Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

, ; ;. ' ,. Chairmo11 . Sir David 1 Muir ·LIBRARY TRUST , Chairman 'l 1 Mr. G. K. D. M111pHy ~ Chair91a~ • ~ "'-irll\t\l -Mr. J. c.~H. Gill • • iit ~on Trfilt 0 million 1HAGUM shows orgonisqt!or:i of th~ cu.lturol p~ntr•. The P.lar;i_ning,_and Establishment Committee W expectecl to be enacted into o .ntrust witn over-oil control. · DERWOCD QUEENSLAND'S "Opera House" on the South Bonk _:_ we're going to hove to face it - in one respect cannot help becoming another Syd- ney Opera House. · AERIAL photogroph token by QASCO Air Surveys, of s/,sbone, shows the site of the South Bonk culture! centri,.• The Stole Government acqu ired, or is negotiati ng for, many properl' ies for it. · They include the Sa lvation Army Home, St. Hel en's Hospital, the Monho tton Hote l, the Palace Hot el and properties owned by M. Adorns ond Company, Cl em Jones, B.P. Austral ia .Ltd. a nd · the Church of foglond