Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

QUUHSLAHD ART GALLERY 1th floor, M.l,M, 8uildln,, UO Ann Stract, Brl1IN1fte, FREE PUBLIC LECTURE MA0£LEINF CHALETTE LfJWA MIii a •hvf'r o lr. 1tiro en JEAN ARP In the Quu111lond Art Gallflry on WIDNISDAY, llth JULY, 1977 ot I .OD P,M. An ,,h1t,11,..n of n101cr .,,.o,k1 '( Jeon l\rp -...111 tie ,hc.,,.n 1n th'! Gollerv from 2Jrd Auou, 1 h.l '3rtl Se-p1cm r Th~ eYh1t- tl?n ho, r en oraan1 rd b,. f. 'lOfle,n~ L"'i""a of Cho eltti ln1trnct1C11'\0I, Nl'w Yori.., ... ltp o l,o pre QrPd the comp1ehen11ve, ...,ell 1th1s.11a1ed c0101ooue 't'Mich ""'II lJe _____ o_vo1lohtc at tt•e lct tur~ _ _____ GALLIRY IXHIJITIONS Pr ,.., Council t>f Au 1,0 110 E.o.li1ti1! ro L, o r,1,.dloncJeor 1'!11 l1rn of P,,0!l"'CHOUII, . Auu,ni,on ~0111111·,Q t,r:n, ColC'n1ol 10 Con1n111 rorv The Ou"t"~,1a~~llc,;-soc1e1v .,,. h,ch no, ,.r~n~ tonll\ con111t utrd t the co1h tit 1111••1J1na !hi! Aro E - tlih1t1tn ,,.. e,., a~~ I\ ,on\lUUl td rn OIOVlt!o \ llUJ')Olf f(Jr Ille ,,.on land ,A., t GnlltH) Jnin !ho Go·IC"' Y S:>ciely, nqulrle.: Hon. Sc!c:., C/• Quern1land Art Galler,, Land swap to seal big city projects STATE Cabinet is expected to approve tomorrow a land exchange deal which will make way for Brisbane's third big public square and aUow work to start on the south bank cultural centre. The deal calls for the State Government to give the Brisbane City Council its old Forestry Department building in Arlfl Street. In return the council would hand over ~•tsh Lane and some surround– Ing lnnd In South Brls• bane to the Government. 'fills would nilow Lhe OovernmenL Lo start work on the foundations and a car park for the $60 million St.ate cultural T.rn 1•• :·t-~l i. 1r t 1, ,T·• 1 •r , 1 · l c:r~e~o~ ~~: J~;,v:u~i~~~ overnment cannot ac epL any unLil It own lsh Lane, a narro horoughfare runnln arailel t,, Peel SLree nd Melbourne Street. Charm school . label SOMEONE once wrote lhal Andrew Wyelh's paintings look as if he had been influenced by bad photography, Ian Grant's Relics, Monu- 111 e n t s and Horizons exhibition al Robin Gib- son's, looks ns if he hasn't been influenced deeply enough by any– one. The recent publlcltl' which nlred G runl's problems - being ronghl over by hungrv deulers, ll demnndlng 11ublic und lhc burdens or being la– belled pnrl of the ll11i11111l11 Chnrm School - makes .-c– vlcwlng this cxhl1Jltlon \!\'en more t oublcsomt!. Cerlnlnly Grnn l dOCsll'I d••– ser·vc. the churm !)chool htl>t'I. Des,,11,· Ills, polcntlnl ,~diocliv,· qnnllty of his sub.Ice I mnl Irr - birds, rocks. 1111d clouds - 1hc•re t u morose nnd hen\'y~ haudt?d, 11ntror111 nnd 1m . s urprising us11ccl or his work t hn t Is dlsllnclly unchnrmlng. I II h is Jmlnllngs of rn lny r,rey lmods, whil'h use II strli, or gruss nt the bottom to ground the socctntor. there f1t a rn t her ,,ni,_::lh.! 8Cnsr ot rorc,– bo<llni;: which encts 1111 bPlni.; t11conscqt1l'1tl lnl, rather thn11 :,,t rung\! or 11wnur l11~. Jn ll11, 1mln1lngs or bh<ls slltln~ rnihcr sllfflJ on gr,•y stone urn:; or nHJ11un11•nt:-i, <l1•cornt1veJy sll'l!Wll with n bit or grel'n Ivy. 1 lltlrc• Is sul'll IIIIIP nttcnl lnn "' "pflinll11{' or l'\'1•11 111\' 1>0Ssihl\l1~• or !:illbllr 11 trb111shln~ !hut tilt' ,11,•orks look ulrnost n111nl1•11rlsh, J•:vcn ll'S."i S:l ll:,(ylng 11r,, 1h1 1 ..1111-IIIP rellch - Aslu n masks, J>rc•Columbtan or Afrlc11n ob• Jt-cls placed selrconsclously ncxl to a pil low, n s tone, or a bar with "gay" blue knotted handkerchiefs. ParL of the fnult of this ex– hlblllon, It seems to me, ls very much Involved with the n I r b r II s h technique. The blurred focus, the complete lnck or spat lal tens :on. lhe metres of bland predlctabl flat areas, the dry barren s ur• l\C'f! or the CU)l\'RSSCS combine lo make the exhlbllion fu ll hccnusc lhc tm11ges are nel- 1 her powerful nor decomllve. Ohvlously not nil a irbrush t·iuwnsscs full. Terrence O'Don– nell nnd John Prou l In Syd• "''l' have hoth used It at limes wlih exqulslfe scnslbllll y, h11L 11nq1w.;11011nbly II Is n dlrrtcult lool lo employ. Caution. Al lh W:o~nN On llery. n ln,, or J hn Pc1er n.nsscn·s wn1er– ro1on; and oils nre on \'lcw. There nrr !:r.C\1crol scc11es from ~outlll'rn tt c,ty tt nd Prnncc \\'IH\rc hr s1w11 t mosL or his 111,•, 1wo port rn Us nn<I two 1t·n1 ,·,•olors r Sydney HnrlJor ll lld ll.O!\£' 11ny. u 11ror11111n11 1 ly. tt ts not 1111 l'Xhlhlllon 11101 ca n show Whlll " bUIH'rb J)ll illlcr Russell wns 111 full fl ight. One senses l.lrnt we ttrt• !;Cring footnotrs, 111c– mc11to1's - i;;trn ps or h is ln l– f'lll But r•w.m In t hese !-iCrn p:.. 1IWrf' 111'1'! J}H!-t.,l\).WS or Sln~lng Ii,, n II I y nn<I cllstlni:ulshcd moods. •ri-un ·s also s lmplP Jny 111 lookln~ nl ihe works of o mr111 who wns n natural 11nln1er. Square The council would de• mollsh the Ann Street' Forestry building and use the land for ltll propo.~ed Cathedral Square proJ• eel. This would be an open pubilc square with an underground car pnrk similar In concept lo the ex I s t Ing King George Squure. Cathedral S11uarc I• slotted tor dcvelopmenL after the Anzac Square project Is llnl•hed, possi– bly by 1979, After Cathedral Square Is completed, Br1sbnne woulcl have three big public open spnce areas. The submission to be put to Cabinet in Towns– vllle tomorrow follows negollatlons between the L an d s Mlnls1cr rMr. Tomklnsl Hild the Lord Mayor r Alderman Slee– man,. QtJF.ENRLA:SD ArL nnllcn· Nhu·AVnn orflcer 1 :\1i-.'"i. nc 1!1111 :\lRcA11ln~·, will ~1,·p R- lccturC" nn rrl11rn1in11 propr.:11111nc1- In nrt 111ucc11111~ In tl1c nC"ltt 0Rll"n-. \\'lrkhnm Tr r- 1omorrow AL 10.:IO