Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

"COURIER MAIL" I .---c..2-3...oAu...:PR~19!..?J~O__ a_rls_ba_ne_, _a_. 1 r ·Art -.di[ectOr 1 ' . • : ,_ ' • . I,_; JS . permanent · : QUEENSLAND Art Gallery director (Mr. James WJeneket!aid yesterday t.ia appolntme'11;··waii ~anent ,sub- '. jeet to the disc,r:etion of the 1aliery's · boaJ!d of tru • tees. • • ,. • \ f 1 Mr, "Wieneke' • apPQlnt- Art ~ wu being ably ~t u dlnotor waa con- adm1nlaterec1. ! • flnmdb ·, an May 31, 1967, "Tbere bit en no a1>"i , ,rben be wu 69. . Proach i,, the .Qallel'Y: · 8·111 te Puj)llc Service truateea to qhann the , ~ ".e>::S yuterday preaent, Id-up", Mi'~ Flet- i"'c1ec1 troif ke wq ex- cher sald. , ' ~,'\ the Public~ro.:-1= Galler, ,1an re!atb ,tins to rttlremlJlt at Mr. Jl'letcher ~lsed . e _.. .of II&. that tbe ·J>l'9l)Oled new Gal · Bia J)ClllUon would be one lery near tbe 10Uthem ap for the 'cana!deratlon of the proacbea of Victoria Bridge , Art · OallerY board of waa • till a ''beautiful plan" trustees, 4Dd lbe llducatloli whicb ~ ,vould take • D·d CulM'al Activtttea two or three years to\~ Mtalater Olr: ~>. reallaed ''in eompletion". .-.:_... .::. -~l* w~ ~~ · .' WU beJd t,y _ the could ocour. re the ne · Art Gllllft7 pllenr, WM , buti · · IUbJect ""8 !l.!.. ,the mean~ he waa new • quite fiMIO\lt the . · ry. Worll: present r,' • direction. '~ ,ear~ the Q~~ ?f.u~ . Po'•.I .. .... d boar4 of ~- (Sir Leoii er Trout) ~'We are ex- ~. at &be forum, tremely d ted witb tbe lbii Jlrtltiantt architect Mr director aot. w~ • Mn l)alt.c,n Mfd tbe c11.: tblnll: 11:e're vel'1 fortunate 1 ~r of the pn,pcieed new t.o haw Mr. Wieneke and .Ery ·,..u. • t III aDDOinted believe that we made a 10 tbt.t bt woiiJ'd bave very IO.Cld choice there. · cbance t,jt formuiate •Finest' , ~ ~y. "I tblnk . that we have = Mr. Wieneke aid be bad one of' the finest art collecv returned from visits to ttona 1n Australia. It is belTII, Adelalde, Mel- "'Orth · more than tl mil l be an,:!. 8 1:rvlf,. ~d lion. We have the best q<>l– in oon'trtbutms ~ lectiona of Pl'fldale 1 Dobell , ~ - on the new and the l"mlch 1D1prea– • 't num. sionlata. . ' • llr. . Wieneke sald that "I would vel'1 much like •111• of t.he aa~tly tn-· to have ~ somebody at ~- villtora t.o the forum m,~~=~rr~u:i~:r th~ ~buted sometblng well built a brand new art pJ- ' 1".:::=,. he sald "It's lery for Queensland. ·mlaleacHnr ' to ~ •he "I th1ni: at the present 'ieen 81 and coHectlc'm time we have not sufficient te apart from the valu.: money or space ·available a le overseas WO'l'k, we for a Pine Arts School to P.ve many excellent exam- be included In the new gal- pies of Australian art, and le~ut there la no reasoh ,ve hope we'll continue to why thla cannot come 1h AC!.Qulre . 'WCIJ'f:b:, examples the future. We ho~ ·that wJienever ~lble. we'll be able to provide for "We also ,hope that iren- la lot of cultural actlvltles -erous ~m1fact4>r • will con- ai; the scheme develops." ,tlnue to aaalat us." . · _ _ _ Cost rise . Mr. Wieneke aatd: "Costs of running a gallefy have climbed steeply, ancf ·only bY the. moat careful han– d:llng of funds are, we ever able to purchue anything. "In any cue it's virtually lmposslble to aati • f)' every– one1 but I'm pleaeect to say 'thai; many l.ilterat • :te and •lntematlonal vlal~a have expreaaed warm apprecla– ' ti<in of what•we haye." ,-~~The Education al)d CUi– tural Activities Mtntster ·<Mr. Fletcner> said yeater– ~11.y he aaw no need to ap– point a new Art Gallery di– rector or to change the present Ierv staffing. • OU ht the • ·Art and trains . • • - I\, . ~ . . ' BOW ,many 'people would be particular~ . tntereited in a ,f'l,000,000 art gallery, ·eepec1apy :aee1n,.1t la .t.o be erected on the low elde of tbit . river In another flood, a Ja 1893, ru~ flood . wat.er . would lap the walls t.o a helsht ot, 12 1lo 16 ft, Obviously, such a proJect II a wut.e of l)Ublic money,. resources, and labor. The DiGilt Important proPQSltion for Brisbane Ill the ClOD• 11tructlon of the railway 'between Mel~ and Roma Street.a. Spend the f7,000,000 on Uile ui:cent neceisity and the electrlflcatlon of ~ suburban rallwayL Thousands of people walk ,over the vtct.ot1& Brldp on their way to South Brisbane sta– Uon Give us something tangible and ~f~ not 'lhrlnea that only a am&ll pro~ of file • f:'f- would be Interested In. - O• ..._ Weet 2