Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

The Sunday Mall DECEMBER 14, 1975 _shelter while citizens starve in 1e o-storey p11rli:unl.'ntar,\• paluce be buill With ulmosl i11decen t hllstr. LeL• ting of the tender was a11nounced with ec,Hn~lc fanful'e lnsL mouth. aeo 011 ls Plll'tlcultuly 11111,oriant. ''Pe1·hnps 11fler Tutisclay's 101111.~ dcb11clr Lhe Prn111iel' think~ Bns b11m• people are ,~tttni: Lheir fill or l.!lll.!ll'L1\llllllt' lll in Wol'ks Dcparl.111e111 Ill'( hit('(•( Mike Johna C.cori:t' St." enthused about tlrl· 111e111br•rs 1wcommod- One m11n who l~ mol'e thn11 hnppy atton. "We've tuken Lill' lt-udtng h<; >l.el .!i f(lLh progres,; on thr r.ultul'al cl.'ntrc Is and motor inns throughout A11st,r·dia u Sir David Muir who li euct~ the c,:1llr,•·.~ a guide to 111aklt1!( H. thr be,; t," he said. µlimning and establt.iw11e11t commiuet•. i Membel'!I ,rushed abuut the l11&rbecllff, He said; "He SRlcl till' planning started thC' fourth-flour ar<1,;st•tl puk for Junius, only hi Ju11u11r.v a11d work will start on lbowbi, roll putllnr, the 1ym11asium, U1e t,he stt,• 111 l\1:1,v m·.~1 ,v,·11r. lluunru, the iltomlc bomb slwlter, "I 1.11111k iL 1.s an 1111111w ,g achi,·1·,!ment. Discussions about th,, cultural com1>lex I thi11k it would ltu ·. ,. u,•p11 Ph.vslcally 1h111•1· been lt!ss enthu.,ta.stic - at least lrnpu..,,_,,blt• to IHwt• uon,, It q11ic-ker ." l in parliame11t1wy eirl'les. Ht• 11111111!d 1,1·0J1'('tt>d co111ple1 l011 dutes About the best thine tltut can t,e Bnld 'or various section., or t,l 1r co1111,l,•x a.s : / about the al'ts project Is that once a E<1rly 1879: The.art gnllel',v, main plnia pl,mni11g commltt~(' wa~ l!SLIILllished last area.~. restaul'ant l\lld a 500-capaciLy l\lldi- Ja1111ary it pusht>d full steam 11heuct. torlum . 1 B11t cl'Jlics believe i1 wa., .l'Clll's :,oo late Mld-l9Sl : The performing art,'! Ol'ntre. and evt>n now I ill' c1t ll,itr·:i1 pt·ojr•ct snuutcJ Mld-1982 : The museum. be given pl'iorlLy OVl'I' ull other Wlll'kS, 1911ll: The wholl' COlllfJlcx. Michat>i Etlgl1•.1•. , lie i111 ~rnutionul en- Minister for Wol'ks Mr Norm Lee. whose treprenPur. told me Ytsll'rda v in II phone department, ls in chari:-e of buiidlnt: both lnll•rvlew from Penh : · cent1·es, defends timing of the two bulld- _..,""'I Ing p1·ogTams on the "roun"- that • J'":';- le C41lturnl centre should be g1vrn " "" · . !>· :~Ollfty, Until Brlsb1111e hu.s a JJt' 1. • The Government had .site acqulsi- (/}:lr,t1ni .. •rta centre It will mlsa the be.SL -~'°~-~?.~1~~1~- with Lhe cultul'al comµJe .x, [tt didn't with the parliamentary centre. '/ • Parliament is badly overcrowded and "The : this l.s nrreeLlnr the work o! members 1tandard of their thlnklnr waa, 1 "With . · 1 YPUied last year by Max Hoclres who out den,rratlq the need for J&, 1Want..ct to substitute a pot plant !or 1 1 cultural complex would serve unly the Wll!l'k of art Jn the Cabinet room. ··~~tur1a1 needa or Bri•bane," be aid, -.b 1 1 h · •P le thl11 11lannlnr ror the centre 1, .v v 0 11.1 7 t e cultural cumple1: wblcb proeeedlnr with all bi& 11 te •• l•W beneru all Brbib1rne people 111 more j ' lnlport1&11t than movlnl' Slt,te 1'-lember,; Wltho1n recoicnlslnt It, perhaJ)6 Mr Lee Jato luxurlo111 aputnieuta. •has P 11 1 111s fll1i:er on Lh(' problem : "The "Pr )Govern111l'l11 does not .seem t.o realis th t e8llinr 011 Willi Lhe performing arts 1culturc ~ IJi:,oplr." e " an arts desert