Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

I BRISBANE CVLTV:RAL COMPLEX LOl);S 1osi ~ ourro PARLIAMENTAB Y ~LACE By MICK BARNES On the ,i,.ht, ladies and gentte– men, Ii•• the 'parliamentary palace.", the plushest, most exclusive club drffmt of in lnsbone since the Queens– land Club poked up it.1 patrician nose last century. When erected It will become the luxury home of our State politicians, complete wit h sumptuous personal sui tes, swimming pool, games area, barbecue. Expected cost $13.61! mllllon. Tender let last mont h, expected completion date December 1978. On the left Iles the Queensland cultural complex, the seemingly eternal dream of Brisbane arts lovers. Priorities • 1n wrong multi..1 million dollar projects When completed it will bring Queens– land Into line cultul'ally with other rll ies of Its size !n Au.strnlia. peeled completion dr.te a shaky Jafe 198:J. Projected cost $45 million. Disc11s~lon on the project now aeven yenrs aid. Ex- \/ These LWO magnificen t buildings that will rise on opposite sides of the Br!.sb 1ne River are a monument to Queen.sh.rid polltlc!Rn&' thinking The $45 mllllon Queensland cultural ceritre will tJOt i>e built until 1983. Until theu local arts lovers w/11 miss out on toplin• shows becaus'! l'!ntrepreneurs bypass Brisbane with touring companies. I· -ci C ..Q Cl [5 0 QJ C .. \