Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

!~-lll•Aµl~r .. _',,1~....' II . ·l~TI .-·· cuhi·_ . '. - - s:1:.·~·E•·,PLAN· ME.RS .-.COM~ITI!lr.:Ji~• ......,...;.,.. •• ...... 1o1, ... . ~ ...-.... •ent', projec~ $45 •IIIIH cultuNI - .,-.. et ..... Iris""· I r..l'hL~PUty P.remler mttteer Would deal with (Mr, 8, Schubert), Public l apd Unlverait.7 :Vice– ~ ..,-urer (Blr"Gor- all 'lflatten IIIOOlated · Bervtce Boait-d deputy Ohan cell or. Professor aon Ohallt> ,announced. wt.th the con1truot1on of Ohalrman <Mr,D. -J, Mer- Oq"n, who y,ould _rep~,r ~ lut,nl1ht. the complex in' con- oJr), Work.a , Department • 11nt national comJNIQ!u, ' The complex wUI ln• .,Junction WI~ ~ WJ'rka • llnder•aeoretary <Mr, D. i!,U:b u TIie. Aua~ c!m>orate an· art lallery l>epartment, wrucli . K. i,ouaton>, llducauon ~ra, and ,..,,._ta– J 1 J> r • r y m~wn, 1&ii'ii . would ·be the construe~ Director-General <Mr. A. t'.tVIII flam tbe Queena- .-,0rmini arta ceritre. tnr authority: ~ E. Ouymer>, anc1 repre- land Theat.re eom~, -,-Sir Gordon's an- "There will be no oov- senta~~y,~ f~ the Qll"naland Ballet~- nouncement !oUows a re-. ernment delay with the auu~,,i111 11~ Ar'tn .et OalJIJb!!l.; pany, Queensland ODitra l>Ol't-to Cabinet by an In- proJeot," Str Gordon said. il. 7 • ,_,, COnipany, Queenaland ter-clepal'.tmental •~- Slr Gordon said thl! , ', Quee~d < Mu- ~ht 01:rra Com~, .!!!, committee headed by CO mm I t,t .. WOuld ·~ot •~u ' ~et thBt bPei'-. 0onaen d tlWhae AIUuml torr• 1 •an' ~ State JJiduatrtal J)e'. detract In ~ way from · •"'"'• us •11e B-•dc••ttni ....::...!..••_ ~opment Director and tbiilaq ot iJldJvid- City uncll would b 1 •.,. .., ..,.,........ Queenlland Theatre !4Al cuJ thl4t bodiea. . uked to nominate a rep- lion. Company Dhairmaii <SF , . ·' "~ · reaer;itau_ye. It waa Pl'OdOlld•;io ap- .Davfd Muir). . w . 8fr'Davt ~ • 81r Gordon IU4 the point to th1a tborfty a • S,Jordon Yid .. ~ ' Memd ~~_I! ~be ·tbe'L._. Perra~ Artaof- ·•- ~oa P"tl~- oomin- U:11 r L _ c~~ tJn ~~"':"~" , w no... ,-.!'.!" • , 9"-...-- • eel :f"~.'al1a .4:- ·~_..-), • Q' vl Mair ,..._,, Mr; , Vild Jn ~ · · ent . ' 'Com- C,;0!!0rdinatcir Genaral A. E. Oliymer, ~ . _·