Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

11 COURIEI MAIL" lrlsblne, Qld. 13 A THI coua11R-MAIL THUR. APRIL 4 1974 New home ' art gallery sOOn !" NEW temporary home for Queensland's $4 million art galiery collection J! expected to be announced in the next few days. ~ Queensland Art Gallery !rustre's chairman (Sir Leon Trout) sai9 vesterdov thot two inner-c11y properties were being considered. "'!'he Trr1\M1rPr 181r A. b,.OU t 111.000 ~quare Gordon Chalk ' ha.s ar lecl ftt~ or air ('OlllllllOllNI swiftly to fmd a new s11aN! woulc1 he nerc1ed tn homr fur uur rxccllent 1111.ng lh~ p1rLUrrs and collection," he s1ud. house the aallery s1~ff. '' More progrrss l\ll.~ The 11allerY trustres been aehleVC(I Ill the last till~ week cQndt'lllllf'c1 the .,,, two days about flncllng a t'Xlstlng gall.,rY in Rowen home for thr llllllPry - Brl<lge Road\1,11 !)t!lng u11- albelt tcmpornry prcm- safr, a fire \lazar<I. anc1 1ses - than ha.s been subJrct to wat.er • ,ecpage achieved m the last 30 In heiwy rain. years.'' Sir Leon yesterday In• specled premises su11• gest.ed by Sir Gordon. Both were alr-con<11- tloncd, In hlgh-rist'! inner city devrloprne111~ equipped with security sy~tcrns sullable for the colll>eUon. Inspection Sir LPOII Hlc1 an emer– (lency mretlnl( of the 11al· lery t rusLces would be held Lnday or tomorrow w Inspect and rte m– me11d a site. I The lf'mJIOrarY ~lte fnr the 11allery would be le111>e1l by the oovern– r,11•111 1111tll the nrw 11al- ' 1 n· ~ ., h Jl rl~ha n11 On .time The archrtP.ct of the n,w 11Rllery ,Mr. Rohm Gibson, sail\ yesterda y ~hal planning and design for the $7,500.000 project Wl4l! "on· pro11ru.111111e". He said he did not ex• prct any maJnr prolJlems. 'The expecl.ed flnlsh1111 cl1ne wa.~ still early 1978. The new gallery will be built Oil lhP souLlll'rn hl\llk or the Elrtob1llll! riv– er near th• V1ctor1& Brlct11e. The Edll llLIIJn Min . Isler t81r All\n P'let.cher• sa1<1 ye~terclay he rx– peri.ed II report from the Work~ Orputment today o tnmnrrow on nltrrn11- t I,., l • .. ,."" , ,,, THI COURIER-MAIL WED. /~PRIL I 1914 :· ...· ··tJnsaf e gallery THE. ~tat.e GoYernment must !lpeed up lt!I · prorramme for the construction of a new Queensland Art Gallery buildin1 at South Brisbane. It ls more than four years since the site was selected . Under present planning It w!ll be at least another four years before the new galk!ry opens. For too lonir - about 40 yra rs too Ion!? - the present "temporary" gallery has been a bad joke. • The condition of t he building has con– vinced the tru. t.ees that the best of the State 's art collection shnuld ne ver ngaln be dlspJaved in It, even nrtr-r repa irs. For one thing 'the fire hazard 15 t uo great. ' Surely. then. the remainder of the pic – tures t.hould be removed as quickly as possible. Tbe Oov<'rnmrnt also should move ffl ~ter 1n HA plann ing for a n ew Queensland