Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

'!"'he Co i·i "\ r Mail 5 ,-la r c h l 77 .,..._ ~ 'l'ES'l' run of the n ew foun tain In the Bri - ba ne River n ear th e cultu ral complex yes– terday. Only the nine smaller jets were turned on, and t h ey reached much less Ilia n their planned h eigh t of 30m. /I cenlrn l jet is designed to reach 75111. The Queen will ncLl v– ate the foun tai n from t 1e "inst-ant" land– scaped .river bank In \.lie back 6 rouncl on Fri– day. Famous fountains in G nevn and Can– berra reach more th an 120111 above the water.