Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
~h1 Courier Mail ugust 1977 ARTIST Lawrence Daw • with one of his larre palntlnrs on dllplaJ at the Philip Bacon raUerles,New Farm, last nlrht. Brlble Jaland became too urban for Da.ws, ao he hu sought the tranqullity of a former pineapple fant1, practically In the ahadowa of tlw GlaaahOUM Mountuna nea.r Beerwah. The South Australian born former geologlat hM lived In Queensland a.lnoe 1970, when he establla.hed hla home on Brlble. He and hla family moved to a farm near Beerwah In 1974. Last night In Brlabane, Mr. Daws, 49, show~d liO paintings and drawings that have come from his aur– roundlnp, anil people who have visited hla Owt Creek farm, Just outside Beerwah. Mr. Daws, who hu paintings In the world'• maJOII' r,Jlerlel, Including London's Tate, baa worlr priced at more than '40,000 on allow at the 111,ilel')' In Arthur Street, New l"aml. All the worka In the exhibition previewed last night, were completed In II dlauaed barn on a chi– cken hatchery a few kilometres from the Daws' home. Mr. Da.wa aald: "I've no atudlo on the farm, so I have this space In the barn tha.t I use as a studio. I'm there from early mornlnr untU dark when I'm pre– paring an exhibition." Appointed a Queenaland Art Gallery trustee In June thla year, he believes Australla.na are still enor– mously Interested In eelng their environment de– picted by artists. "The lntereat In buymg AU5traUan paintings may not be u high u It wu, say, five years ago, but there la still an appreolatlon of the art we are produclnr In this COU11ti,y," he l&ld. The Sunda_y Sun 7 August 1977 art row Shock over a young Brisbane woman's prize– winning artwork is about to rival the Grand Nu-Blue Poles furores combined. The m1&c1&hrt1 dr11wh1(, b)· Judith Uuttnn. wlll hr unveiled to the puhllc a&t the 11177 Hoya&I llrls• hall~ Show on 'l'hurs– day. ""rvln~ knllr Is burled In ht'r head. IMilbltlnn sta&II who h1u•r !'4etn the work suy lhev a&re hnrrlllrd lhal ).Dl;n~ chlldren wlll view II. not there In impui-r nu,ral Issues. ..., .Judith llnllon's othe r drttwlncs llre a." .-ond JAs this Nhe un• douhtedly ha~ ill ,·rr, It""'' tulent:· -<.-'· ' ,.;,, / / It ha&s been 1&w11rdrd llrsl pri.e - 11nd 1200 - In an Jmporh,nt new s.-ctton of the I'htr Aris competition. "II really Is sh:kenln~:· s~ld ~nt UNA r.m• pln,tt'. l'he contntverNha.l dra11·• In~ has won thr. new ~ra&phlc.• ••cllon or th, l'lnr t\rtM co01ptlltlon. -~· ... , :, f f ,_ ' t'"" llcptctNI In the 11111111111cd work Is II nudr. woman. lees sprt11d. slmnl• t,u1enusly slushlnl{ hrr "Nobod)· wlll nrtd • 4:ouplt of puckr.lS of flt.lr ~•no~~ 11nd thrtt. rldrs on the t,rrl!'! wheel to turn lhrlr stnn1ach thl!" y,ar." \tl!CS llntton's motht.r .,.., hllS WUII another nr.w section tor prints. ,, Iler work Is enlllled i'r:-, ---· · ,. / / wrt•t with a r11,.or hla&dl' 111111 usln~ • fln,ccr lo ,-:mu:, out ht'r le fl /\ tar~• l 'hlrl Jud,;-e J\tr n ,111ul Melllsh a,reed lh• work w"s ll f.tr u ., lrnni the stlll llfts 1111d pastor11t scr.nrs mor, f,1111ll lar tu l•:klrn rrowd~. U a II d e I I u 11 !- aud fir.asses. ... , ,./ // ,-1 · ··.-::,,~ I I "Soh1f" pr.oplr will 1111 flouhl rind lllf' ~uhJr.-1 nrnttrr prn,·m·Hth·r or runtrm·rrsll\l," he ~aid, " It b, a vnr~ strmncr 1111t,,. " lllmr, 1 rr. "~ r n r r110r1•ly wllh the dr• r lslcm o r the ,l111Ja:1•, who uwurdrcl II 111,, 1>rlr.r. It is n ,·t•ry wrll 1•~1:1;111,•tl d rirn ln ~. "T hu lmf~1'" h1n ·1• dw:r-1•11 II for lhf• wur11·-. .ir1 h11h· 111,·rl l. \\'r :trr Mrs lluttun, ll wt.II r.stubllshrd Rrlshane 1-Htl!'it, ~ulrl Judith wn~ !'fh:k In ho,plt11I aud not well cnoug·h lo hr lntct'\'lewrd . She u It r ~ f" d hc-t dl.lu ~hter·s i,.t,·Je " horrl• l'l~d" 110111.v peuplr, " 'llu& nw~t youn,:c·r pr,ople lov«" It/' !lhr add1."it. .tudlth . ~tl. rrt·1•11II,\ -.ho\\ l'tl :, <\f'rlf"N ul \\'U l'I, Oil lllllt•nhre• lltc-tllf', lltltllht•f' ur flt'OJlh' o•.,11,r<l out. f '"" I • ~ ,/ I / / in ~~e ~ourier Mail gust 1977 DO you remember the artist's Im– pression or the cultural centre to be buT on 'oiirsoi.1t h river bnnk? It·s greatest lack waa people. It would be a great loca– tion for week-end strolling for families among palntln~s. sculpture, crafts, street-theatre, ethnic dnnclng, rood-stalls. It would complement the more austere proposed theatres and gR.llerles, bringing crowds who would & u re I y appreciate the chance to blend profes– sional wlth people's culture. If London and Paris can welcome "pavement cul– ture" to Its busy streets day and night, surely It's a loss to Brisbane that we don·t do the same. Norma Chalmers, Juliette Street, Greenslopes.
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