Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

Queen's ~risbane River trip GOVT. HOUSE DEPART UDp.111. WED. ARRIVE ' HCI 11.40 .•. ROUTE the Royal couple wlll travel on Wednesday night. She wUI 1p,nd the morning relaxing, while the Duke present• Duke ol Edinburgh G o I d Awards •t Brisbane Grammar School. 'l'he R wards are made to young people between 15 and 21 ... ho complete o,·ernight country tx– pedltlona, various physi– cal actlvllits and com– munity senices. The Queen and I.he Duke wlll fly lnt.o Br!.!– bane at 2.45 p.m. on Wednesdav and leal'e at 12.15 p.m 'on Friday. One ol the mo, t spec– tacular moments or Lhe ,·1s1t wlll come wlLh Lhe a highlight of her visit royal party tral'els d'l\\,, I.he Brisbane Rll'er to tMUTils:.!on a. rh·er foun– tain. The Royal programme Here Is the full pro- 1:?rnmm~ or thr ,·1"1t tn Quer nslri nd nrxt week h~· the Queen And tl1• Duke ol Ed1nburuh.