Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
A $:?1,000 collec tion of urt worhs which we e bc,1ucathcd to the Queensland Art Gullcry, will he rlls– t>laycd there until Sunday, Th() \\'1,rks. mostlr by All'il rnll111H1, 111"lude oils und wutcrr·olors by Bessie O lbtinn, wntcrcolors by S 1 ·dn('y Long. two s111011 oils by Ollflon Pugh, two Llovd Rees wnt.ercolors n11ri nc wntcrcolor by Blf11111rr Youni;. The cernmlcs indude pieces b~· Onvld nnd J-tcr– nt I a Boyd , Les Blnkebrough, J\•nn Eng– lund, Our! McConnell, A I I e II LOW e , Milton l\toon, Pcicr Trn\'ls nml J(uLhlecn Shltlnm. Mr Brown•; rnu,'cr set– tled In Drlsbnne ln 18GO nnd George wns born In SL Pnul's Trrrncc In July 1002. He died, ""ed 84, ln December 1076. H!s artist brother, Vin– cent, who hns ll\'cd In the U111tccl J<l11 •dc)m for the pn'>t. :m ycurs, hns rc– t urnrd t.o ndminlstcr his broth cr·s estate. T II t: Qt:U:SSI...\SD .:\locfen1 and Con:.~111pn• rar;- D ai1rr Company will hold a dnnce recital al rhe Queensland .\ n GaI– t c r )'. Ann Street on Th ursday, .\lay 10, al I p.m. Tll'o ba.ltet.s, Prlmer- ·sH·E~S A STATUE! BUT IS IT ART? Yes, says David Tickell . 1llusions ond Reality hos be one of the most interesting o rt exhibits to open in Brisbone for some time. T o 1,.. offlcl11II~· opened by the Depu– ty Prc-micr, Mr l\.nox, on M ondny, at 1 hr Q lJeCll'•ln11<1 Art. Gnllery In the !'\1.1 .M. Build ing, IL is Hll CYC·OJ}Cllt'I'. r..tr .John S1 rlni:.:rr. rxcnllf\'C dlrcclor uf t,1)(' Ausl ralinn Art. 1-:::Xhiblrlon Cor– porn 11n11 J..11111tcd clescrJbc<I the 100 or :,n 11\·unt. gnrctc works as brill1! rrprc– sent-1.\1,l\'C of a current, trt•1HI 111 rcHltst fc an in Nori h nnd Sw.'Hh Amcrlt'n nnd nlso Australia. You hnvc 10 ~lop n1HI tnkc a H'1~0,ut, t hird a ml h 111·1h lnok 1n r1,11, mcc yourself thnt the hu~c f"nn,·nsM'S nre JWJitl in~s anti not C' lor plrntogmphs. The J)lll'iMs will l,:O Into l'Rpl lll'f"S O\'er works su h u~ n porirnit of 11 1111uencc_t cnnlbon.r<I box h:1ni;:l 11g ng1, lmn n wnll or nn ('XCCCrlingly hl'cllkf" S10L\JC or your n,·crnge hou!'lew11c. "nlr In Cllrlers wh,h n basket 01 cflrty wi,~hl ng 1111cler her urm. Thnt shr is :-o ,·ny ob, 1011\ ly precnnnt only heighten:, the l'Clllh m. 1 pn.1·tlcu ln.rly likcll Silt'r ,1 Cer tnt'llJ Lost.. - nn obllrpw hox ~llapc 1-,111·• ro1111ded by sti k..... n11t1 rm·,•1·••tl ,,11 11 r hickr n wire. I t. !-.1,unrt-. \\ 11,\ • 11111 , 1>11L you rcnlly ~l10uld ~cc H. The exhibition :,p ns 1hr r:nnrnt or M1bjl'ct.s, objects n11d the ,,ny 1hry nre trcru r d or i tll(ll'J)l'Ctl'1I, :,o th IC Js SC•methint; fnr n il . ..o to I he q 11r:-t ,nn : ·· 1111t 1!1 It nrt ' " m1 ,-,t romc 1hr r,l), iOllh :in, wrr : " F,·– f'ryl hln~ I. n1l, 111 t.Jic r•yc ur 11u: 1111ll– \1 tlual.'1
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