Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

n11, I all m ll~ I Q a I it l ~i Cl I er d Ill t l j. o n 5 I 4 n ,, \ i, I , I From ' • "C0ualER MAIL" . ~ne, Qld. 28 JAN ·Jl7S A N8'WORK of 60 cultural centres W111 exteria hroughout Queensland bv 1993. Cultural complex will he at heart of State-widt qejwork - :i.nc1. - "Ctiit;ufi Dlar; • 1118 tifriiaorive7ore- The Eariy Xlii~7ety I; Substantlal progresa(monthly> provide a ser• cn1lt staff to maintain 1s ~upplytng a Jona-felt towa.rdl Um IOl.l waavlce to artist& and cuUur• atand&rda. t demand. IDldt .la 1116. &I organiaatlona. 11om1 of tbe fines _________ Tbi bNrt or t.he net- L oc a 1 orwuueat.aeN. work II being done ID work will 111 the Queens-combining 1Dto eultanl Ulelr own tlnlt by te~._; Choral group at land cultural complex, too o-ordlnat1n1 auocl- m. eftlD .. rem Id the embrace the Queimland1t1on1, are i,romotlnr areu. ..__. •- ......... wor ga ring M Gallery, QueenalandlllUJliural 11W1t....,. •ltll • It II _,.... .., es-- M111eum, St.ate Llbrary,cal, Stat.e, and l"edenl a supervisor of drama, to --------– and the Queenaland Per- 10vernment support. , promote drama on & par Tht Jubilate aa,era; formm1 Arts Centre. Call'Jlll and Mount !Al with music Bild art. had the distinction or ---------,;·vie centree, followln1 Much of this won wm repra.nt.1n1 Queenaland I n n I I f a 11 ' • C o n- be acbleved with the a t , b e Int.ernatlona~ S d d • ervatorlum of Mualci h e I p o f t h e ll t t I e Society of Mudc Educa- UCCee e will revokltlool&e cultura theatres, wboae a&SOCl- tion conference In l"ffl'th. ' deapltr f" ooda ac tl vi UH .In North a tl on co m prl • e1 • The value of the artsl Queensland. sroups. In cllltunl ad- tn Queensland ii ,eneral-, ---- ----- Townsvtlle'1 cultural ministration, ln- • ervlc • ly now more hllfbly ap-· Tbe netd for this corn- centre is at an Mlvancgd '1'alninl la paytn1 dlvl- preclated. All educational, • WIii ltttaaed by the planning stage, &Dd ot - dend.s. 11\litltuttona are lhowmg r Bnlbane aeuon of era at all main polntl The youth orchestra an eagentea to aerve blennlal Queensland • outh, are prorre111lng. movement continues to their local communtty, ...tlval In May In remote areaa, Eut- rrow. North Quaen • land especially in combined wlllr.h • ueceeded de • plte 111.1s the Auat.rallan Flying 8ympboQy .Orabeetra le practical proJ~ta. · the tloocl •• Art School, la helotns to lltln, formed. Cultural policies, actlv- relnforce local actlvlLI-. TIie Aaaoctatlon for the ltt.es , and architectural I Aet.&'1UM In 1975 ant TM Arte Council II to CullW'al Education of designs are more cloeely d..,._. u a prelude to &rain a • enlor • tart ofn- the.Children of the Pen- lntegra· •d I a full 8tate featlval In o • r u a pilot to eervlcl lnali'la ls developing lte Th e -f ii tu re wblle 1 1971!, U. remote areu. sen-lcea to aborlllnal clearly more com'p!a« 1 8 The Staie budl9t for A mod• 1 t Pederal youth. even more challenslns I cultural activities NIie araN wW aot.lY'MI ~ Thi Lardll uorlsln&l than the neat })hue from from $750.000 for 11173/'14 llll'e ID a daleD ~ 41 an c er a from ICaint-1 which ~land has to Sl,120,000 In 1974-75. centl'ell. lngton tsland are mattna now lme"Pd, we muat. T w O department.al Queenaland'1 chief cul• an Auatrallan reputation nounab our own culwra!i publlcatlona, the Ll.st of t-ur&I needs lie In the 'I11e Unlverslt7 11111;.lrPaooroes by r8'.00l'll15Jn Cultural Organlsa.tlons field of tralDlng_a.nd ad- nletta haa matnt&lnedquallty already !aere an! In Queenaland <twice- ministration. The ter- the h I I h It and a r dbe Jn\1ttng al P0albl~ ye~IYl &nd the Queene- ~ty_Jnstlb!Jtlo~s r~ulre achieved _!!t__ its de~ut. S.Jdllll:Q.[t !n>_m_ e!M~«L MODEL of th. new : Queensland Art Gal/e,-y, 1 to'-1,e ~wilt 1111 • ••• 1:ft I the southern end al Vic- , toria Bridge. The $7.5' million gallery is e,cpected to q:,en In 1978. It will include a main foyer, dis– play gallerie1, an educ– ation section, an audit– orium, a restaurant, library and administrat– ion offices. The oallef"I, w,/1 form an integral part· of the planned Queen • - land cuhurol com., which will ollo Include * QUHnsland Museum, State Library and t"– QuHrrsland Perlormil"9 \ Arts Theatre.