Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
• • • • • Where there's art there's Hope OVER 200 artists. gallery owners and art lovers u11cndcd the poolside champagne opening of the Hope Gallery at Paradise Point. T he gallery. Ji.:i:uratc<l in Au~1ralian rnm:h ,tylc, i~ ~et among gum tree~ in Pinc Ridge Rd. It is the home cum gallcr} ol Rlln and Belly llupc. Dirc(;tt1r of the Qucl!m,lant.l r\rt Gallery. Raoul Mellish. ,,lliciall y 11pcncd thL' gallery. Among tlm~c whti attcmkd "l'rc Surfer!'! l'arndh--1.· gallery O\\ ncr. Juhn Conpcr. ,111d painters. John Gu y. T~111y Schcelhccl.. R""a Leonard and d'Arcy Duyle all ,if the Guld C la, t. Brbbanc painters l"om McAulay. l)\1rothy Coleman nnd Ken Farrow al~o .1111.•mkd. Mr Mope snid the gallery will sell and display high 41ial it)' paintings by both Goll.I Con~1and 111tcrStall' artisb. " The painting, will be for popular appeal while hcing ol high quality at the .!!RIIIC time:· he sail.I. " We :ilready haw many early Aus– trnlian painting~ and h11pc to keep up a , npply of them."
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