Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

THI COURIIR-MAIL THURS.' OCT. 2l 191S ,,. Caltare eosts l ~T8 will escalate on Bdlllane' • ,u mD· ,:,,:,- lion 'culuarld ednaplex to be bullt on t\l• aotth bank or the rlnr. TheJ 4o..,on e,ery- 1 thine else. Tbla la NU or lafla11on. - Maybe the centre will coat up to double thla amount by the t1me 1t 1 • completed 1n • the 1980's but that 1a no reason for deterrl.nl conatruction. The capital Of Queen • l~ needs proper accommodation ror the Btai art pllery, muaeum, library and for • performing art.a. • • _,,., ...... thll Tbe . ed COJD.P'leZ ..... pro,...., • . proJ)OII -1 ( uch aa a re • taurant, audl– and other ttiln&,r t~ tmproved southern r1ver . torlum and a vaa ·•Y ., , bank_\ 11 well. • -.... 11 • trlct· . Naturally there wUl need to 1111 (B'· OOltln u -~le 'l'he Treasurer ..- 0or.4 :~,· _promtaea thlll. His Oovem– t' declslon t.o uae aome of the profit.a of . ;:n C:,ldlia cuut t.o help provide tunda for 1 comtructlon ta ,. aemlble one. ''FINANCIAYlfEVIEW" ✓ Srdn~, N.S.W. 2 2 OCT 1975 v .THI COURlllll•MAIL THURS, OCT. 2J 197S · Casket boycott? I HAVE heard that all profit from the "Golden Casket" ls to be used for "Art" by the decision, ot one man, Sir Gordon ; Chalk. , I 1t.rongly object to tbla and I think many ot.her Pl!)ple will uio. llllht I brln1 to the IICl- - &lce or thli,1111tlem~ that there'll 111,ursent'~ for hoaplt'al, ~4!]~~1 homea tor the -1'1,tden, both 1oun1 and ol • It ta praetically lmllQl- llble' to IH a plaoe for them to go 111d very often '– It la lmpoufble for them to be oared for at home. ' I kno:..nof,,rJ:e ~~ ~jl llome u Jons u IIOlllbie and u he WU 13 atone '.llllltlt It wu even lmllOUlble for two at. Luke'• 811m to muiap &o batbli!m.- I IUIM tut ev81'ftpe =lfrM, Oolden Oilk.S ,tbe~ix= 1'ir}:'on~::'L~. '· the next e~ lbould be put to_ u:l'a _ of ~land. - 'Ail · -~. JlawUierae} - Brisbane ·unveils plan (or,, By CHRIS ,LANSDELL · ~ , !hic~~Ji~t~ s= $45'1} cultural· centre by anrtl!ing in the south- ern hemisphere." ,.Was bn-, . . veiled in Brisbane yestar-, a a~teway 10 ihe dly frt,m the area will be 11.148 square 1hc disnstrous 1974 floo<ls still d . south. metres. • in Q111cnslnnde11' mlpds, the , ay. Sta1_c -one will be occupicd,by There will also be a niunl>er archilccls - Robin Gib~n and from the Qilecnsland Art Gallery. of public f11eililies ,hared by Partners •- h11vc ensured tha1 The boa,t came Premier Their •1~,i fronting tho Brisbane the w&ole complex. the car park is the only part or Queensillld's. De put)' River, will have II total floor Tlleae will include an audi10- lhc entire centre nor above and 'l'reasu,n:r, Sir Gor~ area al 13,000 squurc metres. .rlllPI and a re, 11111rant whicll flood levels. Chalk, "°ho l!D"C?~ced de\- The performins IU'IS centre will alJio serve as a convention A caffcleria, a coffee shop and of the $45 · m1lhon projed. will hou,ie an opera and ballet centre. ' · a limited number or srecinlty which is scheduled for c:om-, theatre which will seat 1,800 A feature of the restnuranl, shops are also planned for the petition by the end or 1983. people, a concen hall for 2,000 which will be' ,appredalcd by complex, The aim he snid, was for a and a smnll studio 1hca1re for · everyone who bus hnd Ill boll · Prepnrnlory roadworks. de- complex 1hu1 would rivul or 400 people. · down II pre-theatre meal in. molitiona, diversion of services. 111rpnss the Arts Cenire "in Ade- The Queensland Museum will order to make the first act construction or relnining wnlls !aide nt hair the cosl of the be housed in lhc snme block as on time, is that it will b~ di• und hoarding,. and bulk ex– Sydn~y Opera House. the orl ,allery. ·Their lotal floor vided into t~o, P"':IS· , cavnlion Is expect~ !O •!art ~e• "II will gi,·e to tltis city a di• nren will be IJ,935 ,iqunre . One 1ect1on Will cuter ,pee,. fore the end of thi, fmunciul ·on lo its chaructcr corn• metres. , , . f1cally for those who h11vc year. . m,ens,, d'ff I from any other The remuinmg sllc - which bookings fur the lhcalrc. ·and In the mcanumc, contrncls Pele Y" 1 e~e.n · al present huu,cs S1 t·lclen's the other for I hose who hnvc for 1hc m11in buildin~ con1r11c1 capllol, he. smd. . Hospilul and 1in adjoining Sal- simply come to dine. :uni wish for singe one will be Urawn up. The proJect breaks dow; int~ vation Army propcn)' ·- will to linger over I heir food . and lenders nrc expco1cil lo be four mujor s1uges. In or er ~ go to the S1111c l.ibrury of There will be c11r p~rking called In t he second hnlf ol priority these :•re: nn urt llll • Queenslund. The 1u111I floor space for 500 cur<. ,And with 1976. · J~ri• n performing arts centre, u muS::um and n librury. The art pllery is expected to be completed b1· early I979. Stage 1wo shouill be finished two yenrs luler..with lhc re• muini~f sluscs being _completed in J9R2 und 83 respec11vcly. The figure lhul has be~n put forwnrd for 1hc complc" 1s $45· million, ahho1111h Sir Gordon snld 1hn1 this was bused on o,·1obcr I974 cosis. He udmi11ed thnl · this figure will Inevitably rise hecuuse of lnnntion, bul he was· udamun,1 lhnl 1hc complc~ would not f,. nnnch,lly 1urn 11110 a second Sydney 0pcru House. - The she for the proposed centre i< 1111 th,; southern op- r. roachcs 111 V,ciorm Bridge, cuding Into 1he city. The Arts Ccnirc. which, i\nti:ing from .a moJcl on shuw, 1s impressive m itself, will also therefore uct ns 29