Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

C! Cl ~ ~ As acj gUJ 18! Hu .QQ; th1 en1 Jhe emr ·1 (IS l Gall c1 fou SU~~ llrisb; crt fi .,hie 1loor !!: Hall "-lreet lie lilt his later c iove A .nent I 1rom I Ion. 1 " rmed ' irst co/ 'rhe Y-tl!I, 500 J fil'l<t va.~ nrd 1 •11inea1 T~e ially ·rnor, orma 1895. Boaj ,odfr ry Cu 9 14. In 1c I the IIOW tl , .,tion t•ry Wfl Pcatedt dminl ,·er b 11 ry's he Tn ' a R The l11s lo( pcned ord C i~cem 1ainec hen ·move '·"' ' TH £ COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY AUG. ·20, 1976 First I, . , I s ep for. ·c.utu a .,· centre THE FIRST stage of Brisbane's $47- million cultural complex got under way ynterdoy with the letting of a State Govemment contract worth nearly $1,200,000. Queensland · con– tractors. E. A. Wat!A PLy, Ltd., won the ront.racL, whlcll a:vm -the oornple.'< dn Sou Lh Br. !liba.nc the go-e.heoo. Sta.ge 1A, • prei-,r&– t.ru ;, rontrllct which will pgve r.he wa.:v for t.he first m&Jor building contract, ls oc.heduled !or oorn– plet.!on 1n five month.s. It will involve t.he de– moll'1on of sorne exl&t~ bul' '1gS. piling or tour– de.t.ivns a.nd construcJ;, n of reta.Jnlng wallla , d n~r !.err&Offl.. A s~iklni, part or the g~ wfJl be f\ floodlit river tounta.\n. Water jets 'l'he l 'ounta.in w!U llhoot Jet.. of water from 11.& ma.Jn Jet to 75 melJ'es. Secondar,v Jet..'I wUI sh~ water about 30 metrf'<. Yesterday, the S1,8te Works and Housln~ MJn– lster •Mr. r-1 unveUed & ·model or the first stage In hi• otflce. · He li8!d the cultural ARTIST'S impression of the floodlit fountain to be p 1 oced in the Brisbone River as port of the city's cu ltural complex, complex was somethlpr Bri •ba.ne had ·needed for yeArs. He sR 1d It would be "one of Lhe fi nes, cultur– a! cent.res anywhere." A sked !! he Lhou1ht It I\ waste of money to build a founta:n instead of other bulldin~s. Mr. !.RP ,;;a Jd · ••If 1t. Wtt..~ ·u~t P. ,. 1...n·.1!:i on 1t.oi ;; own~ Lhen lt '"'u d certainly be a plaza. "Hu It L< PIU't of th• 0~ overall compiex. 0 Mr. Lee said people dln!J1g In the proposed restaurant would be able I to see the fountain, tu It would be Jn front or the / plo7.a. Stage one, t.h• 11rt gal– lery. parking faclll tles, rr.staurant and audlto· lum, is ex!)<!cted to be completed In 1979. All other stages are ex– f'CCled to be finished by 1983. u.'5 Q .. "'lf-.~,IC\'16' Gallery site: work starts T l I F. F t JHiT :-.or! \, .1:-. I 1ir1wd \'t•:--1 •·1 tl:i , P ll tit.- '-I I ,, nl lh· nr•w (._l111 •1•11:,.l1111d /\ 1 ( ;:i ii, 1 \ \\' )\11·)1 \\'Ill Ill' 1)11 1'1 111 1111• :-:1 1' • 1:,, . •., •111.,·•11 ':-- 11•·" 1·111! 11rnl ,·,·111 r• · , ,11 '1 1, l'I \ ,., \Ja1 1k ,, •--:.,,111 !1 B l'l!•il:111, Th,· 1!111 1•'1\ \\ lll • will •·nnl Jnn,' •·~l11IH - 1 inn~ al ii :-. 1,·11111111.1 1 Hl'l'lll\~1•~ 1111 1111 :1 11 11 J lnor of llw M 1\1 ll11 1ld - 111g, rnn Al\1 , :.;1,.,.,,, t1rl,:hn1w, Hntll I 111' 111"' 1::111,•rv Is c·ompll'lt'<I. 1 , 1low111g A Trlh11! " l11 Sittn Pullbrnnk. mrm 11- 111r11ln l Urn!;!- r11hblnit... ttHI Conrntl MnrL1 •11 1; dl!-.plll,\' Tiu• . ...;o1n1 F 11 1l– !1rnnk ,·,h1hllln11 1•1ub •11· ,\I T11rsrl:1 \' T Iii' ,:,dh·n· 1•, 1111•11 1111:1 ;\1011(1 ;1\' lo ~lll - 111 ,!11\' , HI :1i11 11'111 1 " " I :!IH I Ill\ ·, 111111 \ 1,1111 :! pm 111111 ' • !'Ill •\, 111\l !HJ I' 1'' ' ' . ,, Th ahcra, In p J>erhl llJihe , But , petl!Jo lanylhl ltllldi The lhe • "Sweet Dip,• hu r trover• ooqlent · lJ mo P- • -lon