was h.ls m05t parking spa9e. Important job, There are show areas, administration offices, a r estaurant and stor– age areas. A water mall Is a fea– ture of the ground level design. Fountains will be installed In various sections. · A pedestrian walkway will be built over Stan– ley Street to .a land– scaped area on the rlv- 1 er bank. · This area will con– tain an ampltheatre and provision for open Overseas Most of hls work was spen·t In designing · buildings. He said he travelled overseas every f e w years to look at latest trends and to keep In touch with architects there. Some properties still have to be acquired for t h e g a 11 e r y . work should start early in 1075 and shOuld be completed by 1978. ARCHITECT Mr. Robin Gibson with part of his model'at last night's annou~cement. \1-1\-1~ 12