Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

............................... ~ ~ State .Treasurer (Bir Gordon Chalk) , , · ·on -Tuesday released details of the State's t proPosed culturnl complex at South Brisbane. !• • :, 1 , ~ The lllustraU011g here' ilhow architect's lmpreSBlons •. I VI 1ome J111rts or the 14 5 mllllon complex. / ~'.~ ' Col15tructton of the complex wlll be carried out In ;. ••, . four at.a11es, with I-he first at 111 e art gallery expected to · ·· be oo~pl 't.ed by early 1919, * Main components or the oomplex' will be a perfonn- ln1 arts ce111re, the Queensland Art Gallery, the Queensland Museum and the State Library. ' An auditorium, riverside restaurant and convention ,complex WIil al.so be Included In the scheme, The performlnr arta centre will have a 2000-aeat concert ball, an 1800-seat opera and ballet theatre and a 400-seat studio theatre. • The Ar~ Gallery will race the river and the Museum ~ be separated rrom the gallery bJ 1, pedeatrlan mall, ·'•1~1············... -.-- --- I, ' Btank ' THI COURIR-MAIL ftlDAY OCT• .2.4 IITS qUeried ' . lrl1lleM r 111lt; ;., It• 1uiMtl- yi~ter4ey ·••• I ,,..... eatl,111111111 te, , 1 tit• Stete'1 _,,_,....i c • I• , 111rel ce111,leR et s..tlt • ,l~~a•. professional oompanlea. Pleased But spokesmen ror the Q u e e nal and Theatre Company and Mualca. Viva Australia saJd ,they. were keen to see.,Internal "Naturally we are plans ror ,•,he bulldlnp. 1 pleased with the proposal. Muslca Viva ·Australia We would like It to hap– Queensland branch prea- pen more speedily than ldcnt (Mr. D. J. Munro> 1983 but we are all In fa– saJd : "The plans of the vour or It," he said. buildings look very hand• The compahy WI& keen some rrom the outAlde. to see Interior plans tor "We would like to have the per C'o r ml n I aria a look at the Interior centre. plans. Queensland Con- •·Jt's what you hear In• . servatormm or Music di- aide that Is Important." rector 1Mr. B. Jone&) Mr Munro said Jt wu said from the plans, the~ hoped ln\erlora would be proposal seemed. "quite• planned to allow au- 1maclnatlve," I dlence& to !eel clo~ to Queenlland Art Gal· the stage. lery director (Mr. R. Mr. Munro said: "I MelllshJ said the pro~– understand the shape or al was excltllli, eapeclal• the concert hall ls based ly aa (.)le art gallery wu on the leadlnR concert ,.o be built rJrat. hall In Vienna and the The State TreMurtr opeht house Is based on (Sir Gordon Chalk) re– the German Opera House leased det11ll1 or -the pro– In Berlin., pose~ US million com• "If thl< Is the case, plex on Tuesday. r they should both be ex- Main component.I ,o ccllent " the complex will be a Quee·nsland Theatre performing arts centre, Com,,any A.SSOCIBte dlrec- the Queensland Art Gal– tor (Mr · Joe MacColum > lery, the Queensland 1!ff said ttie centre 11,•ould seum and the State • make Ille CASier ·ror all brary. 31