Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
Queensland Art Gallery ~lh tluor MIM Burldrng 160 Ann Stu~ut Bri~b,trH! l e lephone (01) 129 'J IJ8 E .... C.,.(lettlrl), Tuud,r/ 2 Juno 11 12.30 p "'· Wootev Hill o,·..,:c,r ol""AnCW.Vol N.S.W. ond 1 c,ia1,nvuithed Orilintll tchd•. Mr Capon w,n dl1r.uH ChineMl P1in11ng1 ot the Ming 1nd 0 1ng 0ynHIIH. FrH F111w11kl Dls,l•f ..... ,,.,.. ...... ,. On lhe ,I_ bri In ~ont ol the O.-olond Cul1urel c..,1,1, the tount11n IKil of Vctarll Br,dgll. IHI vie*ld trorn North Our,. Gallery Hour s Mom1.1y lo S11lu1clay 10 00 am \ 00 pm Fr 1r~.1 1 \(1QO am ~ O(l pm '"'''"'" !OOpm \ Ul!pm It's 'untouchable' art By CINDY LORD Mr Xu Zonglln and Mr Al Zlsao, curators of the Im– perial Palace MuHum In Pek• Ing are watching over a die– play of six centuries of Chinese art history while It la In Australia. They are the only people nllowed t.o touch the collection of Chinese 11nlntlngs, conservatively mlued nt S50 mllllon, which arrived In B ris– bane this week. "Trensures or Lhe Forbidden CIL~•" will go on display Lo the public on June 2 nt the Queensland Art G ,1- lery for seven weeks. Jt Is the first time lhe 100 dellcn te scrolls have left China. . Mr Xu. left, Mr Al, and Nntionnl Gallery of Victorin Asian nrt cura– Lor, Dr Mae Anno Pung. who nlso Is nccompanylng the exhibition, nrc pictured studying one or Lhe paint– ings. Their task during Lhe Lour will be to keep dnlly checks on the condi– tion or Lhe works, Before arriving in Brisbone the exhibition wns In Sydner for five weeks nnd more Lhnn 80,000 people sa.w Lhe pnlnllngs, The curnlors said most core hnd to be taken In rolling the scrolls with the right tension. If rolled too loose Lhe scrolls could crense. If rolled too tight, the painting sur– face could be dnmaged. Mr Al nnd Mr Xu hnvc 20 yenrs' experience 1n looking nrter the col– lection. They use the same skills that were UEcd in previous centuries to preserve lhe palnt.lngs. The paint.Ing ls done on long– fibred paper which Inter ls mou1•,tccl on lnycrs or sllk nnd paper. The process can take years. The collcctlon on dls1ilay In Aus– trnlla wns remounted just before It lclt Chinn. The bock or the scroll Is poilshcd with n stone u11tll It Is smooth enough not Lo dnmngc the painting when It Is rolled. Roiling of the painting helps to preserve It.
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