Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

:!,HE COUIIIIR-MAIL WED. DEC. 24 1975· PLANS ·_ FOR PREMIERS' MEETING Joh wiH ask fo,r, aid to create io,b5: By Political Reporter PETER TRUNDLE · TH1· Prtmitr (Mr. ·!ljelke-Peteraen) will 11tk · unemployment relief fund, for "pro– ductive" r~ad and water con11rvati,n · projec~• at the fi~•t Pr1mi1n' ·conftrenc• of th, new Federal Govtrnmtnt. · · · He said yesterday he welcomed the proposal of the Prime Minister (Mr. Fraser) for'a con- ference early in February. . · . · . · services have been ellml• nated," The Premler · aaltt no St.ate Income tax would be lntroducod, The A.L.P. had tried to lead electors utray on tills. What would happen would be that the St.ate for the first time would 11et a fixed percentage or the Income ,tax revenue obtained by the Federal r Government. · There would be an equallaatlon clause so that the • mailer States would not 1ulter com- pared With the lar1er Stal.ea t • The• ~~er 9,ld he would raliie at the COli· f erence the matter ol co– ope1-atlol'I between the Commonwealth and ,IJl1 s t a t e concernln1 the Great Barrt~r Reef' and settlement of the Papua N e w Gulnea-Aualtalla border issue. ' , TELEGRAPH, TUESDAY, DECEMBER- 16, 197~ Art of · . . ,/ wa1t1ng_· -~ I S Brisb•~• a cultural desert or a ripe arfis~ic plum yearning to be picked? We will pre •~lr never ltnow, Judiln1 5r ·ilii rote the Government 11 1oln1 toward provldln • - citr with on ort1 cantre, Propooed ilote for o new •ft 1alh,ry It 1979, whll,, our volu • •i. polntln11 remoin dl1ploy,,. In o city office •ulliflnt, A1 men,•en of the Qu..n1land Ballet corpo N• 1Hovor not to loll off the tiny 1to1e at Her Mojnty'1, tloe ..,.n,ten ON lookln1 toward1 tho 19801 to ,ro– Yhle the"' with more room to mo••· Efforto to rol10 much du1t In the world of culture too ofteR , hen• turned out to be very dam, offoin. J+ilnlr becou • - of rho completa laclt of focllltlet ..... llflCOUNflllllftl of a mojo, ...,.... ,..... the Go•ernMe11t. We •••• 1urt eur leocfer cloe • n't hove te ,.., oltout lo out-of-dote olrcrolt and P • rllo,.,.nt lheff It 1 ,.,.1,1111 ,...., for ,.,...1.. lmpronMonh In lh IM.. . ,,." ........... Net ..... te un..entond "'hJ our polntol9, I n,111lclo,.,, octan, ......,. ond othon eHk other cltlet 111 which to ilovel., their talents. Of c..,roo, tloe Government 4He hove plon1 for eur ortlttlc future, A $45mllllon complea In lour ltllff will ne11tuelly take 1hope et South lri•••n1, The llrot 11111 - th1 art gallery - wlll be ndr In 1979. A 1Mrformln1 orh centre will hove • 2000- -t ·-••rt hell, en I100-1001 oper• ond ·•llet theOIN lolree4r loelnt criticised II loo • fflolll ond • 400-seot lt.... lo th- • tra. A new muNuffl on.. 11010 llbrory ore Include,! h, tht~ ,,.....