Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

"COURIER MAIL" 2 5 U6 1971" Brisbane, Old. r Plallning new art gallery I NEW Queensland Art Gallery steering committee members (from left) M,. A. E. Guymer, Mr. A. J. Stratlgos; Sir Leon Troµt, Mr. P. Pavlyshyn, P ofessor G. E. Roberts, and Mr. P. Prystupa at the committee's first meeting yesterday. : T h e committee wlll prepare an analysis of v~loua..methods to de– fflop the new gallery. It bu. undertaken to ••def In!\ t)le lla • lc phllo • ophy behind the ~ scheme and lay I • dowp gene•I pldellnes for the des•n.' The·committee ·held Its first meeting In Brl • bane yesterday. 1 " The• State. Government hu bourht • Ix properties . ·'"'"' In _8outli Brisbane tor 1--"'-=--='"==.-.......,--_..;....,.,,;..,,,,,,,_~==::;;; the site of the proposed $7 million art pllery. . Ncr_otlatlons are beln1t made for other land near the southern approach of Victoria Brldre, South Brisbane. 11 COUltlER MAIL" ,·• -3 MAR 1 72 8 \