Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 8 : Pressclippings, 1977-1981

JUNE 7, 1981 the arts SO much hos been w r i t t e n of the "Treosures of the F o r b i d d e n City" c x h i L i t i o ., thot further words of wonder and adulo– tion can scarcely avoid being exer– cises in tautology. I l must Sll l'ely hr a g reed thnt the 100 pieces of Chinese nrt r the ~,ling nncl QI r cl)'· ne.st lcs, cm·erlnp n l'C'l"h'd or c\'cn entur!c.,. m,\\ on show In ,he Qu t'll'• - lnnrt An Gnllcrr , Io,O Ann ~ trr.rt 1. I~ nmoni;: th1,; m ~t sun1111a t111c and J.,; crrt nmly 1he most 1111- !l rt,1111 collccllon II hns been Brlsb. n ·s pn,·1lrgC' letunlar, .. IOINI Chinese art tour begins in Q/d Firework displays and celebrations 11 1he site or Brisbanr,'s new cullural cenue and in 1he Chy Plaza are planned 10 launch a "Treasures of the Forbidden City" ex– hibition or Chinese p1in– lin1s. Brisbane's Chinese com!11.unily w_lll actively paruc1p1te in evem, related 10 the travelling show which opens 11 the Queensland Art Oallery, M.I.M. Buildina, Ann Sueet, on June 2, and continues until July 19. Chinese museum of• ficials from Peklna have already visited Brisbane to discuss 1011r arran1ements for the 100 art objects not previously seen oulSide their own country. Pain• tinp renec1 China's art history from the early Mins dynasty tci the days or the People's Republic, spanning 600 years. The exhibition represents the firs! major International cultural ex– chanae manaaed by the lntema1ional Cullural Corporation of Aumalia Limiled; an art body laun– ched by the Federal Oovemmenl. The B.H.P. company is IPC)IIIOlllls 11111 lllllbfdoa whlcll ii Yllulcl ll more lban S,O millloD. Worb llaw b1e11 ...... .,....:aa.i– ........ IIPICilllJ ,,_ i.- Oueoa, In hldq'. Palllllnp renec1 1he con- 1lnuous theme of land– scape in the tradilion of oriental ar1 and 1he conti• nuln1 expression of the relationship or man to nature. The exhibition will lravel to the art pllerles or South Australia and Western Australia and to the National Oallery or Victoria before its return to China. PAMELA KINO. . reviewed by FREDERIC ROGERS Chinese art sings with 'frozen music' Out there Is an ns1>cct or 1he showing lhal mlcht wrll be considered. p11rt1cula rly by mus!cln11:; :intl lllUS!C-10\'Crs who WIii \'\Sil It. II S•) hnppei:cd lhllt till' rl •st pieces I t~xam– !11 cl were by nrLls·,., who ,1 re l'Ontempornrlcs or Uacl!. or whi.t wns pre. ntccl to the e~·c with wlrnt wns \·ery rum llior to the cnr nnct mind. Thn t comp rison or nn En., tern nrt ,•·I th 11 ,111- ferc11 t. \Vc:-.t rrn art or tile sn me pcrk>d ma~·. per– hup.. be dl.smlsscd as nn c:.erclse or ns lltllc relc– \'l\ncr or vn \ue t nt – temptlnu to compare the rel•1 h·c mcrlls or n grape and :t pineapple, but ll wns nn .n,cre~t.1111; nnct thoughL-prU\'1,klng. cx– j)Cl'lencc. \Vhnl ,,·1\s lrnppenlng In Wes ern mu~I • \\'hen. for c,·nmp!('. \Vanµ LI \\'3S pn1111ing hi " L!ind– ~rnpt'!i, nf t-hH1 ,hnn'• 11, the mlctdlc 1:ioosi John of l·'nrnst•10 laid wrillcn his 1111, h-ln -the– pnn "Summer 1s 1cun un .n" n r~ntur~· cnltcr bul. there Is Ill le to be re- 111 mbcrccl from the mid - 1~00s! T lrnl Is the SO\'l or qAm I commend to mu– :,k•n worc \'l~ltor.s LO the QAO. Th c pnlntlng.i.. a1·c, :, pnrt ll'f"ll\1 the technic1ll ,1:111 which wfll nnrn.ze. simply ,111,tng wl1h "fro• .:en 111u.:,lc."