Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

• f BRISIA"'E, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 The lucflet wl~I bring the propo • ed new $7,100,000 Q11-.n1lond Art Gallery ,much cloHr, · • It allocates a aubatan- health with $117.7 ~– ,tlal amount for ·the final lion of State money (Up– ~u~tlon of land for f37,900,000l and on elec• the Bciuth !Srlabane alte. rlclty wlih $74,649,690 Jnt.ln°block for the · <ui $3 4,646 ,000J. . ri ~Ill be ~ded 1nc~~lf5bstarritll 1~~ • B Y 1 .,.,~~H aMJieel!!l!P 1 .• ~!_i;,r?!• cludln1 abou{ 100 docto_l'll . tanl~1, .. ~ ...., ""· and 1337 nurses, inoreas– .·!! ucii,t 11nanceJ1 Ina total •complement by '60 for Plannlnt the · 12.2 per cent. • , pJ. ery. .• . b , ~uiaitlon~of. the last Teac;ber num ers are ar'1! of land required to be increased by·l829._to leave11 tbe war clear for & 16,763, and at least _h88 atart=the ~- non-professional teacher M for a a(art may aides are to be employed be al ocated In the 197,. , 1n secondary, 1peclal1..~d '11 pre-electiein 'Bwlpt, eome prlmar.y and aPVrl• Tlie Government baa atnal schools. · annoUQQld-',p• to ·have Sir Gordon accused •he ·,!lPllStrucllliii ~~«.er way Commonwealt.h of "an tn,1971· ilDd have the 1&1~ ,~anatonary policy ~t ltb'•open, In 1978 1n a 'fully employed econ- 1 l e ii'ti-74 Biid1et ln- om.y 'wlth decla!oha being ! ced , -este~DI~ niade pi crisis by ·people for •&a 'Queci ine ,pe.rt In -economic Wll ·~t1. Glllll,..._ , JDaQalement." :wttli. ,tl 1n 1rr1-u. . He said . the B~te•s · D;.a"""lt relatlvely brllht . JJl.ctllNI IIIIJHlli compared witli other · St.a~ was -overshadowed Bir ~on Ohalt It d~- by the rapldly'lncreasin1 e Budp 1111lna ln 'flatlon which,, had , on-ao I 1 r1p.ped the • Oom· get, , monwealt.h. · ut h~ added: 'The ft was of grave concem Bu. doeabe thechlmoadt that the previously' fl~e- oan a eve 1· .. - d autall wl RE. ,fUJJda available Y-t'ltne ,. 8 r ~ , tbe wnptlon e,c on o my ha dbal~ . . wm . ~ ou~. o.r ance l • tliloJlih J1911Ucal consld- P.!! · , felPICt t.o- ., .t.pa betq a11owec1 ;jft ~,lf ~unduly to lnflu~nce vital ~ ~ over- . econoinlo decisions. ~ our · ·o&hennae ... ,~ .. The· Budpt _provides for .. dlflal\~af tt.271,717 atfli•~fOrCOD• IGUdatecl" r,vuue fund r e c i U, t a. totanln1 -~ -1iclt la lo be ft-: =ced prim~~ of ~TiSf' at June to tbla yeaf, ' • ) oreatat edlp~ expend!~ ,on •~- i~" ;r.'•oo\ · ilcitk»li iijh ll+l alloeatldri -Of- ' ~~tai:.taJ'=':·8:. ·rheatre on . tram site J WAI interested · to r1tad J. L. Mur– ray•, .letter (C. - M. December 28) au1- 16 lllE AUSTIAUAN r.. .a.y ~ 5 1974 New art ;gallery. 'safe from v---· floods' : LAST week's Bria- t.nat had the three · ba fl _.,_ ed ltcftr bulJdlnl· been ne - cover . tinllhed, the flooda more than a third would h1w1 Inundated 9t the 2 ha (5 acre) the centre'I aar park lite t o r Queens- and come within about land'a new •7 mll U metres Clift 11n> ot • - the lower floor ho1111n1 .lion art 1allery. valuable collectlona. · But the ,al~•• de- FINAL SKETCH IIIDffl are oonfldent Queenlland'a ,10 mil• The chairman of the JJon art tl'IUUNI wm new art gallery ateer– be ate from another Ing committee, M r "1174 flood." Roman Pnvl)'lhyn, yea- The State Ocwem- terday defended the ment hu a J'r e a d Y pllery desllP\. bou,bt the South Bril- He said final aketch bane alte bounded by plant of the bulldJn,, Ore,, stan1a1. Peel and ,r h 1 ~.h WU · "flood Melboume Street& tor Pl'Oof, would be sub- • mtWoa ' mltted to the State · Oovernment for ap- Wort II expected to proval In about three .tart next ,ear and the months. . bulldtn, will be corn- "We are well awve lJJeted by lffl. tlhe site Is flood prone A State Works De- but I am sure anv parttntnt &poke.~man future flood ca111 be Mid yeatt'rday about ,6 beaten," Mr P:n-lyshyn ha <U ncrta) ot the •Id. alte. adjolnlslg the - · He said rile coni:ept rtvcr, wu flooded to a of the art ~allery was depth of about one completely aafo and metre. there wn~ 11•J reason to The depth of \\'atl'r change We bullding'i; on the 6 hn -- \\'hlch dealrn- hns been set nMtde for "Thr 111atn ,allery .an ans nmpl'-\leatre floor wilt be at least six •and sr· lptun• coctrt - metres 1 20 feet, abo\'e , w, considerably deep- the floods," Mr Pav- er cloeer to the river lyahn 1ald. edp, he aald. · "Makin, It another The mall, t h r e e few metrea higher won 't atorey arts ·centre wm mate an:y difference.. be built on the remain- · "Jlealdea, whth the In, U ha <36 acresl of new dam lt bu.llt on the the 1lte. Brtlbane R!ver, the The epoke~man Rnld flood problem lhould not be nea.rly as IJ'Ht."