Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

ou ri e r Mai 1 Ma rch 1 77 Child talent time FIVE talented young artists from Queensland primary and secondarv schools will meet the Queen al a special ceremony al Governm.enl House, Bris bane, tomorrow. They are the live first prize winners or the Queen Elizabeth 11 Slll'rr ,Jubilee A1t Competition. I o 7 7 • !or Queensland schoolchilclren. The Queen will present lhe111 with their nwnrds ni Government House to– morrow nt 10 R.111. More thnn ~ooo entries were receJ\'Ccl lor the compctttlo11 from nil pnr~, of the Slntc. Two or lhe young win– ning nrttsts nre from Brisbane. Three arc country, and accommoclnllon ha\'e ramtly or people cotn- been pro\'ictcd lor these to nttend the presenta– tion crremony. The young nrttsls who will meet the Queen and rccch·e their nwnrds nrc : , Christine Little, _7,l"-!'t, Wintc,n. title ·ot (l!cture. ··A New Fnrnlly'". Ru th Howard. 12, or Kin Kin. between Noosn nncl Gr mple, "The Royal J•.,Rtnlly". Graham Ashton. 15, or Everton Park. Brisbane. "A Fnmlly of Boys". K a I h r )' 11 B r Im- blecom be. 16. or Too– woombn. "Fnmlly Con– vcrsntlon". Shane O'Neill. 11. of Aspley, Brisbone, '·.Jinppy Family''. The Queen will see the ~- o u n g pri z e-winners' work nR she presents them with their awards - they will be standln~ beslrie their work during the ceremony. "The Family" The cnmpctltlon, sup- 1>0rlcd liy Ihe rrcmlcr !Mr. IIJclkc- l'ctcrsen1 to cclobrale the royal ,·lsll, wa..o,; or~nnl~crl by thr Qucensln.ud Art Gallery, In a.~sol'iatlon wit h 1hr Educntlon llepartml•nl. T h C rompct It lOll'R theme wns "The :Pnmlly", Th Is coulei tic taken ns 1he Rornl Family, I.he young artist.-.· own rnmi– Iie 1 !iOnte i-nc1denL of family Ille. I he rnmlly or the Common11·eallh of nations, or Au. tralla as n ENTRIES ,n rhc Queen's Stiver Jubilee art compc11- 1 ion tor Queensland school– chlldr'cn sorred at Ouccns– lond Arr Gallery yesterday by gallery a::.s1s1ar,1 dir– ector Mr. Russell Kerrison. The Queen wdl 1nspC!ct o display of win111ng and other enl nes and pre\ent pr1lec; to compet1t1on at Government QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY 5 th l·l,11 ,r. \11 1\ t ll11 ild i11g. IM) .\11 11 S1r~ct . ll ri,b.111 • LI'ON RUGS FROM FARS closing Monday 19 March Th~ Q11ccn, l:r 11d /\rl I ;:illrrl' n·gr,·1, 1h.1t it i< ncccss:rr,· 10 d ose th is I , hih11io11 c.11 1icr than prcl'i1ll1,I~ :rd1·cr1 i,cil. Hours : Monday-Saturday 10 am-5 pm Sunday 2 pm-5 pm ADMISSION FREE Ope11i11g Tlwrsrl:1y 22 M 11rch 1979 t M ILF ANTO/Nf POl!ROrt l S,·11/pr•ue.< ,111tl Or,11t11111.< ,rlosm11 2? Apr,il I ,\MB/11. \\ t\R .9,r u,rs l,· 1 osin:1 .?6 ~pri/J