Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

II ABOVE: "Eight Noble Horses" l!Y Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castlglloiie) 1688-1766. Caslfg– llone was one of the rno.. t unusual !lgures In 18th century China. He arrived In Peking, where he was to spend tlie remainder of his life, In 1715 as a Jesuit missionary but his claim to fame Is not as a successful emissary for the Cllhollc church but as a painter at the court of the Emperor of China. Chinese painting founded LEFT: "Thatched Hut by a Stream" by Wen Zhengmlng (1470-1559). The handscroll depicts the leisurely Ille of the scholar-gentry class living in retirement. Two scholars talk in a thatc~ed house while servants prepare tea. Another scholar has just arrived by boat and approaches the house, followed by a servant. ABOVE: "Pomegranates Hollyhocks and Cock" by Lu Ji (15th century). A rroud and colorful cockerel acts as the foca point for this decorative painting In a style so favored in the conservative academic traditions of the Ming court. Lu Ji was a native of Ningpo in Zhejiang province who studied with another famous bird and flower painter, Blan wenJin. ~". :·-. ~ •• --1•••• d I " Ii fo WI 0 1 n• ~, fl 1h ()i lit nu 1h nl n: 111 d\' ,, /I n., I 1 IIH v· nn Ill al. r.,, le pi cl, dr r~ lv '" jll' I,· II lo l' ( 11, I h I I, Iii Ill I ll II