Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

o, I 18 :l ne of Or I Ge of I So of cnf lhe crn IL' Ga CO, fou C •u Rri crt ahl llo Ha s, He hi~ late Cio I lcn .I Sir Sir '] !!IV me fr H°'1 '"~ first hyj £5~ fi~ was for gui~ cia1 ernl rR= G nry 191 I of (no1 trat lory hlCI Ad\ ove rar) lhc ·" I ·1 rhi Ol'f Lo1 De ma wh rcn Ha - ---- ------=-=--:-::=-----,- ~- -- ,.'.l'E f~~9.flAPH ...... fer • rltibane•• $<IS MIiiion riverside cultural c...,.._x were unvelled today ••• • nd Deputy Premier, Sir...._.. c,-.,11, 19rom,Nd It would not turn Into another . 1110..., • -1tt• Sydner Opera Ho11•0. . · • Tbe flrlt of lhe four Sir Gordon said the $45 algn would be nor how to lltalCIII, Ule 11'1, ,allel'J', i.- m 1111 on estimate was put the roof on," he said. DPOOted lo be fJnllihed bued on October 197• · • •Th Is complex for Nl'b' 1n lffl, coets. BrLsbane has been we JI _Work • &be per. There wo1,1ld be some deeJgned. Lor~ In I art, centre, e&ealatlon In coats due to 'There wlll te no rea– aliOllld be -pleted by I n f I at Ion , But the ,,on for It to be referred mld•llll, Uie 111111eum by Queenaland Oovemment to • another Opera llllit•llD IQd Ille 1lbrary had looked at fore~ Houae, by late l• . and knew exactly what Sir Gordon told a large ' The alluii_nlar -plex the deslsn for the oom- preaa conference at the WIil be OIi land at ,lciuth plex waa and what It · unveiling of a model and Bdlbane Inundated dur- would coat, · Plan that the· complex tn'a' the big fiOOd of There.fore, there would would be' a national ac- .January Jan _year. . be minimal escalation In q11llltion. · However, Sir Gordon coet. '•It WIU not be shaded 11:Ald, a)I aectlona of the "What happened to the bJI anything else like It In liulldln1 except the car Opera Houae wae that the • c, u the r n heml- Pl!ltt would be above people did • not under- ~ .·• he said, fliloid leveL stand w1-t the total ·ae- "It wlll be of great benefit to the future." OPIIA, BALLET · ce~ ef:['gf~~llx,ua~ Street wllJ contain an opera and ballet theatre seating 1800, a concen hall for 2000, and a stu– dio theatre for 400. Tile Queensland iArt Gallery will occupy a site west of Melbourne Street fronting the Brisbane River and will have a to– tal noor area or 13,000 :rn:~: rc":t~~res (140,000 The museum will be In the same block aa the art gallery but nearer Ore1· Street. Floor area will be 1 3 , 9 36· aquare metres 060,000 square reeti. The library will be on the site of the present SL Helena Hoapltal and the ad Jo In Ing Snll'allon Army property with n to– tal floor area or 11,149 aquare metres (1 20,000 aquare feet>, There will also be an auditorium and rcslnu– rnnt which will double ns n convention cent,·c on n site of the river bank be· ~~:e,i:, 1 \~~/brnry nnd the There wlll be spnce for 500 cars under the art g-allcr 1 y and the ntuseum nnd t ,ere will be a cnre– terla, coffee shop nnd n limited number or spe- clnltl• shops. I I uocr1~