Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
'l'he Couri er Ma il 2 April 1977 small: Ballet chief By DAVID ROWBOTHAM IRISIANE'S propostd Performing Arh Centre would not bt big enough for la'9e visltint national and international compani11, a leading ptrformint• arh administrator said in Brisbane yuterday. The criticism come from Sir Vernon Christie, o director of the Aust_ralian Elizabethan Theatre Tru,t and of the Australian Ballet Foundation. Sir Vernon la al&O chairman or the Queens• land Ballet Company, ••hose f977 aeaaon he an• nounced yesterday. The Performing Arta Centre will be part or U1e Queen, I and Cultural Complex, to be built on t.he 10uth aide or the Brl•bane River. The maximum -=apac- 1t1 planned tor the Per• tormtnc Arta Centre II 2000. " Thi• 111111 not be enou1h," Sir Vernon said. ''The capacity ought oo be 4000, or not leas than 1000. "The total budgeL rnr the Australian Ballet In 1978 111111 run to about '4 million," he •aid. "The coat or mortnr large national and Inter– national companies I• aplralllng. "There II a limit oo 1ub al dy , Box oHice, therefore, II 1•ery Impor– tant. "lt II po-slble that In the nest five years the Australian Ballet may be forced to keep to Sydney and Melbourne unlua larger venues ean be pro- 1•ided to suarantet a payable bos-oH!ct. tl i e r·:i i .p il 3r , 1')77 "If a performln1 centre capacity or 2000 ii too amall tor 111'1'1, what 111111 the poaltion be Uk• In 1981? "Certainly the Bria• bane centre wlll not be big enouch tor tile opera and ballet compenlea." Sir Vernon uid that, because of the quHtlon mark hanging over the future ot national ballllt' I n t e r-capltal 1c,urtn1, State companies like the Queensland Ballet Com• pani• had greater respon– albllltlea and challenges. "The 1·1tallty or ballet In Queensland Is out- 1tandln1," Bir Vernon uJd. "I undentand there are more children in this 8 tat e leamln1 ballet than 1n any other Aus• trallan State. "The Queensland Bal• let Company therefore bu a rt1ponalbll1ty to theH re10urcea or talent. . "Thi• 11 the time and opportunity for the com– pan)' to extend lta com• munlty actlvltlea. A cul– ture or our o,rn must tll'llll',e In Queenlland." 8Jr Vernon announced, that an Important part or the Queenal-"d Ballet Company•, 19'1'1 aeason 1N)Uld be Its lncreulnr build-up of provincial to u r I n g , and Its In• troductlon of free com– munity performances. The company will make a Queensland Arts Council lour of ae,·en weeks, and a school• tour of aix weeks. It 111111 give three prom performances durtnc the )·ear. The ttrst "pro1t1," free to the public, will be held on Saturday, April 23, at 8.30 p.m.. at the Botanic Gardens concert ahell. The aecond and third "proms" are scheduled tor June and December. There 111111 be tree bal• let performances at In• dooroopllly Bhop– pln,itown next month. The company, after 21 rehearsal weeks, already hu embarked on Its 1977 aeason of 25 perrorm1n1 weeks. The ballet "Cinderella" hu been performed in TOowoomba and Brisbane. A proaramme called "Spin-Off" 111111 begin at Tweltlh Night Theatre In June. The company•• main Brisbane Mason will be In September, at Her MaJ· ea t y' 1 Theatre. "Cop– pella", and four other ballets 111111 be presented. Briti~h . ·jewellers -~ t .. . display subtlety in craftsmanship At the Queens- land Art Gal– lery the exhibition "TEN B R I T I S H JEWELLERS", (the sexes are equally represented) , shows a fascinating range of new Ideas, real– ised In individual and subtle wnys, and with perfect crafts– manship. No longer la Jewellery directed towards use of c011Uy metal• and pre– cious gems, or ROlely to adorning the wearer. Acrylic, wood, sliver, Ivory 11.nd 10ft materials are preferred to create objects which give plea– sure to the owner ror their artistic qunlltles, Needless to stress, that ART REVIEW by Dr. Gertrude Langer Le 111 s or thin, short, str111ght, vnrted-colored line., on uniformly wlor• ed f!lrouuds. · the work.s arc tn line w1U1 contemporary ldellS In sculpture and p,um– lng. And some of the Jew– ellers repre,; ent.ed here have Lrnined first In tho81! llelds. Grab the catalogue. It ls beauurully pro– duced, an<I there Is llLlle one could add to Lhe good descriptions It con– tains as to the choracter or the work of the lndl• vidunl Jewellers. * WHEN rigorously con trolled, pre– cise structures seem to be Imbued With a magic llte, the ex– perience ls compel– ling. L e I I I I llumbrell achieves this with hers. In 1074 she has shown a d m I r II b I• Op Art p,<intlngs at Ray Hughes. Her presen~ e,ohlbltlu,,, consisting of seven large ctUlVMeS, Is no tet•down. ln most or her Keomet· rlcal color structures she has continued 10 use calculnted nrnnlpulntions to confound the e)'e. In Solstice, where atnLlght and broken rer– u cal bands· and their panly unchanging, port– ly changing colors In– teract, the at1<,nt11•e ei• em be.rq on a Jou.rney along a strongly vlbrnt· In g, CO Ill 11 Ie X l111ear movement oogeLher with an ever-chMglng flow of A graceful rhythmic IIRllll,v keep• the eye de– li~hted and Interested ID H a r m a t I "m , wl1ere s1>11rks fly out, like a ro11n1.atn, from a con• t.rncted centre, and en– g,.ge the eye m a rotat• Ing movement. In the uncentred Fllnl (19771, dlvergeni groupa of parallel •Y•· t.ems are ayncretlsed to give a sparkling rhythm Interplay all over the surface, * ALSO at Ray Hughes, Sydney ar– tist George Balyrk exhibits Intimate works on paper un– der the heading, "Nautical But Nice". llght-color-tempcrnture. And ro they are. An Incandescence Shlpside, have Inspired seems oo emanate lrom the attractive semi•ab· WlthJn the painting so slract UUBKU, t hat one a!Jn05t forgets Ute supportAng canv... Rows or collaged little circles (for rlvet.s>. lr&g• The ',rMd scale glveo mcnt.s of lettering from majesty to the 1pectacle. ships' nl\lDes, and other In her lateat work bit.a ot nauttcal Jma.1ery Dumb re 11 has ahlfted are employed to artlcu· ,i w a y from the eye- late, as well as push stNl.lnlng devlcea or op bl\Ck, the gpread of dell· art and worked wit.11 · Cate, watery greys.
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