Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 7 : Debate on New Art Gallery and Cultural Centre, 1970-1976

.... "COURIER MAIL" Qld. Better luek t)ds tbne C ONGRATULATIONS.. to the State Governm~nt. It plans to hate. the new .Queen'1"'1d Art Galleey ope'!,, in 1~78 - only 19 yeara.after the GHernment promised clttsena a new cultural centre · as 1 a State Cente.._ry present. . · ~~r late than ~ever; Let- ua !\ope that we Jfte4t ! baa more chan~ or 1'~«· reall~ · n the 19,59 one. , -Since at Jeut, 95~•Queenalande~a ve been - UNd to- a PIOll'IUIO!l ·of ' rta, stu•, and aubmtsalons on plans•, or ,a proper ·~ Gallery. Bveryth1rt1 h~ ,b'een dorle. - · e-xaept build It. · , I · tsttmated coata:Jlave rtaen trom ,1 mll• , Ilon -tn··1959,tc,'tbe $'1m11Uon.n~ suaeated. Even at ctbia ·at.age, au the ~d ~ not fJten ac~, . • , ·,1. • • :.-~ .1 1 State -btnet :hat crt~ rpoc,r moutlb u o e ~u. for delays, Yet In- the Interim It I baa. li>ent· lavtahly ~n U.a j,re1tlt1~ua new Executive Building, among others. Queensland• certainly needa a ~ew gal– Je~ .~The extstlng one . lri a decrepit one- J t~pep. howle, la bush, leape stulf for a CltX Wlitch has· pretensions to beipl a 1 mCMlel:'Ji .~.,•ta-. · ;· · · . ' · Qall'. debdinf $7 m1llfon bn, 'a gallerf , e •justlfted1,';t'he answer tsta resounding 1' 1 :,es", for a olty' wtthout ,a dece·nt art gallery .(an~ . a collection to match) is·Without· a soul. •1 1 ~ selected site, 'on the southalde ap- \ 1 ij' • ,y1~•Brldge, ls a ap!en,!d o 1 ne llc• the river to the ~~e af,:'Bt tJ• t w Wit~ a few mtn,tea' •~11 _9,r -~ea area. . ' · ·· But t}ie protected riverside centre needs to be more than a ka.llery. By the time \t • '=~!~=.tf~~rea~it:;,w~, po•tloif ;if;i;.e ·ctoee-t6 one million,• · , ,~ttee few, other. aspec.ta, of the ar.ti oum• t.A be lnc\\lAAd ...! ~urne's :cult\ll'ai ce 1 Ure "ibdufd' be; an 'example of the stand– ards tmaginatton .._alld variety required - ' · tbl&-...centre ts to J>e 'but,lt :,ten.' the I ~~c,.~ t-'juat the late·,"1:feventte,. f~,t~~ all ·its varied ,forms needs space.. Mure to build commodfously now wm be· a::~tng of culture a -lew years later. Brisbane to I get $7m I art gallery ' QUEENSLAND cabinet yester– day approved plans tor the new Queensland art gallery to be built on the south bank of the Brisbane :_River by 1978 tor about $7 million. A Cabinet announcement aald Jntormallty would be the theme of the design which would take advantage of the sub-tropical climate. The design would have panoramic views of the Brisbane River, the metropolltan area ,and the tree clad hills of the suburbs. Landscape areas would be an 1 lntegral part of the concept and 'shaded sea.Ung would be pro– vided 1n the court.a which would Include displays of sculptures. The outstanding featwe of the gaUery would be the display centres totalling 16 Individual galle~ which would be ar- · ranged 1n varyln, forms and I 11 ~~ Arthur creedy, director of I cultural actlvltle.i, said ·he was 1 delighted with the concept. "COURIER MAIL" ' • BrlslNne, Qld. 8 Ml\~ \~12 ·~ · \ . (\~ '{- I ·THE pro,oeed 11ew Quffllll • 11d Alt ,Cl.lltt,, ,will ti'e a human ,pi • ,,, Mr. •· P•itlt•lir, 1ald yesterday, · · · .· ,' · I I ~ • •' f 'I • \ i ' 'The compJex ~lhoulJi not . only, be aa effective home for the &allefy .colletitlon: Iii aalcL ' ~ 1 It ahould be a place wheril' tb' publio' wu •~ l tracted to enjoyment onhe ~Mr. Pavlyah · ,tl)fl W.~rp Depalltlnen~ chief. · ~Gfffiur, 'l&id. Mr• .Pavlyahyn 11 •Pokelnlan for ,thf 11ven- l commlttee whlcb preD,.rtcLt!Je ~- Qi) tbe ~ to'•.rot:o 'Qa~tnet·on'l'u'Nday. - -'t .. .. 1 1 t H • 1 1 t Visitor f aci·lities . The .committee, yeaterd • y euffl phifo1ophle1 and concepta,whlch tu pll1 ~ •~ould follow, , . · , The .aald the p.11'" 11e- lal~. "We~ ~l?t1 ' lhoutf store ettectlve1y; tqld we re1101!11 .~ set . . I maln~ln and exhibit tlie ~~1n1:'8~f~ an .el~. gallery collection, and i" -ur-· ,Ooolll!r • a)lllllted I provide tacl~ltle t9r; ~ ~hat· the~alleo-' be a llilf. public.· "' ' • 'UODI 1allery, aultecl I . :Dm,Jay BPIM14I ' WOUid to · SrJ1 •ne · concUtloni l ,li1~9~Y !JO ... _=~ ,uu,.~ ••thf , th'an 'fall~ ' ,.,.,, ay •- 'IDcau,, , ~ tre11da. · .Wool cover llboitt I0,11118 · , A' _..,_hJ•--t -~ '- ~ feet or· 16 pu cent , n an; ""' . 1'f propoaed 140,000) ~ sent o~•a,eaa to f d eq ~ !eet . flqor . IP-.ce, ! !~~e~Jifer1:~~~d. .,, =ynwoft~al A •B•culpture court to t.he ·tmm~- · , shpuid,i~ . a feature ol nettta ,of the an ' the pro~&ec1-1aJJery, .\rt Galllln', bu :the fl!'IC" · Vlewln1 rooma whera Ible deslm would 'be ea,. visitors cou14 • pa(nt.. . pable· 9t r,111nr extended. Jn1a _not .on dlip!&, ale~ ,_ v•P.;r= --'d' were a neceuary feature. ._. · • ... There ithOuld al~ be.a that a!tho . build- ' permanent d~a:y or the !. ~ t ft•\~~~n ~ 1 : slr~ t rallery'a ~t imP,ortantl f 'in ''th '""' 1 tl '- works · , ro ·' ·"" un~ ,on "Peoplequltaott.en betwleii the ltor- and come to see a cenatnj th g :hr, Cout ~allery paint!~ and lt la lliit ~ e M J h ooper ,dlimlay, be aakt, , own r, r. o n • "Ail oy.er · tbe world, arltlclsed the 1978 recom~ people ~d!J!tlry Briabanil m~f!:~~~g~:•tewalt"· with ·. Plaauo'a la Belfi! " .,., ., . . _ , • Hnllandaile." , · j -~ 9· \