Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

r ,c uri er ,•.ai 15 nU U t 1';)77 }T 11·onlcl be a mai - ler of µr,.:it n ·., n t If Ille OJ)!l<J/' llll l y of atldin~ Rrarpw·~ p:, m 1- I11~ "Nudr" ( 1%7-a) Ill Olli' I n rio11a l'Ollt·t:t lon Thl.'i " r ll known \\'•ii k of n rt . \\ 11 11· h I c II r r s prrimmrntl_v .n nll hr, 11:!,, nn raqt:e nnd 111 Im h n11 Cuhl'illl. \i., !tlll)()l'l\llll on ~t\'l'!'UI t,:TOII IHl:-t. Arp art The Queensland Gallery will hold an tx– hlbition of sculpture b1· Jenn Arp from Auguu 23 Lo Septrm ber 2J n t the gallery, 160 Ann St.rect. pl\( '.1 1 n ~1. 1 1, rnrn rnH•11· , 1hr t ,r Il,, i! , 1 ,,11r 1; , • "1 ..- 11 1:;; .tl 1hr ' "ri;.11• fin.111 !! , tll(' Ill I 'h' 1,III ' r c: I llf' "'r(",tl ll' l I t r !lrn1p1 l t l'- ,1 lx:-,1utl1·1J ·•.1.11111·c 111 lrrirn, f."lf H1:u111r , Ill lmr. u: ma ..... ot wr:.:ht P lint Ill,..' .. (lr urh 111ll)Or• t,t" (I ~ire llUl ( ,1 II\' ,t\,t .l· able. l i1,Jd ', . ol 1 Jwr 1v·1 1 r,1.r-. ri'lPS no ;,:·• 1, ,ft:; I hh ; \1'11 f' 11:(1 JlOl 1.r ni,u· t•d ro the m. Ii n\ f-'\ , r, 1! ,:;1 p, 1nri • ll'lii ht1r. 1 be mrt. hr1orc lll'l ran 11r• t·n11~ 1e!r1 Nl. , hrn llh'fl' '\ 0 1i!<t I),, little or 11,,1111n ._ !i :t lor 1t. Tl,r np:mn11 hn. h<'r n u, ,·Nl h:: sn111 Jlt op'(• thn til(' l\;,i J'IJ1ctl ;\rt Cin!!t•ry ~lu,1 1 1:n r·H I r n rat n ,\ us– trn l1n11 a:- on! . T iu~ 'Ut'L Is th~1t lh<' rollrC' 1011 1s \l' ry r,1 h llH!r-rrt. ,11 ,\ 11H r,tl1,m 11r 1 • ;11ir! af!rlulons :11' µ 0- 111: <HI nl! t ll•' l!!llf'. ~u• n publlr an :nu "Ulll " hl"h cont?.m,; only na. t:or :11 nrt co 1lc! be tOlll· JMtt•r. w1· h a p 1hllc Jl1r:iry wlwre on: ,· nnt1m1.~I lltf'r– nturP \,cr"c kcp on the ~llrl\'rs. T h" er~ or mnstrrp!r cc,q t, hl.;h, but. qukkly forgol– wn. I wrll rcmen•bcr the ou t– crlrs ow•r tlu• H1:hrn c1 ft of I'1r11: f!; 1 0 the Quccns:nnd t\:-t iall ry. Prop:~ at 1hc llllH' C\Cll 111uc!e Lhr lncrcd!blc !'IUg– ~cstlon that ··La ncllc" 011:::i1L 10 be sold to buy Ati~lrnlinn :uL f r the ntoncy. The \'Hltlr of "Ln Belle'' hns incrrn.sc< I to n11 n. - trnnomicnl fi gure, whk h is rcall:: besides the polnL, ns \\ Orks of art, ca n not. be mr:1s11 rect In mnteriallstic tcrrn:;;. If there nre nnr pco11le who wero not 1ntpl'cssed by the c,hlblt!on from the i'\,ltionttl Coilertion, shown Inst, yrnr In our c·npital clties, it Is just too bacl. A fine slar hns been m"dc. Please leL us keep up the ~tn nclard of excellence. - Grrtrudc- Langer, urt. historian and critic, presi– dent Jnte:rnallonal As~ocl– atlon or Art Critics (Aus– tritllan Jlivlslon). ~1lJ[[t l!'.iL ANI) ART C,.\.ll [I Y CONSERVATOR A. ! I 1t,•, • 11 l wf1 +' ur 1 • •'\I H.J' •~•rit ,., ,li' ~ 1 , ,, 1 1 1 i, , rl , 1·11•11•111, Ht1A / 7 • 1 I I 1•t 1, 1,, ,, •, l,•1•h •t, , 1• 1l, ,,, r , •H~ q ,1uhln u1 1\ 1h, ,,. 1 ., ,.., , , ,. • '/·I , .,,, •"'"' I Ill I lur ,, ,.,.,.!J ''•P it'\ 11/ tj•,111n in,u• •! •1, "',. I , ~ I '• 1, •'\ ~l1<1ul I t •• f.11 ...,tlrtl,•tl I l!,1 "I' lrt,I, II Off+ ,., Deportment of t he Publ ir. Se rv ic e Board