Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1981 BLAND FORD QALLIRV: 1Cnr. Rnvmond 1"1<1 11nd R?1rt r~~:.:•~F d~~ 0~{ 1 P1r~JJ. :. 1 ~~~ 5 p,m .; Thun, 10 a,m.•8 p.i~.ORTH • RIIBAHI COL.• Ll!CE OF ADVANCED • DU· CATION1 IKndron P,lrk Hd, I.IIIW~t.lLI}\ l'Plur t.ow ·, OIC:h• ~~.V;~;. . drx.rg~ ,~~~rl Jn~ ~~?!'5 p.l?~·ouNC MAST • RS QAL· LERY: I Uasrmcnl. Arlab;rne / \rr.ad <>. 1110 Quern ~1. t:11, 1 Cshthlflon or 1r,u1111ona1 ntl JMlll ll01Jn1 1 ,ud. Mn~~;.rl fi:' QAL· Ll!RY: •(, SI) Work., II\' Ull• SatJIJ ;;.,m,•fio'w 1 ~1AN GAL· LIRIIS: 16 Lclchl111rdt SI, ~r:::: 0 ~~~\',! ~t:t,~:~. 'M~~·"'!~'a sun. 10 .1 m.-5 p,m. Mon-Frl. 10 a.m.- 4 1,.m. PH I LIP BACON CAL· LIRlll1 (:l /\rlhur SI, New Farm ). 1:xhlhlllon bv W/1111•· le.)• and Rowell, Tuu:sun. JO a m.-r,..so 11.111. THI ,ioTT • R'S QALLIIIYI '6 Lclchhllrdt SI.. Spring 11111) . Pnlll'lry by m11mbers. Sal It :i.m.•5 p,m. sun. ~ p,m.-5 p,m., TUH,•f-'rl. 10 11,m ,••' fl,m, A srlec1 Ion or 14 West– ern Anslrnlinn crofts will Ip cllsphiyrct in Iho 1ww Qu r nsluncl Art G a llery lo be Ofl~llcd rwxt. rear. The- selector~. fon1wr er Crafts JJon rcl or Au,,,lrnlln chnirnmn nnd J)l'l\t'I Icing ,IC'\\'t llf 1 1', Dn I'· 11111 Lr wr r:;, J•·I f Shu\\'. hrncl or the 1<rlv1 11 Orm·r Cullrj!r C 1'1•n t 1\ • nnd Pf'l'fUl'llll!I(? fll'IS dr· 1mr11m•nt. ,Joamrn Sln lcr, :t<l\'l .... o r in l<':-! l llps ,,11(1 n l'tllnn i\l11(·:\111"'· frnm 111,, Q11cr nsl:rncl Art Cini• h•Q'. !-prn t two da,·s \'i, 1 \\'illf! l'l'ilft 111rl \'i:-.11 • illl! g:1llf'l'II'~ nncl 11r1\·:111• IHlllll'S of \VA IT:l ll:i111,·n \\'111 k.., h\' l('\\'t•llt•r"I D:i \'lei r 1 lkirk, i\111 I'· f.!lllt n BPl'll~tt•lns und D,1 \ icl Wnlkrr, t•1·,,m11•i,., IJ,\.' Jo.1t1 11111ph1 I!. 1'1111· 1{\~11•k." 11 . 1\~1 1 !:i• .,ut,\ 1 ~1\ 1 ,~ 11 ,n• f'1•ow,, n11rl flint• Wlll'k!-o In· L~·11 \\'11rl11u. 13, I,\ POl'tf\f', Rlll!-ot!' C'!II', El., lt• f{IJlj! II IHI I{:1 1·1•11 i\11'1{;\\' w, ,, f' l'ho,,•11 fn1· 1111' 1n11r!'111 11 1tl'\' r 1'11lt· l'~hlblt111r1. - PAL.MA ROIA GALLIRY1 IQ tJurnn, lit'\, 11,imll\on). Au1trrill1n /\tlllll, Sun. ~ p,r~-o~•·•t • AD ART GAL· ~::.l~b11)~SJ,.n'J. 1 S~1Z 1 ~ 0 n~ k 1 ~1 /11'1 O!fhlblllon 111 11,m ,• '"1 11.1n. ~~l~ry d11y f!XCOl'II Thur. and C "E Q O AV T • RRAC • GALL • AV: (327 Grenury ·~.~f,~i 1 ~3· po 5 r~~1~?11. ·~w )pn1 1 ,~r1~i~ nnd Wi'IIP.rcnlori b1• Daphne Taylor Mon- 1=r1 10 ,1.m. 0 5 1 " "i;oLL. AND TOY MU• S • UN: (401 LUl"""YC'hr lid .. w1n11Aorl ovu noo(J arllclu o( chllllhootl 011 dhplu\', Pllfl• pot 11huw •,,1 2 p.m. Sat-Sun 11 a,IH,••l ri.m . IIAY HUGH • S OALLIAVI ~ 1 J If~~Rfj~\ T~~· ;~1 1'i'~,r~',\~l, ¥~1;1.1~~~~ l f'!~~~-g 6 pl,1/ 1~~ Sal, PRINTMAK • RI CA AND WORKSHOP1 I l~~~P." T:1irp. •~t~l 2 ..10 p.m.•4,SO p.m.: 10 ·ij 0 A"e1 • -:l~ P·&1Aau • TT • 1 ( 150 Hl1CflCOUrsll Hil., i\:\COI I Mlxrd cxhlblllon of Wl11l'r• ~~~~jit;,~~~lil~."kJr.~· &1.11in~~J~:' Mon •FII h> c1.m.•Noon. X-rays show a painted mystery The Princess Al xan,ka Hospital X-ray tlcpnrt111e11 t h, s uncovered a my!.tery in a valuable 15th century p a intin~ acquired last year by the Q u eens• land Art Gallery. 0 1,IJcrr c~pr r l•, 11r • p11:~::h.:d b\' X -r:t~·~ on the p,1111 t1n~ '"\ "1n·1 n :a nd Child \\·1t h SL .r11111, ~ t ill' P IIL'r !tn, St.. Cat hel'lllL' nncl Llic n n11<1r wn h S PetC'r" br l•he NL 1 llwrla11tJ.:,h art1:;l krw w11 only llS tlH• :O. la.,11·r ot Pr,\111-.– !urt. Qu cnc;J,HHI Arl Gull<'ry c1 J)lll,y tllrcctor , ~ r Rnshr-11 i-:.,~rr1H'l11, snid the X-ray rlcnrly :-110\\'Cd the fl t(.:lll'C or a wo,111,11 In 11 ,,,;,hu,\'I in th{' same ptlloillJOn :lS t.hc '-;" Ult,.'d 111:111 Id onor J in the pn ln t1 11g, Mr Kcrrison with executive director of the Quccn,lond Art Gallery Found– ation, Sir David Longlond. It ul•,o sh WL·d a chalice In the l1a1H.l uf St Pt.:tL·l' mi-.Lc11d 1Jf n. key. In the 0111111lsslunc<I 1:i111llngs or llw crn 1t wns ~111 11rlnrtJ pructh.:c to lnelml(• the <.·11rn11il':)hlnn •r of LIie p,1ll1tlll · tdcu1orJ 111 the work, he t llld . !-,n IL se<'mccl I he <Inn or was n ,,·rnnn n 1111d tlint. was t.hc source or l hc 111y LC•ry. " It'• tlrl!Jkrl.1' thnt Oll)'OIIC will rrer knuw wliy the Master or Fr:111k lurl mu<lc the chunges,'' Mr K •rrlson sa!<l. "The most llkcly cxplannl1on is thn.t the \\'f'IIIJlln ellhcr died or dls– :'\PJ~n rr d hcforL• tl1r: pnln t.l ng was completed. "l3ut 1l1r rc is no doubt aboul the n11thcntk11y of 111~ pnl111111c. The :\·1:tfitcr uf F ran kfurt made the l'llllll);t',L;.''