Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981
' ·The S50 million Chinese art exhibition "Treasures of the Forbidden City," wnlch opens at the Queensland Art Gallery today was a coup for Australta, Dr Edmund Capon said yes– terday. Dr Capon, the New South Wale~ Art 0Rllery director, said: "The fact that the exhibition has been allowed outside China, and wlll be shown nnly In Australla. Is a significant ln– dlcallon of the relationship between the two countries. American and Eu– ropean .galleries have been politely told 'no'," Dr Capon spoke at the Queensland Art Oallery as cnrpenters used noisy staple guns to complete Oriental de– cor which wlll add atmo.1phere to the · rare paintings. Because of the effect of llght on lhe Ink paintings on rice paper and silk, most wlll be "rested" for two to three years when they go back to China at the end of their 12-month Australian tour. The exhibition, which continues at the gallery In the MIM building In Ann Street untll July 19, was offlcll,l· ly opened by Dr Capon Inst night. It goes on public view today, The too priceless paintings ·.: , . Chinese traditional art from the 14th century to the 2oth, with the most re– cent painted In 1943, Dr Capon said the Chinese agreed to allow the scroll paintings out of their museums for the flnt time be· Art shoW ' a coup for , us cause of the tremendous success of an archaeological exhibition which toured most capitals (excluding Brta– banel In 1977. He said negotiations had begun when he arrived In Sydney In 19'18 to take up his appointment at the New South Wales Gallery. The selected paintings from 12 mu– seums concentrated on showing the enduring theme or the landscape In Chinese painting traditions, and the continuing expreuton of man's rela• tlonahlp with nature, Dr Capon said. Australians, with their background of European art traditions, were aur, prised by the "blandness'' of the Chi· nese art, he said. The Chinese had strict traditions about their art, and any overt expression by the lndivld• ual artist would be considered vulpr.
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